Letter Grade definition

Letter Grade means an index of the performance of students in a course. Grades are allotted by letters E, A, B, C, D, P and F.
Letter Grade in a course means a letter symbol (S,A,B,C,D, etc.) which indicates the broad level of performance of a student in a course.
Letter Grade. A-F option required.) (10%) 1.

Examples of Letter Grade in a sentence

  • Letter Grade: It is an index of the performance of students in a said course.

  • Candidates will have to furnish certificate from the concerned University/Institute regarding the equivalent aggregate percentage of marks with reference to their CGPA/OGPA or Letter Grade at the time of document verification failing which their candidature will not be considered.

  • Wherever CGPA/OGPA/DGPA or Letter Grade in a degree / diploma is awarded, its equivalent percentage of marks must be indicated in the application form as per norms adopted by University / Institute.

  • A student earns Grade Point (GP) in each Subject/Course, on the basis of the Letter Grade obtained by him in that Subject/Course (excluding Mandatory non-credit Courses).

  • A Letter Grade does not imply any specific Marks percentage and it will be the range of marks percentage.

  • Crosswalk of SC Numerical Scores and the FAR Part 16 Adjectival Rating System Adjustment to the Letter Grade and/or Performance-Based Fee Determination:The lack of performance objectives and notable outcomes in this plan does not diminish the need to comply with minimum contractual requirements.

  • A student earns Grade Point (GP) in each Course, on the basis of the Letter Grade obtained by him in that Course (excluding Mandatory non-credit Courses).

  • A student earns Grade Point (GP) in each Subject/ Course, on the basis of the Letter Grade obtained by him in that Subject/ Course.

  • Sited within a school district with a Performance Index Letter Grade of “B” or higher (subcategory within the Achievement Component).

  • Wherever CGPA/OGPA or Letter Grade is awarded in the Class XII/ ITI (Fitter)/Degree/Diploma examinations, its equivalent aggregate percentage of marks must be indicated in the On-line Application as per the norms adopted by Board/University/Institute.

More Definitions of Letter Grade

Letter Grade. Percentage (mandatory): Criteria Comments Choice of research topic Structure: focus, relevance, coherence, argumentation and logic Analysis: depth and development of discussion Research: adequacy of research design and execution, consistency of interpretation Bibliography and ability to incorporate research data Presentation: writing, expression, style, coherence and unity, grammar, spelling, punctuation Overall Assessment Comments: Date: Signature:
Letter Grade means a grade of A, B, C, D or F.
Letter Grade means an index of the performance of students in a said course. Grades are denoted by letters O, A+, A, B+, B, C, D; the decreasing order of performance;

Related to Letter Grade

  • Passing grade means work of such character that credit would be entered on the records were the semester to close at that time.

  • Highest adjacent grade means the highest natural elevation of the ground surface prior to construction next to the proposed walls of a structure.

  • Finished grade means the approved elevation of ground surface of lands upon which fill has been placed in accordance with this By-law;

  • Highest Adjacent Grade (HAG means the highest natural elevation of the ground surface, prior to construction, immediately next to the proposed walls of the structure.

  • Pay grade means the monthly salary applicable to class titles of service personnel;

  • Existing grade means the grade before grading.

  • Lowest Adjacent Grade (LAG means the elevation of the ground, sidewalk or patio slab immediately next to the building, or deck support, after completion of the building.

  • Highest Rating Category means, with respect to an Eligible Investment, that the Eligible Investment is rated by S&P or Moody’s in the highest rating given by that rating agency for that general category of security. By way of example, the Highest Rating Category for tax-exempt municipal debt established by S&P is “A-1+” for debt with a term of one year or less and “AAA” for a term greater than one year, with corresponding ratings by Moody’s of “MIG-1” (for fixed rate) or “VMIG-1” (for variable rate) for three months or less and “Aaa” for greater than three months. If at any time (a) the Bonds are not rated, (b) both S&P and Moody’s rate an Eligible Investment and (c) one of those ratings is below the Highest Rating Category, then such Eligible Investment will, nevertheless, be deemed to be rated in the Highest Rating Category if the lower rating is no more than one rating category below the highest rating category of that rating agency. For example, an Investment rated “AAA” by S&P and “Aa3” by Xxxxx’x is rated in the Highest Rating Category. If, however, the lower rating is more than one full rating category below the Highest Rating Category of that rating agency, then the Eligible Investment will be deemed to be rated below the Highest Rating Category. For example, an Eligible Investment rated “AAA” by S&P and “A1” by Xxxxx’x is not rated in the Highest Rating Category.

  • Investment Grade means a rating of Baa3 or better by Moody’s (or its equivalent under any successor rating categories of Moody’s); a rating of BBB- or better by S&P (or its equivalent under any successor rating categories of S&P); and the equivalent investment grade credit rating from any additional Rating Agency or Rating Agencies selected by the Company.

  • Investment Grade Credit Rating means (a) with respect to Fitch, a credit rating of BBB- or higher, (b) with respect to Xxxxx’x, a credit rating of Baa3 or higher and (c) with respect to S&P, a credit rating of BBB- or higher.

  • S&P Rating means, at any time, the rating issued by S&P and then in effect with respect to the Borrower’s senior unsecured long-term public debt securities without third-party credit enhancement (it being understood that if the Borrower does not have any outstanding debt securities of the type described above but has an indicative rating from S&P for debt securities of such type, then such indicative rating shall be used for determining the “S&P Rating”).

  • Initial Rating With respect to the Secured Notes, the rating or ratings, if any, indicated in Section 2.3.

  • Established Grade means that grade established by the City for the particular area in which a sidewalk is to be constructed.

  • Risk Rating means, with respect to any Loan at any time, if such Loan is at such time (i) rated by both S&P and Moody’s, the lower of such ratings, (ii) rated by either S&P or Moody’s, such rating or (iii) not rated by either S&P or Moody’s, the rating determined by the Servicer’s risk rating model.

  • approved rating means, for a security, a rating at or above one of the following rating categories issued by an approved rating organization for the security or a rating category that replaces a category listed below:

  • Xxxxx’x Rating means, at any time, the rating issued by Xxxxx’x and then in effect with respect to the Borrower’s senior unsecured long-term debt securities without third-party credit enhancement.

  • Credit Rating means, with respect to any entity, the rating then assigned to such entity’s unsecured, senior long-term debt obligations (not supported by third party credit enhancements) or if such entity does not have a rating for its senior unsecured long-term debt, then the rating then assigned to such entity as an issuer rating by S&P, Moody’s or any other rating agency agreed by the Parties as set forth in the Cover Sheet.

  • Minimum Rating means a minimum senior unsecured debt rating (or, if unavailable, corporate or issuer rating) as defined in Section 5.4(a).

  • Rating Category means one of the generic rating categories of any Rating Agency without regard to any refinement or gradation of such rating by a numerical modifier or otherwise.

  • Rating means the operating limits as specified by the component manufacturer.