Index Description definition

Index Description means in relation to a Benchmark the full and definitive rules of the Benchmark which will be made available to stakeholders upon request and, if applicable, subject to confidentiality or other agreements between UniCredit Bank AG and the relevant party.
Index Description means any description of an Index as set out in the 2006 ISDA Inflation Derivatives Definitions, published by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc., as amended up to and including the date of the applicable Final Terms.
Index Description means the Description of the Index (as amended from time to time) as amended by the Index Supplement, as set out in Annex 1 (Index Description) to these Conditions.

Examples of Index Description in a sentence

  • The Index Calculation Agent shall decide in its reasonable discretion (billiges Ermessen) (§ 315 BGB) whether this is the case and which deviations from or amendments of the Index Description are required.

  • In that case, the Index Calculation Agent may deviate from or amend the Index Description.

  • Although when calculating the Index the Index Calculation Agent intends to adhere to the Index Description from the Index Commencement Date on, it cannot be ruled out that tax, regulatory, statutory, economic or other circumstances may require subsequent deviation from or amendments to the Index Description so as to ensure that the purpose of the Index can be continued to be achieved to the largest extent possible.

  • The description of the relevant Reference Strategy Index (the "Index Description") sets out the method for calculating, fixing and publishing the price of the Reference Strategy Index (the "Index Concept") and defines the framework, within which the Reference Portfolio Manager has a significant degree of discretion, i.e. the Reference Portfolio Manager is solely responsible for deciding upon the composition of the Reference Portfolio and the weighting of its components.

  • There are no judgements made by management in the application of the AustralianAccounting Standard that have a significant effect on the financial report or estimates with a significant risk of material adjustment in the next year.

More Definitions of Index Description

Index Description means, in respect of an Index, the Base Terms Module, the Asset Terms Module and the Index Terms Module relevant to such Index.
Index Description means this document which describes the Index.
Index Description means in relation to a Series the description of the Index relating to such Series set out in the Schedule to these Conditions.
Index Description means the Description of the Index, as amended by the Index Sponsor from time to time, the current version of which is set out in the Appendix (Index Description) to this Annex.
Index Description means the Index Description attached to the Terms and Conditions as Annex 1 which forms part of the Terms and Conditions.
Index Description means the description of the Index as set out in Schedule 2 – Index Description below;
Index Description means the description of the Index as set out in the DB Asian Convergence Indices Description.