Index Number definition

Index Number means the Consumer Price Index (Sydney all groups) published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics from time to time.
Index Number. , in relation to a quarter, means the All Groups Consumer Price Index number, being the weighted average of the 8 capital cities, published by the Australian Statistician in respect of that quarter;

Examples of Index Number in a sentence

  • The Office of the State Comptroller produces an annual report of "Disbursements by Federal Index Number and Major Object." This report is the source document of the State's Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards and as such is subject to audit under the Single Audit Act.

More Definitions of Index Number

Index Number means the Consumer Price Index - All groups for Brisbane, published from time to time by the Australian Bureau of Statistics or where suspended or discontinued a comparable index nominated by the President of the Queensland Law Society. Input Tax Credit has the meaning given to that term by the GST Law.
Index Number means the published value of the Index. The Index Number on any specified date is the closing value on the previous trading day associated with the Index. If the Index Number is not published on any day for which a calculation is made, the first preceding published Index Number will be used. The Initial Premium amount plus any Premium Bonus allocated to this Account will be assigned an Initial Index Number which is shown on the Specification section of this Endorsement. Participation Rate is the percentage of the Index Increase which will be recognized in calculating the Index Value. The Participation Rate is declared at issue and guaranteed for one year. The Participation Rate for future durations will be declared on each Contract Anniversary and is guaranteed for the following Contract Year. The minimum Participation Rate is shown on Specification section of this Endorsement. Account Accumulation Value
Index Number means the published value of the Index. The Index Number on any specified date is the closing value on the previous trading day associated with the Index. If the Index Number is not published on any day for which a calculation is made, the first preceding published Index Number will be used. The Initial Premium amount plus any Premium Bonus allocated to this Account will be assigned an Initial Index Number which is shown in the Specifications section of this Endorsement. Account Accumulation Value
Index Number means the Consumer Price Index published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, or if the calculation of the Consumer Price Index ceases, such other index published at the relevant time which, in the opinion of the Churchwardens, reflects changes in the cost of living in Sydney.
Index Number means the value of the Index. It excludes any dividends that may be paid by the firms that comprise the Index. Indexing Period means the period over which the Index Cap is guaranteed and the Index Credit is calculated. The Initial Premium is the payment made by you to us to put this Contract into effect. An Irrevocable Beneficiary is a Beneficiary whose rights and interests under this Contract cannot be changed without his, her or its consent. A Joint Owner is an individual who, along with another individual Owner, is entitled to exercise the rights incident to ownership. Both Joint Owners must agree to any change or the exercise of any rights under the Contract. The Joint Owner may not be an entity and may not be named if the Owner is an entity. The Joint Owner, if any, on the Contract Date is shown on the first page of this Contract. See Section 3.2 for additional details Maturity Date means the date shown on the first page of this Contract. As long as this Contract is still in force on the Maturity Date, the Proceeds are used to determine the amount paid under the Annuity Plan chosen. The Maturity Date shall be the Contract Anniversary following the oldest Annuitant's attainment of age 85.
Index Number means the value of the Index. It excludes any dividends that may be paid by the firms that comprise the Index.
Index Number. , in relation to a quarter, means the number for that quarter appearing in the Consumer Price Index (All Groups Index) for Sydney published by the Australian Statistician under the Census and Statistics Act 1905 of the Commonwealth.