Expansion Space-A Delivery Date definition

Expansion Space-A Delivery Date means the date upon which the Expansion Space-A Delivery Date Conditions have been fully completed.
Expansion Space-A Delivery Date means, and Landlord has delivered possession of Expansion Space A to Tenant for occupancy upon, May 8, 2014 and, upon such delivery, Expansion Space A became a part of the Premises. Retroactively as of the Expansion Space A Delivery Date, all the conditions and covenants of the Lease, as amended, shall apply, and Tenant shall observe and perform all conditions and covenants of the Lease, as amended, including all that are specified to apply during the Term (for example only, Tenant’s insurance and indemnification obligations), except as otherwise expressly provided in this Amendment. During the period from the Expansion Space A Delivery Date until the Expansion Space A Commencement Date (as defined below), in recognition of Tenant’s construction and installations in, and preparation of, Expansion Space A for the use and occupancy permitted by the Lease, as amended, Tenant shall not be obligated to pay, solely with respect to Expansion Space A, Monthly Base Rent, Rent Adjustment Deposits or Rent Adjustments. The Expansion Space A Commencement Date shall mean, and Tenant’s obligation to pay rent with respect to Expansion Space A shall commence, on the earlier to occur of (A) August 6, 2014, and (B) the date that Tenant commences its business operations in Expansion Space A. The Term of this lease of Expansion Space A (the “Space A Term”) shall continue until the Expiration Date of the Term of the Existing Lease of the Existing Premises. Within thirty (30) days after request by Landlord, Tenant and Landlord shall enter into an agreement (which is attached hereto as Exhibit C). If Tenant fails to enter into such agreement, then the Expansion Space A Commencement Date shall be the date designated by Landlord in such agreement.

Related to Expansion Space-A Delivery Date

  • Expansion Space means any space in the Building which, at any time during the Lease Term, is occupied by a Person other than Landlord under a written lease with Landlord, and the term “Tenant’s Expansion Space” means Expansion Space which Tenant has elected to lease as provided in this paragraph. Landlord agrees to notify Tenant promptly after Landlord learns that any Expansion Space is or will become available. Subject to the prior rights of other tenants to whom Landlord has granted substantially similar rights, Tenant has the option to lease any Expansion Space which Landlord notifies Tenant is or will become available. If Tenant gives Landlord notice of its exercise of this option within thirty (30) days after notification from Landlord of the availability of the Expansion Space and if no Event of Default exists when Tenant’s notice is given, this Lease will be deemed to be amended to include Tenant’s Expansion Space as part of the Premises for the remainder of the Lease Term upon all of the same terms contained in this Lease except that (i) the Rentable Area of the Premises will be amended to include Tenant’s Expansion Space; (ii) Tenant’s Share will be increased to include the rentable area of Tenant’s Expansion Space; (iii) the Term Commencement Date with respect to Tenant’s Expansion Space will be the earlier of sixty (60) days after the date on which Tenant’s Expansion Space becomes vacant and ready for occupancy (provided that date is at least sixty (60) days after Tenant exercises its option to lease the Expansion Space), or the date on which the Expansion Space is first occupied by Tenant; (iv) if Tenant’s Expansion Space contains a rentable area of 10,000 square feet or more, and if there are less than three (3) Lease Years remaining in the Lease Term, the Lease Term will be extended to include three (3) full years from the Term Commencement Date with respect to Tenant’s Expansion Space; and (v) subject to adjustment during each Fixed Rental Period as provided in Exhibit E, Basic Rent for each year of the remaining Lease Term (as it may be extended) will be the greater of (a) the Basic Rent last paid by the Person most recently occupying Tenant’s Expansion Space or (b) Market Rent determined as provided in the Rent Rider attached as Exhibit E. If Tenant exercises this option, Tenant’s Expansion Space will be leased to Tenant in its “as is” condition and Tenant will, at its expense and in compliance with the provisions of Section 7.06, design and construct all Improvements desired by Tenant for its use and occupancy. Landlord and Tenant agree to execute such amendments to this Lease and other instruments as either of them considers necessary or desirable to reflect Tenant’s exercise of this option.

  • Open space means undeveloped land, a naturally landscaped area, or a formal or man-made landscaped area that provides a connective link or a buffer between other resources.

  • Storage Space means a space where goods of non-hazardous nature are stored and includes cold storage and banking safe vaults;

  • Collocation Space means an area of space located in a building to be used by CLEC to house telecommunications equipment that is necessary for interconnection or access to UNEs. Additionally, roof or wall space used for wireless interconnection shall be included in the definition where applicable.

  • Available Space means the balance of the rentable square footage in the Building not already included as part of the Premises, which is not occupied by a tenant or which is occupied by an existing tenant whose lease is expiring within 6 months or less and such tenant does not wish to renew (whether or not such tenant has a right to renew) its occupancy of such space. If there is any Available Space in the Building, Landlord shall, at such time as Landlord shall elect so long as Tenant’s rights hereunder are preserved, deliver to Tenant written notice (the “Expansion Notice”) of such Available Space, together with the terms and conditions on which Landlord is prepared to lease Tenant such Available Space; provided that Base Rent shall be at the Market Rate (as defined in Section 40(a) below) for such Available Space. Tenant shall be entitled to exercise its right under this Section 39(a) only with respect to the entire Available Space described in such Expansion Notice (“Identified Available Space”). Tenant shall have 5 business days following delivery of the Expansion Notice to deliver to Landlord written notification of Tenant’s exercise of the Expansion Right with respect to the Identified Available Space (“Exercise Notice”). Tenant shall be entitled to lease such Identified Available Space upon the terms and conditions set forth in the Expansion Notice. If Landlord and Tenant are unable to agree on the Market Rate for the Available Space after negotiating in good faith within 5 days after Tenant’s delivery of an Exercise Notice, the applicable Market Rate will be determined through arbitration in accordance with Section 40(b). Tenant acknowledges and agrees that, if Tenant has delivered an Exercise Notice pursuant to this Section 39(a), Tenant shall have no right thereafter to rescind or elect not to lease the Available Space. Tenant acknowledges that the Term of the Lease with respect to the Identified Available Space may not be co-terminous with the Term of the Lease with respect to the original Premises. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, Tenant shall have no right to exercise the Expansion Right and the provisions of this Section 39(a) shall no longer apply after the date that is 9 months prior to the expiration of the Base Term if Tenant has not exercised its Extension Right pursuant to Section 40. If Tenant fails to deliver an Exercise Notice to Landlord for the Identified Available Space within the required 5 business day period, Tenant shall be deemed to have forever waived its rights under this Section 39(a) to lease the Identified Available Space, and Landlord shall have the right to lease the Identified Available Space to any third party on any terms and conditions acceptable to Landlord.

  • Landlord’s Work means the work of constructing the Tenant Improvements.

  • Occupancy Date means the date on which occupancy of all Units in a Project is permitted;

  • Base Building Work means the base building work for the Building as described in this Manual.

  • Ready for Occupancy means the date upon which (i) the Leased Premises are available for Tenant's occupancy in a broom clean condition and (ii) the improvements, if any, to be made to the Leased Premises by Landlord as a condition to Tenant's obligation to accept possession of the Leased Premises have been substantially completed and the appropriate governmental building department (i.e., the City building department, if the Property is located within a City, or otherwise the County building department) shall have approved the construction of such improvements as substantially complete or is willing to so approve the construction of the improvements as substantially complete subject only to compliance with specified conditions which are the responsibility of Tenant to satisfy or is willing to allow Tenant to occupy subject to its receiving assurances that specified work will be completed.

  • Customer Premises Equipment or "CPE" means equipment employed on the premises of a Person other than a Carrier to originate, route or terminate Telecommunications (e.g., a telephone, PBX, modem pool, etc.).

  • Landlord Work means the work, if any, that Landlord is obligated to perform in the Premises pursuant to a separate agreement (the “Work Letter”), if any, attached to this Lease as Exhibit C.

  • Building Work has the meaning given to it in section 6 of the Building and Construction Industry (Improving Productivity) Act 2016 (Cth);

  • Building Square Footage or "BSF" means the square footage of assessable internal living space of a Unit, exclusive of any carports, walkways, garages, overhangs, patios, enclosed patios, detached accessory structure, other structures not used as living space, or any other square footage excluded under Government Code Section 65995 as determined by reference to the Building Permit for such Unit.

  • Usable space means all the space on a pole, except the portion below ground level, the 20 feet of safety clearance space above ground level, and the safety clearance space between communications and power circuits. There is a rebuttable presumption that six feet of a pole are buried below ground level.

  • Open space land means (a) any land area so designated by an

  • Base Building shall include the structural portions of the Building, the public restrooms and the Building mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems and equipment located in the internal core of the Building on the floor or floors on which the Premises are located. Tenant shall promptly provide Landlord with copies of any notices it receives regarding an alleged violation of Law. Tenant shall comply with the rules and regulations of the Building attached as Exhibit E and such other reasonable rules and regulations adopted by Landlord from time to time, including rules and regulations for the performance of Alterations (defined in Section 9).

  • Building Drain means that part of the lowest horizontal piping of a drainage system which receives the discharge from soil, waste, and other drainage pipes inside the walls of the building and conveys it to the building sewer, beginning five (5) feet (1.5 meters) outside the inner face of the building wall.

  • Tenant Improvement Work means the construction of the Tenant Improvements, together with any related work (including demolition) that is necessary to construct the Tenant Improvements.