Exempt Information definition

Exempt Information means any information or class of information (including but not limited to any document, report, Agreement or other material containing information) relating to this Agreement or otherwise relating to the Provider, which potentially falls within an exemption to FOIA (as set out therein);
Exempt Information means any information or class of information (including but not limited to any document, report, Agreement or other material containing information) relating to this Agreement or otherwise relating to the parties to this Agreement which potentially falls within an exemption to FOIA (as set out therein)
Exempt Information means information that potentially falls within an exemption under the FOIA including, but not limited to, confidentiality (section 41 FOIA), trade secrets (section 43 FOIA) and prejudice to commercial interests (section 43 FOIA);

Examples of Exempt Information in a sentence

  • Sensitive Information may be either Public Information or Exempt Information.

More Definitions of Exempt Information

Exempt Information means information described either as such or as confidential.
Exempt Information means information the inclusion of which in a document causes the document to be an exempt document;
Exempt Information means information that: (a) the Recipient or any of its Representatives lawfully possessed, as demonstrated by competent proof, before the Disclosing Party disclosed such information under this Agreement; or (b) was already generally available and in the public domain at the time of disclosure, or becomes public (other than as a result of breach of this Agreement by the Recipient or its Representatives);
Exempt Information means any information or class ofinformation (including but not limited to any document, report, contract or other material containing information) relating to this Financial Memorandum or otherwise relating to the College, which potentially falls within an exemption to FOIA (as set out therein); ”FOIA” means the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and all regulations made there under from time to time or any superseding or amending enactment and regulations, and words and expressions defined in the FOIA shall have the same meaning in this clause 12;
Exempt Information means any information or class of
Exempt Information means “such information which the Parties resolve that the remainder of their meetings be held in private because publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest or the effective conduct of public affairs etc….” as set out in Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and may include such matters as mentioned in Appendix 1
Exempt Information means any information or class of information (including but not limited to any document, report, contract or other material containing information) relating to this Contract or otherwise relating to THE CONTRACTOR which potentially falls within an exemption to FOIA (as set out therein).