Equitably definition

Equitably means with consideration for the population and its characteristics, including the skills of the current population; the current employment base and its characteristics (i.e., type of businesses and industries, permanency of the existing employment base, past trends and current projections); the amount of land in the jurisdiction; the amount of vacant land in the jurisdiction appropriately zoned for economic development; the current unemployment rate; current commuting patterns; and other factors as appropriate.
Equitably. : means 1. Dealing fairly and equally with all concerned.
Equitably means justly, fairly, impartially. It should not be construed to mean equally. The licensing representative shall discuss with applicants/licensee. Document on the CFS 590.

Examples of Equitably in a sentence

  • Equitably fund our schools! It’s time to build bipartisan support for school funding while reducing our dependence on exceedingly high local property taxes.

  • Equitably divide the time allotted to the various procedural steps based upon all relevant factors.

  • Equitably shared funds must be used by law enforcement agencies for law enforcement purposes only.

  • Equitably allocates, where the commission has ratemaking authority, the total short-term and long-term forecasted economic benefits, as determined by the commission, of the proposed merger, acquisition, or control, between shareholders and ratepayers.

  • Equitably incorporate diverse people, voices, ideas, and information to lay the groundwork for quality outcomes and democratic legitimacy.

  • U.S. Gov’t Accountability Office, GAO-10-634, Troubled Asset Relief Program: Further Actions Needed to Fully and Equitably Implement Foreclosure Mitigation Programs, at 15 (2010).

  • Equitably distribute benefit improvements funded from excess earnings between active and retired members, consistent with Principle #2.

  • Equitably distributed is defined as being by work areas on a shift and by job classifications on that shift.

  • Equitably consider qualified and available candidates for vacant positions.

  • Equitably allocate the costs, benefits, and obligations of the compacting states.

More Definitions of Equitably

Equitably means according to legally defined priorities and within the priority classes on a pro rata basis, taking into account valid security interests (collateral) and contractual subordination agreements (e.g. subordinated debentures). Most creditors, including secured creditors (to the extent that their claims exceed the liquidated value of their collateral), fall into the “general creditor” class. See Bhandari and Weiss (1996) for a collection of articles on this and related issues in the economics of bankruptcy.
Equitably shall be defined as fair and reasonable. The parties agree that a number of departments have been meeting this definition within reasonably close tolerances and every effort will be made to maintain those some standards. The parties also that in some areas, for example 3 shift operation, it is more difficult to handle and distribute overtime. In such cases the following guidelines will apply: The differential for each job classification within a department shall be defined as follows: Differential: The difference in overtime hours worked and credited between the employee(s) in the job classification within the department with the most hours and the employee(s) in the job classification within the department with the least hours. Allocation of overtime shall be said be “equitably distributed” if the differential in that classification is hours or less. If the differential exceeds hours: The Supervisor shall advise the employee(s) with the least overtime hours and credits that he is aware of the situation and that the employee(s) shall be offered overtime opportunities as they become available so as to reduce the differential to hours or less. If the differential exceeds hours:
Equitably at a minimum means the overall wealth split need not be a perfectly equal dollar-for- dollar 50-50 split (although the language does not preclude that). "Not necessarily in kind" does establish that there is no requirement that each CP asset and each CP liability be divided evenly (this is sometimes called the "item" approach), although such an approach is entirely permissible. An "aggregate" approach of valuing all of the CP and splitting that value evenly between the spouses is also permissible. Trial judges thus have considerable discretion concerning how to effectuate a roughly 50 - 50 split, because there are practically unlimited different ways to split the overall worth of the CP. Trial judges are free to consider many reasons for awarding a particular CP asset to a particular spouse, including that a spouse generated it, wants it more, has more need for it, or that it originally was that spouse's SP. The only statutory limit concerning a trial judge's discretion concerning who gets what appears to be that marital misconduct can't be a basis for the decision.

Related to Equitably

  • Proportionately means that the ratio of the actual Annual Special Tax levy to the applicable Special Tax is equal for all applicable Assessor’s Parcels.

  • Adjustments are all discounts, allowances, returns, disputes, counterclaims, offsets, defenses, rights of recoupment, rights of return, warranty claims, or short payments, asserted by or on behalf of any Account Debtor for any Financed Receivable.

  • Apportionable income means the gross income of the business taxable under the service classifications of a city's gross receipts tax, including income received from activities outside the city if the income would be taxable under the service classification if received from activities within the city, less any exemptions or deductions available.

  • Value Adjustments means cash lending revenues and other revenues on collateral in respect of a Series of ETP Securities.

  • Inflation Factor means a number determined for each tax year by dividing the consumer price index for June of the tax year by the consumer price index for June 2005.

  • Capitalization Adjustment means any change that is made in, or other events that occur with respect to, the Common Stock subject to the Plan or subject to any Purchase Right after the date the Plan is adopted by the Board without the receipt of consideration by the Company through merger, consolidation, reorganization, recapitalization, reincorporation, stock dividend, dividend in property other than cash, large nonrecurring cash dividend, stock split, liquidating dividend, combination of shares, exchange of shares, change in corporate structure or other similar equity restructuring transaction, as that term is used in Financial Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification Topic 718 (or any successor thereto). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the conversion of any convertible securities of the Company will not be treated as a Capitalization Adjustment.

  • Adjustment means each form of adjustment to consideration provided for in this clause.The parties acknowledge that the consideration under this Contract is inclusive of GST, where GST is calculated using the GST rate at the time of forming this Contract.The Contractor shall provide the Recipient with a Tax Invoice and/or adjustment notes in relation to the supply prior to an amount being paid by the Recipient under this Contract, and shall do all things reasonably necessary to assist the Recipient to enable it to claim and obtain any Input Tax Credit available to it in respect of a Supply.Where the GST rate is changed after the date of formation of this Contract the consideration under this Contract will be increased or decreased so that the consideration remains inclusive of GST, with GST calculated using the new GST Rate from the date of the change of the GST Rate that applies at the date of formation of this Contract. PrivacyFor the purposes of this Clause unless the context otherwise requires:

  • Change in Capitalization means any increase or reduction in the number of Shares, or any change (including, but not limited to, in the case of a spin-off, dividend or other distribution in respect of Shares, a change in value) in the Shares or exchange of Shares for a different number or kind of shares or other securities of the Company or another corporation, by reason of a reclassification, recapitalization, merger, consolidation, reorganization, spin-off, split-up, issuance of warrants or rights or debentures, stock dividend, stock split or reverse stock split, cash dividend, property dividend, combination or exchange of shares, repurchase of shares, change in corporate structure or otherwise.

  • Apportionable vehicle means (except as provided below) any Power Unit that is used or intended for use in two or more Member Jurisdictions and that is used for the transportation of persons for hire or designed, used, or maintained primarily for the transportation of property, and:

  • reasonable measures means appropriate measures which are commensurate with the money laundering or terrorism financing risks;

  • Strike Price means, except as otherwise provided by the Committee in the case of Substitute Awards, (i) in the case of a SAR granted in tandem with an Option, the Exercise Price of the related Option, or (ii) in the case of a SAR granted independent of an Option, the Fair Market Value on the Date of Grant.

  • Technique factors means the following conditions of operation:

  • Independent adjuster means an insurance adjuster required to be licensed under

  • Extraordinary Adjustment Event means any of the following events as they relate to the Reference In- strument: