Emergency Energy definition

Emergency Energy means energy supplied from Operating Reserve or electrical generation available for sale in New York or PJM or available from another Balancing Authority Area. Emergency Energy may be provided in cases of sudden and unforeseen outages of generating units, transmission lines or other equipment, or to meet other sudden and unforeseen circumstances such as forecast errors, or to provide sufficient Operating Reserve. Emergency Energy is provided pursuant to this Agreement and the Inter Control Area Transactions Agreement dated May 1, 2000 and priced according to Section 35.6.4 of this Agreement and said Inter Control Area Transactions Agreement.
Emergency Energy means energy supplied from Operating Reserve or electrical generation available for sale in New York or New England or available from another Balancing Authority Area. Emergency Energy may be provided in cases of sudden and unforeseen outages of generating units, transmission lines or other equipment, or to meet other sudden and unforeseen circumstances such as forecast errors, or to provide sufficient Operating Reserve. Emergency Energy is provided pursuant to this Agreement and priced according to Attachment A of Schedule C of this Agreement.
Emergency Energy has the meaning set forth in the PJM Agreements.

Examples of Emergency Energy in a sentence

  • The Total Charge for Emergency Energy Supplied in an Hour = (the Emergency Energy Charge for an hour) + (the Emergency Energy Transmission Charge for that same hour).

  • The Cost of Emergency Energy in a five-minute settlement interval equals the Locational Marginal Price (LMP; in USD/MWh) at the ISO-NE Salisbury 345 external node for the settlement interval.

  • Nothing in this Agreement shall require a Party to purchase Emergency Energy if the Party cannot recover the costs under an OATT or other agreement or lawful arrangement.

  • Each Party shall, to the maximum extent it deems consistent with the safe and proper operation of its respective Transmission System, provide Emergency Energy to the other Party in accordance with the provisions of the Inter Control Area Transactions Agreement.

  • The Total Charge for Emergency Energy supplied in an Hour = the Emergency Energy Charge in the hour + the Emergency Energy Transmission Charge in the hour.

More Definitions of Emergency Energy

Emergency Energy shall have the meaning ascribed to it in the PJM Agreements. “Energy” means three-phase, 60-cycle alternating current electric energy, expressed in units of kilowatt-hours or megawatt-hours.
Emergency Energy means energy supplied from Operating Reserve or electrical generation available for sale in New York or New England or available from another Balancing Authority Area. Emergency Energy may be provided in cases of sudden and unforeseen outages of
Emergency Energy means energy supplied from Operating Reserve or electrical generation available for sale in New York or New England or available from another Balancing Authority Area. Emergency Energy may be provided in cases of sudden and unforeseen outages of generating units, transmission lines or other equipment, or to meet other sudden and unforeseen circumstances such as forecast errors, or to provide sufficient Operating Reserve. Emergency Energy is provided pursuant to this Agreement and priced according to Attachment A of Schedule C of this Agreement. Issued by: Xxxxxxx X. Xxxxxxx, President Effective:November 15, 2008 Issued on: November 13, 2008 New York Independent System Operator, Inc. Rate Schedule No. 1 Original Sheet No. 6
Emergency Energy shall have the meaning set forth in the TARIFF.
Emergency Energy shall have the meaning set forth in the TARIFF. “Energy” shall mean Firm Product A Energy and Firm Product B Energy.
Emergency Energy shall have the meaning set forth in the TARIFF. “Energy” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.3(1).
Emergency Energy for purposes of this Attachment 1 means energy requested by one Party and provided by the other when either Party is experiencing an Energy Emergency and has declared an Energy Emergency Alert, Level 2 or higher, as defined in Attachment 1 of NERC Standard EOP-011-1, or as defined in a subsequent revision of such Standard. To meet this definition, the energy must be requested and provided in accordance with the Process for Coordination in Section 1.2 of Attachment 1. In the event that one Party requests Emergency Energy assistance from the other Party pursuant to this Agreement, the Party in need of Emergency Energy (“Receiving Party”) shall initiate the process for Emergency Energy pursuant to Section 1.2.