ECSG definition

ECSG means the Electronic Commerce Steering Group or the APEC committee having responsibility for the APEC Privacy Framework.

Examples of ECSG in a sentence

  • Following the meeting with the Claimant, Mr Miller spoke to the following people – Joanna Hargreaves, Gareth Evans, James Poole and Craig Newsome.

  • Each WG, TAG, and ECSG Chair shall provide a status report to the Recording Secretary no later than one week after the conclusion of the closing EC meeting.

  • The election of an ECSG Vice Chair is subject to confirmation by the Sponsor.

  • Both the ECSG and the CNA have identified the time taken by DNOs in general as a potential barrier to competition.

  • In 1999, the ECSG (Electronic Commerce Steering Group) was established as an APEC Senior Officials’ Special Task Force.

  • Having completed the review, the Administrator will submit a report to the ECSG giving an account of the review and offering recommendations of any necessary or desirable changes.

  • Unless otherwise specified in WG, TAG, or ECSG P&Ps, the interpretation and implementation of the registration policy for interim sessions of IEEE 802 LMSC subgroups not hosted by the IEEE 802 LMSC shall be the responsibility of the Chair and Treasurer (if any) of the IEEE 802 LMSC subgroup(s) holding the session.

  • The participation should be supported by a written letter of confirmation from the economy’s ECSG delegation, or other appropriate governmental representative, that the applicant is a Privacy Enforcement Authority within the meaning of the definition in paragraph 4.1. The participation will take effect after the Administrator has formally accepted the Participant’s written notice, subject to the outcomes of paragraph 5.3(ii).

  • The designation under paragraph 5.1 may be for a limited duration and may be revoked or altered by the ECSG at any time.

  • In particular, the ECSG raise the issue of security arrangements (bonds) to protect the DNO against any liability in case there is a fault in the adopted network.

Related to ECSG

  • Supplier means the successful bidder who is awarded the contract to maintain and administer the required and specified service(s) to the State.

  • LSD means lysergic acid diethylamide.

  • TMDL means the total maximum daily load limitation of a parameter, representing the estimated assimilative capacity for a water body before other designated uses are adversely affected. Mathematically, it is the sum of wasteload allocations for point sources, load allocations for non-point and natural background sources, and a margin of safety.

  • ECS means Electronic clearing system

  • T&Cs means these terms and conditions.

  • Third Party Vendor means any person or entity that provides SaaS, third party software and/or related intellectual property. “Work” means any additional work the Customer requests Singtel to perform in relation to the Service.

  • Supplier Software means software which is proprietary to the Supplier or its Affiliates which is used or supplied by the Supplier in the provision of the Services; Supplier Staff means all persons employed or engaged by the Supplier together with the Supplier's servants, agents, suppliers, consultants and Sub-Contractors (and all persons employed by any Sub-Contractor together with the Sub-Contractor’s servants, consultants, agents, suppliers and Sub-Contractors) used in the performance of its obligations under this Contract; Time and Materials means the pricing mechanism for the Services as may be agreed by the Parties and set out at paragraph Error: Reference source not found in the SOW; TUPE means the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (SI 2006/246) as amended or replaced or any other regulations or UK legislation implementing the Acquired Rights Directive; Velocity means the Metric which measures the total number of Story Points for Stories that have been accepted in a Sprint, indicating the rate of progress towards Acceptance of all Stories from the Product Backlog;

  • EMS means the respective Energy Management Systems utilized by the Parties to manage the flow of energy within their Regions.

  • Customer Systems means the Customer's information technology infrastructure, including computers, software, hardware, databases, electronic systems (including database management systems), and networks, whether operated by Customer or through the use of third-party services.

  • IPS means Integrated Payment Systems Inc., a Delaware corporation and its successors.

  • Network User means each natural or legal person having concluded a Standard Transmission Agreement with the TSO for Transmission Services in the Transmission Grid.

  • Microsoft means Microsoft Corporation.