Developed Country definition

Developed Country means any country that is not an Emerging Market Country;
Developed Country means a country which is not a developing country;
Developed Country means any country other than a Developing Country.

Examples of Developed Country in a sentence

  • All natural persons who are nationals of, or legal persons who are established in, a Least Developed Country as defined by the United Nations: Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Dem.

  • For instance, Article 9(1)(f) of Regulation (EU) No 236/2014 provides for eligibility of member countries of the OECD, in the case of contracts implemented in a Least Developed Country or a Highly Indebted Poor Country, as included in the list of ODA recipients.

  • Individual designation fee (the amount of the individual designation fee is fixed by each Contracting Party concerned)♦ ** For international applications filed by applicants whose sole entitlement is a connection with a Least Developed Country (LDC), in accordance with the list established by the United Nations, or with an intergovernmental organization the majority of whose member States are LDCs, the standard fees are reduced to 10% of the prescribed amounts (rounded to the nearest full figure).

  • Notwithstanding the potential or actual graduation of Maldives from the status of a Least Developed Country, it shall be accorded in this Agreement and in any subsequent contractual undertakings thereof treatment no less favourable than that provided for the Least Developed Contracting States.

  • Developing Country Members and Least Developed Country Members shall implement this Agreement in accordance with Section II.

More Definitions of Developed Country

Developed Country means any country that is not identified as a Least Developed Country as defined herein.
Developed Country means any country other than a Developing Country on the Effective Date and any countries that cease to be Developing Countries after the Effective Date from and after the date that they cease to be Developing Countries in accordance with the definition below.
Developed Country means any country that is not an Access Country (collectively, the “Developed Countries”).
Developed Country means each country whose unsupported sovereign debt obligations have an rating of “AA-” or “Aa3”, as applicable, or better under the OC Test Rating Chart.
Developed Country means any country:
Developed Country means any member of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development as at 1 January 2001; and
Developed Country means any member of the Organisation for Sconomic Cooperation and Development as at 1 January 2001; and