Deed of Charge definition

Deed of Charge means the English law deed of charge that may be entered into between the Guarantor and the Representative of the Covered Bondholders (acting on behalf of the Covered Bondholders and the Other Creditors);
Deed of Charge means the deed of charge dated on or about the Closing Date between, amongst others, the Issuer, the Note Trustee and the Lender;
Deed of Charge means the English law deed of charge entered into between the Guarantor and the Representative of the Covered Bondholders (acting on behalf of the Covered Bondhodlers and the Other Creditors) on 8 November 2011 in order to charge the rights arising under the English Accounts, the Swap Collateral Accounts, the English Account Bank Agreement and the Custody Agreement in favour of the Covered Bondholders and the Other Creditors;

Examples of Deed of Charge in a sentence

  • Subject to clause 26.7 (Modification to the Transaction Documents) of the Deed of Charge, any amendment, modification or variation to this Agreement may only be made with the prior written consent of each party to this Agreement.

  • Party A acknowledges and agrees that all obligations of Party B in respect of amounts owing to the Party A pursuant to this Agreement are subject to the terms of Clauses 6.2 (Pre-enforcement Priority of Payments) and 22.2 (Limited Recourse) of the Deed of Charge.

  • The Security Trustee has agreed to become a party to this Agreement for the purpose of taking the benefit of contractual provisions expressed to be given in its favour enabling better preservation and enforcement of its rights under this Agreement and the Deed of Charge and for administrative ease associated with matters where its consent is required.

  • Notwithstanding Section 7, Party A hereby agrees and consents to the assignment by way of security by Party B of its right, title, interest and benefit in to and under this Agreement (without prejudice to, and after giving effect to, any contractual netting provision contained in this Agreement) to the Security Trustee (or any successor thereto or permitted transferee) pursuant to and in accordance with the Deed of Charge and acknowledges notice of such assignment.

  • All the provisions of the Deed of Charge and the Trust Deed relating to the exercise by the Security Trustee of its powers, trusts, authorities, duties, rights and discretions shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to the discharge by the Security Trustee of its powers, trusts, authorities, duties, rights and discretions under this Agreement.

More Definitions of Deed of Charge

Deed of Charge means a deed of sub-charge and assignment to be entered into on the Closing Date between, inter alios, the Issuer, the Trustee, PML and the Hedge Providers and includes, where the context so admits, any further or supplemental charge or security granted pursuant thereto.
Deed of Charge means the English law deed of charge entered into on 19 July 2017 between the Guarantor and the Representative of the Covered Bondholders (acting on behalf of the Covered Bondholders and the Other Creditors) in order to create security over the rights of the Guarantor arising under the Swap Agreements, as amended and/or supplemented from time to time.
Deed of Charge means the Deed of Sub- Charge and Assignment dated on or about the date of this Agreement between, among others, Party A, Party B and the Trustee.
Deed of Charge means the deed of charge dated the Programme Date as supplemented on 4 October 2007, 20 May 2008, 9 September 2011, 12 July 2013, 25 June 2014, 26 April 2016 and made between the LLP, the Bond Trustee, the Security Trustee and the other Secured Creditors (as the same may be further amended, supplemented and/or restated from time to time);
Deed of Charge means a deed of charge of even date herewith entered into by inter alios the Issuer in favour of the Note Trustee;
Deed of Charge means the English law deed of charge effective as of 4 August 2015 and entered into between the Guarantor and the Representative of the Covered Bondholders (acting on behalf of the Covered Bondholders and the Other Creditors) in order to charge, inter alia, the Guarantor's rights arising in respect of the English Accounts;
Deed of Charge means a deed of charge entered into between a Clearing Member and the Clearing House in respect of (inter alia) non-cash Collateral transferred to the Clearing House by that Clearing Member