Examples of Covered Employer in a sentence
The labor endowment are assumed to be fixed over time, which is LN in the North and LS in the South, with LN < LS.
Definitions.9 As used in this chapter:10 (1) "Covered employer" means an employer with five hundred (500) or more employees 11 assigned, scheduled to work, working or situated at the employer's place of business or work site(s) 12 located within the state.
Required documentation: Provide or attach prior payroll records or pay scale records (by job classifications) confirming this basis for exemption.□ (LWO 26.103(e)(2): Contractual: Covered employer demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Director of Purchasing that the amounts paid to its covered employees are required by law or are required pursuant to a contractual obligation, such as a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), union scale, etc.
Check one of the options below and submit supporting documentation as requested.)□ (LWO 26.103(e)(1); Wage History: Covered employer demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Director of Purchasing that its covered employees have been continuously paid the applicable living wage rates or higher wages for at least one (1) year prior to entering into the service contract.
The bubbles have been replaced.• A broken sink in the women's restroom at Braddock Autopark has been replaced.• WPA has continued to repaint the meters on the street as weather permits.