State of Oregon. In Oregon, the Forest Practices Act (ORS 527.610) identifies forest practices as any operation conducted on or pertaining to forestland, including but not limited to: (a) reforestation of forestland; (b) road construction and maintenance; (c) harvesting of forest tree species; (d) application of chemicals; (e) disposal of slash; and
State of Oregon. (a) Public Defense Services Commission (PDSC) is the commission established under ORS 151.213.
(b) Office of Public Defense Services (OPDS) is the office established by the PDSC under the director to handle the cases assigned and to carry out the administrative policies and procedures for the public defense system.
State of Oregon. Rates shown are effective for the classification of work within a fifty (50) mile radius of all cities and towns as covered by the jurisdiction of each Local Union. WAGE RATES FOR ALL LOCAL UNIONS EXCEPT LOCAL UNION NO. 81
State of Oregon. In Oregon, the Forest Practices Act (ORS 527.610) identifies forest practices as any operation conducted on or pertaining to forestland, including but not limited to: (a) reforestation of forestland; (b) road construction and maintenance; (c) harvesting of forest tree species; (d) application of chemicals; (e) disposal of slash; and (f) removal of woody biomass. The rules specifically state that compliance with the forest practices rules does not substitute for or ensure compliance with the ESA and nothing in the rules imposes any state requirement to comply with the ESA. Landowners and operators are advised that federal law prohibit a person from taking certain threatened or endangered species, which are protected under the ESA. Forest management operations must submit to the State Forester a written plan as required by ORS 527.670(3) before conducting any operations requiring notification under OAR 629-605- 0140, including those operations within (1) 300 feet of a specific site involving threatened or endangered wildlife species, or sensitive bird nesting, roosting, or watering sites; or (2) 300 feet of any resource site identified in OAR 000-000-0000 (Sensitive Bird Nesting, Roosting and Watering Resource Sites on Forest lands), 000-000-0000 (Threatened and Endangered Species that use Resource Sites on Forest lands), or 000-000-0000 (Significant Wetlands), or
State of Oregon. Tobacco Retail License
State of Oregon. Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Oregon Water Resources Department Hoopa Valley Tribe Karuk Tribe Klamath Tribes Yurok Tribe Humboldt County, California Klamath County, Oregon Siskiyou County, California Tulelake Irrigation District Klamath Irrigation District Klamath Drainage District Klamath Basin Improvement District Ady District Improvement Company Enterprise Irrigation District Malin Irrigation District Midland District Improvement Company Pine Grove Irrigation District Pioneer District Improvement Company Xxx Valley Improvement District Shasta View Irrigation District Sunnyside Irrigation District Xxx Xxxxxxxx & Son Modoc Lumber Company Xxxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx and Inter-County Title Company Xxxxxx Golf and Country Club Winema Hunting Lodge, Inc. Xxx Xxxxxxx Ditch Company Xxxxxxx Products, LLC Plevna District Improvement Company Klamath Water Users Association Klamath Water and Power Agency
State of Oregon. County Of
State of Oregon. The Oregon legislature has waived the State’s sovereign immunity to suit in State court pursuant to ORS 30.320. No part of this Agreement is a waiver by the State of Oregon of any form of immunity, including but not limited to sovereign immunity and immunity based on the Eleventh Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.
State of Oregon. Oregon Department of Forestry and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife will be entering into a MASTER AGREEMENT w/i 30-60 days • Series of GNA workshops to be given region wide in the coming months • No formal discussion to date with Washington Department of Natural Resources • Possible workshop in coming months on Xx-Xxx; still in very early discussion stages • FS retains decision making on NEPA and approval of all silvicultural Rx and marking guides • The State has to have the capacity to do the work – so planning is critical for success • State supervises their work – the FS does not manage/supervise State employees or their contractors • No match is required; GNA is only outgoing $$ • Agreements can last 10 years • Project success involves strong collaboration for planning and constant communication once implemented • GNA is only one tool in the Agreements toolbox for working with States • Dynamic