Covered Activities definition

Covered Activities means those land uses and conservation and other activities described in Chapter 2.3 of the HCP/NCCP to be carried out by the Conservancy or its agents that may result in Authorized Take of Covered Species during the term of the HCP/NCCP, and that are otherwise lawful.
Covered Activities means the activities that will be addressed in the Plan and for which the Local Agencies will seek an NCCP permit pursuant to Fish and Game Code, section 2835 and an incidental take permit pursuant to section 10 of FESA.
Covered Activities under this section means activities meeting the requirements of § 570.208(a) that either:

Examples of Covered Activities in a sentence

  • A Participating Institution will work diligently to address and correct any noncompliance with such obligations or policies and procedures in connection with its Covered Activities under this Agreement.

  • A Participating Institution will use Confidential Information provided to it by other Participating Institutions pertaining to any Research or Covered Activities under this Agreement, including but not limited to Confidential Information regarding Personnel conflicts of interest and any associated determinations, prohibitions, and management plans shared pursuant to Sections 5.7/6.8 hereof, only for the purpose of meeting its obligations under this Agreement.

  • The Effective Date of the Agreement with respect to any Participating Institution is the Effective Date of its Joinder Agreement; however, the Participating Institution’s actual participation in any Covered Activities (defined below) under the Agreement may be subject to activation or other processes.

  • Upon execution of this Agreement by all Parties, and satisfaction of all other applicable legal requirements, the USFWS will issue Lincoln County, the City of Caliente and UPRR each a Permit under Section 10(a)(1)(B) of the ESA, authorizing incidental take by the Permittees of each listed Covered Species resulting from Covered Activities on Covered Lands.

  • Such suspension or revocation may apply to the entire permit, or only to specified Covered Species, Covered Lands, or Covered Activities.

More Definitions of Covered Activities

Covered Activities means those land uses and conservation and other activities described in Chapter 2.3 of the SCVHP to be carried out by the Agency or its agents that may result in Authorized Take of Covered Species during the term of the SCVHP, and that are otherwise lawful.
Covered Activities means the otherwise lawful activities and projects described in Chapter 3 of the Yolo HCP/NCCP that the Permittees or Third Party Participants may implement in the Plan Area for which incidental Take is authorized by the Wildlife Agencies pursuant to the Permits.
Covered Activities means all reported and approved activities and/or events of the Named Insured and member clubs occurring within the Coverage Territory and the Policy Period.
Covered Activities means the gathering, transportation, stabilization, blending, purchasing, selling, storage and marketing of crude oil and condensate within the Permian Basin; provided, however, that such term shall not cover or include any such activities associated with any assets that will not, from and after Closing, be subject to the Area of Mutual Interest provisions contemplated under Section 8.02 of the Company LLC Agreement.
Covered Activities means those activities described in Chapter 2 of the HCP, for which Incidental Take Authorization of Covered Species is sought pursuant to the LCR MSCP.
Covered Activities means certain activities carried out by Buckeye and its agents on the Covered Lands that may result in Authorized Take of Covered Species during the term of the ITP. These activities include those identified in Chapter 2 of the HCP.
Covered Activities has the meaning set forth in Section 6(e)(i) of this Agreement.