Examples of Consumer Electronic Products in a sentence
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the licenses and rights granted herein shall be subject to all limitations and restrictions set forth in the Master License Agreement, including without limitation the exclusion of Consumer Electronic Products (as defined in the Master License Agreement) from the Field.
Three product categories were chosen for the study from the data collected from qualitative phase, where respondent’s cross-buying is seen present- 1) Banking Products 2) Consumer Electronic Products and 3) Personal care products.
Where rights in either Consumer Electronic Products or one or more Additional Excluded Fields are acquired by Licensor as a result of Licensor’s payment of any form of Additional Consideration, Licensor may, at its sole discretion, offer Licensee an opportunity to acquire a license to said fields of use on terms mutually acceptable to the Parties.
In the event that the rights to either Consumer Electronic Products or one or more Additional Excluded Fields, in each such case either in whole or in part, are acquired by Licensor, without the need for any payment of Additional Consideration (as defined herein) by Licensor, such recaptured fields of use shall automatically and without further action of the Parties be included within the VPC Fields.
The United States recapped that the workshop, which was held in October 2021, highlighted the importance of remanufactured goods, and how regional trade agreements supported market access for these goods.• The United States updated that it circulated 2 self-funded project proposals: (1) Volunteer Economy-Level Capacity Building in Trade of Refurbished Medical Devices; and (2) Trade of Remanufactured Consumer Electronic Products in APEC, in line with advancing APEC’s circular economy objectives.
ETS and WoW Group were previously reported in the Homeland Security Services and Consumer Electronic Products segments respectively.
Trade in Remanufactured/Refurbished Consumer Electronic Products/Building Capacity in Trade of Refurbished Medical Devices• The United States updated that they have circulated revised versions of their self-funded proposals on Trade in Remanufactured/Refurbished Consumer Electronic Products and Building Capacity in Trade of Refurbished Medical Devices.
However, if GTAT anticipates that there will be idle capacity at the Mesa Facility, based on Apple’s Forecast, then GTAT can advise Apple of the anticipated amount of idle capacity and request Apple’s permission to use the Mesa Facility and Furnaces to produce and supply sapphire goods to other customers for uses in products other than Consumer Electronic Products.
We do not cover Consumer Electronic Products purchased second hand or from online auction websites.DEFERMENT PERIODIn respect of all sections of the Policy, no claim can be made for any incident that occurs within 28 days of the commencement date of this Policy as shown in the Schedule.
For purposes of this paragraph, the grant to a third party of an exclusive license or sublicense to any Intellectual Property Rights relating to any LMT Technology in a field other than Consumer Electronic Products shall not be a violation of this paragraph, even if the third party is granted, as a part of such exclusive license, the right to xxx or otherwise assert infringement claims with respect to such Intellectual Property Rights.