Collaboration Target Know-How definition

Collaboration Target Know-How means any and all Know-How that: (i) relates to (X) a Collaboration Target or (Y) the use of compounds or products discovered or generated or derived to bind to and modulate such Collaboration Target; and (ii) is discovered, developed, made, generated or invented by or on behalf of either Party or both Parties (a) in the performance of the Research Program during the Research Term or (b) based on or conceived or reduced to practice using the results obtained from the performance of the Research Program, but in each case excluding any FivePrime Platform Technology and BMS Background Know How. *** INDICATES MATERIAL THAT WAS OMITTED AND FOR WHICH CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT WAS REQUESTED. ALL SUCH OMITTED MATERIAL WAS FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION PURSUANT TO RULE 24b-2 PROMULGATED UNDER THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934, AS AMENDED.
Collaboration Target Know-How means any and all Know-How that: (i) relates to (X) a Collaboration Target or (Y) the use of compounds or products discovered or generated or derived to bind to and modulate such Collaboration Target; and (ii) is discovered, developed, made, generated or invented by or on behalf of either Party or both Parties (a) in the performance of the Research Program during the Research Term or (b) based on or conceived or reduced to practice using the results obtained from the performance of the Research Program, but in each case excluding any FivePrime Platform Technology and BMS Background Know How. *** INDICATES MATERIAL THAT WAS OMITTED AND FOR WHICH CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT WAS REQUESTED. ALL SUCH OMITTED MATERIAL WAS FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION PURSUANT TO RULE 24b- 2 PROMULGATED UNDER THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934, AS AMENDED.
Collaboration Target Know-How means any and all Know-How that: (i) relates to (X) a Collaboration Target or (Y) the use of compounds or products discovered or generated or derived to bind to and modulate such Collaboration Target; and (ii) is discovered, developed, made, generated or invented by or on behalf of either Party or both Parties (a) in the performance of the Research Program during the Research Term or (b) based on or conceived or reduced to practice using the results obtained from the performance of the Research Program, but in each case excluding any FivePrime Platform Technology and BMS Background Know How.

Examples of Collaboration Target Know-How in a sentence

  • If BMS desires not to exercise its right to pursue patent protection with respect to certain Collaboration Compound Know-How, Collaboration Compound Patents, Collaboration Target Know-How or Collaboration Target Patents, then BMS shall notify FivePrime to that effect.

  • FivePrime hereby assigns to BMS an undivided one-half interest in, to and under any Collaboration Target Patents (other than Collaboration Target Patents which are Controlled by Five Prime as of the Effective Date, which as between the Parties shall remain owned solely by FivePrime), Collaboration Target Know-How, Collaboration Other Patents and Collaboration Other Know-How that is invented or created solely by FivePrime or by Persons having an obligation to assign such rights to FivePrime.

Related to Collaboration Target Know-How

  • Collaboration Target means the Initial Collaboration Targets set forth on Exhibit F and any Additional Target or Substitute Target that is selected in accordance with Section 3.3 of this Agreement.

  • Collaboration Know-How means all Know-How conceived, discovered, developed or otherwise made by or on behalf of a particular Party or any of its Affiliates or permitted subcontractors of any of the foregoing (solely or jointly by or on behalf of a particular Party or any of its Affiliates or permitted subcontractors of any of the foregoing) in the course of [***].

  • Collaboration Compound means any of the following: (a) FG-4592, (b) any HIF Compound (other than FG-4592) that is added to this Agreement pursuant to Section 3.6, and (c) any salts, esters, complexes, chelates, crystalline and amorphous morphic forms, pegylated forms, enantiomers (excluding regioisomers), prodrugs, solvates, metabolites and catabolites of any of the foregoing ((a) or (b)).

  • Development Candidate means a Compound that meets the Development Candidate Criteria for the initiation of a Development Program for the treatment of CF, and which is the subject of a notice from Vertex to CFFT that Vertex intends to commence formal pre-clinical development of the Compound in the Field pursuant to the provisions of Section 3.1 hereof.

  • Collaboration Product means a pharmaceutical product containing or comprising Compound in any dosage form alone, or in combination with, one or more other pharmaceutically active ingredients, and any and all Improvements thereto.

  • Product Know-How means Know-How

  • Collaboration Patent Rights means Patent Rights claiming Collaboration Know-How.

  • Collaboration IP means Collaboration Know-How and Collaboration Patents.

  • Manufacturing Know-How means, with respect to the Product or any Variant thereof, the technology, data, designs, processes, methods, specifications and other know-how used in connection with the formulation, manufacture, labeling, packaging, quality control, release testing, and production of the Product, and all ingredients used therein and portions thereof.

  • Program Know-How means all Information and inventions that are conceived, discovered, developed, or otherwise made by or on behalf of either Party or its Affiliates or licensees, solely or jointly with the other Party or its Affiliates or licensees, under this Agreement.

  • Research Plan shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.1.

  • Joint Know-How has the meaning set forth in Section 8.1.2.

  • Research Program Term has the meaning set forth in Section 2.2.

  • Collaboration Patents means any and all Patents that claim or cover any of the Collaboration Know-How.

  • Product Candidate means each of MYO-101, MYO-102, MYO-103, MYO-201 and MYO-301, as defined on Exhibit B, in each case in any form or formulation.

  • Licensed Compounds means any EZH2 Compound(s) that is:

  • Research Program has the meaning set forth in Section 2.1.

  • Collaboration has the meaning set forth in Section 2.1.

  • Program Patent Rights means all Patent Rights that claim or cover patentable Program Know-How, including any Program-Specific Patent Rights.

  • Licensed Compound means (a) 3,4-Diaminopyridine, the chemical structure of which is set forth on Exhibit B-2; and (b) any derivatives, isomers, metabolites, prodrugs, acid forms, base forms, salt forms, or modified versions of such compound in (a).

  • Collaboration Term has the meaning set forth in Section 2.2.

  • Licensed Know-How means all Know-How that (a) is Controlled by Pfizer or any of its Affiliates as of the effective date of the Pfizer-MPP Agreement, (b) directly relates to the use of the Compound, Product or Licensed Product in the Field, and (c) is not in the public domain or otherwise generally known. For the avoidance of doubt, (i) Licensed Know-How shall not include any Know-How to the extent solely and directly related to any other Pfizer compound or to the extent related to the use of the Compound, Product or Licensed Product outside the Field and (ii) Licensed Know-How includes only that Know-How, designated by Pfizer in its sole discretion, necessary for the manufacture, registration and commercialization of the Compound and/or Licensed Product for use in the Field. For the avoidance of doubt, Licensed Know-How excludes any Know-How related to ritonavir that has been (either as of the Effective Date or at any time during the term of this Agreement) in-licensed by Pfizer from any Third Party.

  • Lead Compound means any compound of lead other than galena which, when treated in the manner described below, yields to an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid a quantity soluble lead compound exceeding, when calculated as lead monoxide, five percent of the dry weight of the portion taken analysis.

  • Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site (or “MMC Site”) means any World Wide Web server that publishes copyrightable works and also provides prominent facilities for anybody to edit those works. A public wiki that anybody can edit is an example of such a server. A “Massive Multiauthor Collaboration” (or “MMC”) contained in the site means any set of copyrightable works thus published on the MMC site.

  • Program Technology means Program Know-How and Program Patents.

  • Licensor Know-How means any and all Know-How that (a) is Controlled by Licensor or any of its Affiliates as of the Effective Date or at any time thereafter during the Term and (b) pertains to the Manufacture, use or sale of Licensed Products, including Research Inventions (other than Research Patents).