Binding Contract definition

Binding Contract. We understand that this Tender, together with your written acceptance thereof included in your Letter of Acceptance, shall constitute a binding contract between us, until a formal contract is prepared and executed; Procuring Entity Not Bound to Accept: We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest evaluated cost Tender, the Best Evaluated Tender or any other Tender that you may receive; and Fraud and Corruption: We hereby certify that we have taken steps to ensure that no person acting for us or on our behalf engages in any type of Fraud and Corruption. Code of Ethical Conduct: We undertake to adhere by the Code of Ethics for Persons Participating in Public Procurement and Asset Disposal, copy available
Binding Contract shall have the meaning assigned to such term in the definition ofExcess Cash Flow.”
Binding Contract means any grant, endowment, settlement agreement,

Examples of Binding Contract in a sentence

  • Binding Contract: This Contract shall not be binding until signed by both parties.

  • Binding Contract The offeror acknowledges and agrees that no contract shall exist until signed by both parties, except that Section F.3 (Proposal Security), if applicable, shall be binding on the offeror in accordance with its terms prior to the execution of a contract.

  • Legally Binding Contract, (b), (c) and (d) for details on how to do this.

  • That Agreement is a Binding Contract: I represent that I am at least 18 years of age, and that I have the capacity to understand and be bound by all of the provisions of this Agreement.

  • The Services are not available to Organizations which are not authorized or legally entitled to enter into a Binding Contract.

More Definitions of Binding Contract

Binding Contract means an in- strument enforceable under applicable law against the parties to the instru- ment. The presence of a condition out- side the control of the parties (includ- ing, for example, regulatory agency ap- proval) does not prevent an instrument from being a binding contract. Further, the fact that insubstantial terms re- main to be negotiated by the parties to the contract, or that customary condi- tions remain to be satisfied, does not prevent an instrument from being a binding contract. A tender offer that is subject to section 14(d) of the Securi- ties and Exchange Act of 1934, (15U.S.C. 78n(d)(1)), and Regulation 14D (17 CFR 240.14d–1 through 240.14d–103) and that is not pursuant to a binding contract, is treated as a binding con- tract made on the date of its announce- ment, notwithstanding that it may be modified by the offeror or that it is not enforceable against the offerees.
Binding Contract. This Contract shall be binding upon the Parties hereto and upon their successors and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of the Parties and their successors and assigns.
Binding Contract. This contract is binding upon the parties hereto, their respective heirs, executors, administrators and assigns.
Binding Contract is any agreement that's legally enforceable. That means if you sign a binding contract and don't fulfill your end of the bargain, the other party can take you to court.
Binding Contract. : means any contract, including the film Catalogue distribution contracts of the Debtor to which Christal is a party, except a contact or a lease that was resiliated or repudiated by Christal before the Effective Date of the Plan, and that foresees successive implementation or repetitive obligations by the parties to the contract in question;
Binding Contract means a contract which is binding under applicable state law;
Binding Contract means a contract which: