Approved program/activity definition

Approved program/activity means a continuing education program/activity meeting the standards set forth in these rules.
Approved program/activity means a continuing education program/activity meeting the stan- dards set forth in these rules.
Approved program/activity means a continuing educa- tion program/activity meeting the standards set forth in these rules, which has received advance approval by the board pur- suant to these rules.

More Definitions of Approved program/activity

Approved program/activity means a continuing education program/activity meeting the stan- dards set forth in these rules, which has received advance approval by the board pursuant to these rules. “Approved sponsor” means a person or an organization sponsoring continuing education activities that has been approved by the board as a sponsor pursuant to these rules. During the time an organiza- tion, educational institution, or person is an approved sponsor, all continuing education activities of
Approved program/activity means a continuing educa- tion program/activity meeting the standards set forth in these rules.
Approved program/activity means a continuing education program/activity meeting
Approved program/activity means a continuing education program/activity meeting the stan- dards set forth in these rules, which has received advance approval by the board pursuant to these rules. “Audit” means the selection of licensees for verification of satisfactory completion of continuing education requirements during a specified time period or the selection of providers for verification of

Related to Approved program/activity

  • Approved program or "approved state" means a state or interstate program that has been approved or authorized by EPA under 40 CFR Part 123 (2000).

  • Development Activity means any activity defined as Development which will necessitate a Floodplain Development Permit. This includes buildings, structures, and non-structural items, including (but not limited to) fill, bulkheads, piers, pools, docks, landings, ramps, and erosion control/stabilization measures.

  • Approved Project means the Scheme application of the Applicant approved by the CIC.

  • Development Activities means those activities which have been approved for the Project as set out in the approved Plans and Specifications and, generally, activities that are normally undertaken for the development, construction, repair, renovation, rehabilitation or conversion of buildings for residential purposes and include the acquisition of property;

  • Development Plan has the meaning set forth in Section 3.2.

  • Development Program means the implementation of the development plan.

  • licensed activities means things authorised to be done by the licence

  • Annual Work Plan and Budget means each annual work plan and budget (including related cash forecasts) for the implementation of the Project approved by the Association, referred to in Section I.D of Schedule 2 to this Agreement; and “Annual Work Plans and Budgets” means, collectively, all such plans and budgets.

  • Co-curricular activity means an activity, course, or program that:

  • licensed activity means any activity set out in section 4 of this licence.

  • Development Work means the conduct of preclinical and clinical trials, the compilation of the regulatory dossier concerning Licensed Products and the conduct of other work necessary or useful for obtaining Regulatory Approval of Licensed Products.

  • Commercialization or “Commercialize” means activities directed to marketing, promoting, research and development as required, manufacturing for sale, offering for sale, distributing, importing or selling a product, including sub-licensing or sub-contracting of these activities.

  • Manufacturing operation means a process in which materials are changed, converted, or transformed into a different state or form from which they previously existed and includes refining materials, assembling parts, and preparing raw materials and parts by mixing, measuring, blending, or otherwise committing such materials or parts to the manufacturing process. "Manufacturing operation" does not include packaging.

  • Program change means any elimination, curtailment or reorganization of a curriculum offering, program or school operation or a reorganization or closing of a school or consolidation of two or more individual schools or school districts that is unrelated to financial exigency.