Agriculture production definition

Agriculture production means production for commercial purposes of crops, livestock, and livestock products.
Agriculture production means production for commercial purposes of crops, livestock, and livestock products. "Agriculture production" includes the processing or retail marketing of any crops, livestock, and livestock products when more than fifty (50) percent of the processed or merchandised products are produced by the farm operator. "Agriculture protection area" means a geographic area within the unincorporated part of Uintah County created under the authority of Chapter 41, Title 17, Utah Code Annotated, 1953 as amended, and of this chapter, that is granted the specific legal protection contained in Chapter 41, Title 17, Utah Code Annotated, 1953 as amended.
Agriculture production means production for commercial purposes of crops, livestock, and livestock products, the processing or retail marketing of any crops, livestock, and livestock products when more than 50% of the processed or merchandised products are produced by the farm operator. List the type(s) of agricultural production that is currently occurring on the parcel(s): Name(s):Property owner(s) information (parcel 2)Parcel #:Property Address: # of Acres: City/County:State:Zip:Zone:Mailing Address: City/County: State: Zip: Office/home phone:Is the property currently on Green Belt? A copy of the deed, offer or tax notice MUST be included to demonstrate ownershipWhat yields do you currently get from the agricultural production on the parcel(s)? Is the parcel(s) irrigated? Describe the types and number of structures that are located on the parcel(s): List any existing or proposed farm improvements (by Tax ID / Parcel # or address). Signature of Applicants: Date:

Examples of Agriculture production in a sentence

  • Agriculture production as a major driver of the Earth system exceeding planetary boundaries.

  • Agriculture production in North Korea began to decline in the mid-1980s.

  • Agriculture production and livestock farming is the main source of livelihood in sample project areas.

  • Agriculture production and food systems will be affected by climate change in Europe and elsewhere.

  • Their transaction record can be used by banks for sanctioning larger loans/ overdraft as and when required by them.3) AE would do the business activity in their selected trade in the areas allocated to them4) AE would also have a network at their APC (Agriculture production Cluster) level to aggregate their demand and improve the quality of services.

  • Agriculture production historically has consistently increased in productivity despite experiencing decreases in the number of farmers, farms and planted acres.

  • Agriculture production has benefited from a number of programmes to address soil fertility, soil erosion, and in particular the crop intensification programme (CIP) focusing on facilitating access to fertilizers and selected seeds, land-use consolidation, and improved irrigation (Chapter IV).

  • Area of focus: Agriculture production, community forestry, vegetable growing and training.

  • According to a USAID report, “Morocco’s per capita income qualifies it as a3 The current exchanges rates to the United States’ Dollar are currently approximately the following: US $1= 9,45 MaD, and 1 MaD = US $ 0,11.4 Agriculture production is dependent on adequate rainfalls, explaining the wide variations in its share of GDP, from 13 to 20%, according to the variable and sometimes persistent effects of drought.lower/middle-income country.

  • Agriculture production and productivity (MAF)The planned strategy for the agricultural production in drought-prone areas is targeting the sustainable soil and water management, and support to agriculture technology transfer and extension services.

More Definitions of Agriculture production

Agriculture production means production for commercial purposes of crops, livestock, and livestock products. (2) "Agriculture production" includes the processing or retail marketing of any crops, livestock, and livestock products when more than 50% of the processed or merchandised products are produced by the farm operator.

Related to Agriculture production

  • Agriculture means farming in all its branches, including cultivation and tillage of the soil; dairying; production, cultivation, growing, and harvesting of any agricultural or horticultural commodity; raising of livestock, bees, furbearing animals, or poultry; and any practice, including any forestry or lumbering operations, performed on a farm in conjunction with farming operations, including preparation and delivery of produce to storage, to market, or to carriers for transportation to market;

  • agricultural products means an animal or plant or a product, including any food or drink that is wholly or partly derived from an animal or plant, and includes all after acquired Agricultural Products of the Producer, or any proceeds therefore.

  • Agricultural product means the products listed in Annex I to the Treaty, except fishery and aquaculture products listed in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 1379/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013;

  • Marijuana products means concentrated marijuana products and marijuana products that are comprised of marijuana and other ingredients and are intended for use or consumption, such as, but not limited to, edible products, ointments, and tinctures.

  • Tobacco products means cigars, cigarettes, cheroots, stogies, periques, granulated, plug cut, crimp cut, ready rubbed, and other smoking tobacco, snuff, snuff flour, moist snuff, cavendish, ping and twist tobacco, fine-cut and other chewing tobaccos, shorts, refuse scraps, clippings, cuttings and sweepings of tobacco, and other kinds and forms of tobacco, prepared in such manner as to be suitable for chewing or smoking in a pipe or otherwise, or both for chewing and smoking.

  • Medical marijuana concentrate means a specific subset of Medical Marijuana that was produced by extracting cannabinoids from Medical Marijuana. Categories of Medical Marijuana Concentrate include Water-Based Medical Marijuana Concentrate, Food-Based Medical Marijuana Concentrate and Solvent-Based Medical Marijuana Concentrate.

  • Commercial Product means any such product as defined in FAR 2.101.

  • Agricultural operation means an agricultural operation as defined in the Agricultural Operation Practices Act;

  • Cannabis plant means any plant of the genus Cannabis;

  • Agricultural land means land primarily devoted to the

  • Biodiesel means a fuel composed of mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats, and, in accordance with standards specified by the American society for testing and materials, designated B100, and meeting the requirements of D-6751, as approved by the department of agriculture.

  • Production means a method of obtaining goods including manufacturing, assembling, processing, raising, growing, breeding, mining, extracting, harvesting, fishing, trapping, gathering, collecting, hunting and capturing.