Tenant Disputes Sample Clauses

Tenant Disputes. Each Landlord’s Statement sent to Tenant shall be conclusively binding upon Tenant unless Tenant shall (A) within 30 days after such statement is sent, pay to Landlord the amount set forth in such statement, without prejudice to Tenant’s right to dispute such statement, and (B) within 60 days after such statement is sent, send a notice to Landlord objecting to such statement and specifying the reasons for Tenant’s claim that such statement is incorrect. Tenant covenants and agrees that Tenant will not employ, in connection with any dispute under this Lease, any Person who is to be compensated, in whole or in part, on a contingency fee basis. If the parties are unable to resolve any such dispute within 30 days following the giving of Tenant’s notice of objection, either party may refer the issues raised to an independent firm of certified public accountants selected by Landlord and reasonably acceptable to Tenant, and the decision of such accountants shall be conclusively binding upon Landlord and Tenant. In connection therewith, Tenant and such accountants shall execute and deliver to Landlord a confidentiality agreement, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Landlord, whereby such parties agree not to disclose to any third party any of the information obtained in connection with such review, or the substance of any admissions or stipulations by any party in connection therewith, or of any resulting reconciliation, compromise or settlement. Tenant shall pay the fees and expenses relating to such procedure, unless such accountants shall determine that Landlord overstated the Expense Factor by more than 5% for such Computation Year, as finally determined, in which case Landlord shall pay such fees and expenses. SCHEDULE 4 LANDLORD’S MUSIC HALL PROPERTY LOCATION ITEM/DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ALL CARPETING—INSTALLED THEATER SEATS PUBLIC AREAS FURNITURE PUBLIC AREAS SCULPTURES PUBLIC AREAS DRAPES AUDIO MONITORS XXX. BRIDGE EMILAR MDM 16 MONITORS 4 IN-HOUSE SOUND SYSTEM A COVE RF ALTEC MR-42 HOR MANTA RAY 10 A COVE TAD TD4001 DRIVER DRIVER 10 A COVE LF ALTEC 421-SLF WOOFER 12 A COVE LF XXXXXX X00 XX XXX 0 0 XXXXX 00 XXX XXX000 SPECIAL 1 5 FLOOR 50 YAMAHA P-2100 POWER-AMP 5 5 FLOOR 50 YAMAHA P-2200 POWER-AMP 0 0 XXXXX 00 000 FDS 360 CROSSOVER 2 0 XXXXX 00 XXXXX XX0000 1/3 OCTIVE 3 5 FLOOR 50 DEX 166 2CH LIMITER 1 5 FLOOR 50 LOFTTECH TS1RMX GENERATOR 1 5 FLOOR 50 RS APM500 A-POWER METER 6 PATCH RM API 3124M SUB-MIXER 1 PATCH RM YAMAHA P-2200 POWER-AMP 4 PAT...
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Tenant Disputes. Each Landlord’s Statement sent to Tenant shall be conclusively binding upon Tenant unless Tenant shall (i) within 30 days after such statement is sent, pay to Landlord the amount set forth in such statement, without prejudice to Tenant’s right to dispute such statement, and (ii) within 180 days after such statement is sent, send a notice to Landlord objecting to such statement and specifying the reasons for Tenant’s claim that such statement is incorrect. If the parties are unable to resolve any such dispute within 30 days following the giving of Tenant’s notice of objection, either party may refer the issues raised to an independent firm of certified public accountants selected by Landlord (but not Landlord’s regular accountant) and reasonably acceptable to Tenant, and the decision of such accountants shall be conclusively binding upon Landlord and Tenant. In connection therewith, Tenant and such accountants shall execute and deliver to Landlord a confidentiality agreement, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Landlord, whereby such parties agree not to disclose to any third party any of the information that is not otherwise public obtained in connection with such review, or the substance of any admissions or stipulations by any party in connection therewith, or of any resulting reconciliation, compromise or settlement.
Tenant Disputes. Each Landlord’s Statement sent to Tenant shall be conclusively binding upon Tenant unless Tenant shall (i) pay to Landlord when due the amount set forth in such statement, without prejudice to Tenant’s right to dispute such statement, and (ii) within sixty (60) days after such statement is sent, send a notice to Landlord objecting to such statement and specifying the reasons for Tenant’s claim that such statement is incorrect.
Tenant Disputes. Each Landlord's Statement sent to Tenant shall be conclusively binding upon Tenant unless Tenant shall (i) within 30 days after such statement is sent, pay to Landlord the amount set forth in such statement, without prejudice to Tenant's right to dispute such statement, and (ii) within 90 days after such statement is sent, send a notice to Landlord objecting to such statement and specifying the reasons for Tenant's claim that such statement is incorrect. In no event shall Tenant withhold payment of any portion of amounts set forth in a Landlord's statement. Tenant covenants and agrees that Tenant will not employ, in connection with any dispute under this Lease, any Person who is to be compensated, in whole or in part, on a contingency fee basis. If the parties are unable to resolve any such dispute within 30 days following the giving of Tenant's notice of objection, either party may refer the issues raised to an independent firm of certified public accountants selected by Landlord and reasonably acceptable to Tenant, and the decision of such accountants shall be conclusively binding upon Landlord and Tenant. In connection therewith, Tenant and such accountants shall execute and deliver to Landlord a confidentiality agreement, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Landlord, whereby such parties agree not to disclose to any third party any of the information obtained in connection with such review, or the substance of any admissions or stipulations by any party in connection therewith, or of any resulting reconciliation, compromise or settlement. Tenant shall pay the fees and expenses relating to such procedure, unless such accountants shall determine that Landlord overstated the Expense Factor by more than 5% for such Computation Year, as finally determined, in which case Landlord shall pay such fees and expenses.
Tenant Disputes. Seller has not received written notice from any tenant that it is disputing Seller’s calculation of the base year amounts of real estate taxes or reimbursable operating expenses used for calculating such tenant’s escalation payments (a “Tenant Dispute”) and, to Seller’s actual knowledge, no tenant has advised or notified Seller of its intention to do so.
Tenant Disputes. If following the Effective Date any tenant commences a Tenant Dispute, then (x) Seller shall not settle any such Tenant Dispute without Buyer’s approval, not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed, and (y) Seller shall provide Buyer with information regarding the status of the Tenant Dispute as Buyer shall reasonably request.
Tenant Disputes. Landlord is not responsible for any disputes among Tenants or sub-Tenants, nor shall any dispute among Tenants justify termination or breach of this Lease.
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Related to Tenant Disputes

  • Landlord Repairs Notwithstanding anything contrary herein, Landlord shall repair, replace and restore the foundation, exterior and interior load-bearing walls, roof structure and roof covering and tuckpointing of the Property; provided, however, that (i) all costs and expenses so incurred by Landlord to repair, replace and restore the above items shall constitute Operating Expenses; provided, however, that with respect to any costs incurred in the replacement context, those costs shall not constitute an Operating Expense except to the extent that such costs so qualify under SECTION 3.1.1(vii); and (ii) notwithstanding (i) above, in the event that any such repair, replacement or restoration is necessitated by any or all of the matters set forth in SECTIONS 13.1(a) through (d) above (collectively, "TENANT NECESSITATED REPAIRS"), then Tenant shall be required to reimburse Landlord for all costs and expenses that Landlord incurs in order to perform such Tenant Necessitated Repairs, and such reimbursement shall be paid, in full, within 10 days after Landlord's delivery of demand therefor. Landlord agrees to commence the repairs, replacements or restoration described in this SECTION 13.2 within a reasonable period of time after receiving from Tenant written notice of the need for such repairs.

  • LANDLORD’S NONLIABILITY Landlord, its agents, and any and all affiliates of Landlord, shall not be liable to Tenant, its employees, agents and/or invitees, and Tenant hereby waives all claims against Landlord, its agents, and any and all affiliates of Landlord, for and knowingly assumes the risk of loss of or damage to any property, or loss or interruption of business or income, or any other loss, cost, damage, injury or liability whatsoever (including without limitation any consequential damages and lost profit or opportunity costs), resulting from, but not limited to, Acts of God, acts of civil disobedience or insurrection, acts or omissions of third parties and/or of other tenants within the Project or their agents, employees, contractors, guests or invitees, fire, explosion, falling plaster, steam, gas, electricity, water or rain which may leak or flow from or into any part of the Premises, mold, or from the breakage, leakage, obstruction or other defects of the pipes, sprinklers, wires, appliances, plumbing, air conditioning, electrical works, roof, windows or other fixtures in the Building (whether the damage or injury results from conditions arising in the Premises or in other portions of the Building), regardless of the negligence of Landlord, its agents or any and all affiliates of Landlord in connection with any of the foregoing. It is understood that any such condition may require the temporary evacuation or closure of all or a portion of the Building. Landlord shall have no liability whatsoever (including without limitation consequential damages and lost profit or opportunity costs) and, except as provided in Sections 11.1 and 12.1 below, there shall be no abatement of rent, by reason of any injury to or interference with Tenant’s business arising from the making of any repairs, alterations or improvements to any portion of the Building, including repairs to the Premises, nor shall any related activity by Landlord constitute an actual or constructive eviction. In making repairs, alterations or improvements, however, Landlord shall interfere as little as reasonably practicable with the conduct of Tenant’s business in the Premises. Should Tenant elect to receive any service or products from a concessionaire, licensee or third party tenant of Landlord, Landlord shall have no liability for any services or products so provided or for any breach of contract by such third party provider. Neither Landlord nor its agents shall be liable for interference with light or other similar intangible interests. Tenant shall immediately notify Landlord in case of fire or accident in the Premises, the Building or the Project and of defects in any improvements or equipment.

  • Landlord’s Repairs Landlord, as an Operating Expense, shall maintain all of the structural, exterior, parking and other Common Areas of the Project, including HVAC, plumbing, fire sprinklers, elevators and all other building systems serving the Premises and other portions of the Project (“Building Systems”), in good repair, reasonable wear and tear and uninsured losses and damages caused by Tenant, or by any of Tenant’s agents, servants, employees, invitees and contractors (collectively, “Tenant Parties”) excluded. Losses and damages caused by Tenant or any Tenant Party shall be repaired by Landlord, to the extent not covered by insurance, at Tenant’s sole cost and expense. Landlord reserves the right to stop Building Systems services when necessary (i) by reason of accident or emergency, or (ii) for planned repairs, alterations or improvements, which are, in the judgment of Landlord, desirable or necessary to be made, until said repairs, alterations or improvements shall have been completed. Landlord shall have no responsibility or liability for failure to supply Building Systems services during any such period of interruption; provided, however, that Landlord shall, except in case of emergency, make a commercially reasonable effort to give Tenant 24 hours advance notice of any planned stoppage of Building Systems services for routine maintenance, repairs, alterations or improvements. Tenant shall promptly give Landlord written notice of any repair required by Landlord pursuant to this Section, after which Landlord shall make a commercially reasonable effort to effect such repair. Landlord shall not be liable for any failure to make any repairs or to perform any maintenance unless such failure shall persist for an unreasonable time after Tenant’s written notice of the need for such repairs or maintenance. Tenant waives its rights under any state or local law to terminate this Lease or to make such repairs at Landlord’s expense and agrees that the parties’ respective rights with respect to such matters shall be solely as set forth herein. Repairs required as the result of fire, earthquake, flood, vandalism, war, or similar cause of damage or destruction shall be controlled by Section 18.

  • Landlords and Tenants Property (a) All fixtures, machinery, equipment, improvements and appurtenances attached to, or built into, the Premises prior to the commencement of, or during the Term which relate to the operation of the Building (but expressly excluding Tenant’s Property), whether or not placed there by or at the expense of Tenant, shall become and remain a part of the Premises; shall be deemed the property of Landlord (the “Landlord’s Property”), without compensation or credit to Tenant; and shall not be removed by Tenant at the Expiration Date unless Landlord requires their removal (including, but not limited to, Alterations pursuant to Section 11). Further, any personal property in the Premises on the Commencement Date, movable or otherwise, unless installed and paid for by Tenant, shall also constitute Landlord’s Property and shall not be removed by Tenant, unless they are being replaced or substituted by Tenant with property of equal or better quality. In no event shall Tenant remove any of the following materials or equipment without Landlord’s prior written consent (which consent may be given or withheld in Landlord’s sole discretion): any power wiring or power panels, lighting or lighting fixtures, wall or window coverings, carpets or other floor coverings, heaters, air conditioners or any other HVAC equipment, fencing or security gates, or other similar building operating equipment and decorations, except to the extent they are replaced or substituted pursuant to Alterations performed in accordance with the terms of this Lease. At or before the Expiration Date, or the date of any earlier termination, Tenant, at its expense, shall remove from the Premises all of Tenant’s personal property, trade fixtures, machinery and equipment (including without limitation, clean rooms), whether or not bolted to the floor of the Premises (“Tenant’s Property”), and any Alterations that Landlord requires be removed pursuant to Section 11, and Tenant shall repair (to Landlord’s reasonable satisfaction) any damage to the Premises resulting from such installation and/or removal. Any other items of Tenant’s personal property that shall remain in the Premises after the Expiration Date, or following an earlier termination date, may, at the option of Landlord, be deemed to have been abandoned, and in such case, such items may be retained by Landlord as its property or be disposed of by Landlord, in Landlord’s sole and absolute discretion and without accountability, at Tenant’s expense, together with an additional twenty one (21%) percent of such costs for Landlord’s overhead and profit. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Tenant is in default under the terms of this Lease, Tenant may remove Tenant’s personal property from the Premises only upon the express written direction of Landlord.

  • Alterations and Tenant’s Property Any alterations, additions, or improvements made to the Premises by or on behalf of Tenant, including additional locks or bolts of any kind or nature upon any doors or windows in the Premises, but excluding installation, removal or realignment of furniture systems (other than removal of furniture systems owned or paid for by Landlord) not involving any modifications to the structure or connections (other than by ordinary plugs or jacks) to Building Systems (as defined in Section 13) (“Alterations”) shall be subject to Landlord’s prior written consent, which may be given or withheld in Landlord’s sole discretion if any such Alteration affects the structure or Building Systems and shall not be otherwise unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Tenant may construct nonstructural Alterations in the Premises without Landlord’s prior approval if the aggregate cost of all such work in any 12 month period does not exceed $75,000.00 (a “Notice-Only Alteration”), provided Tenant notifies Landlord in writing of such intended Notice-Only Alteration, and such notice shall be accompanied by plans, specifications, work contracts and such other information concerning the nature and cost of the Notice-Only Alteration as may be reasonably requested by Landlord, which notice and accompanying materials shall be delivered to Landlord not less than 15 business days in advance of any proposed construction. If Landlord approves any Alterations, Landlord may impose such conditions on Tenant in connection with the commencement, performance and completion of such Alterations as Landlord may deem appropriate in Landlord’s reasonable discretion. Any request for approval shall be in writing, delivered not less than 15 3115 Xxxxxxxxxx/Erasca - Page 14 business days in advance of any proposed construction, and accompanied by plans, specifications, bid proposals, work contracts and such other information concerning the nature and cost of the alterations as may be reasonably requested by Landlord, including the identities and mailing addresses of all persons performing work or supplying materials. Landlord’s right to review plans and specifications and to monitor construction shall be solely for its own benefit, and Landlord shall have no duty to ensure that such plans and specifications or construction comply with applicable Legal Requirements. Tenant shall cause, at its sole cost and expense, all Alterations to comply with insurance requirements and with Legal Requirements and shall implement at its sole cost and expense any alteration or modification required by Legal Requirements as a result of any Alterations. Other than in connection with any Notice-Only Alterations, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, as Additional Rent, on demand an amount equal to 2% of all charges incurred by Tenant or its contractors or agents in connection with any Alteration to cover Landlord’s overhead and expenses for plan review, coordination, scheduling and supervision. Before Tenant begins any Alteration, Landlord may post on and about the Premises notices of non-responsibility pursuant to applicable law. Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for, and indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from, any expense incurred by Landlord by reason of faulty work done by Tenant or its contractors, delays caused by such work, or inadequate cleanup. Tenant shall furnish security or make other arrangements reasonably satisfactory to Landlord to assure payment for the completion of all Alterations work free and clear of liens, and shall provide (and cause each contractor or subcontractor to provide) certificates of insurance for workers’ compensation and other coverage in amounts and from an insurance company satisfactory to Landlord protecting Landlord against liability for personal injury or property damage during construction. Upon completion of any Alterations, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord: (i) sworn statements setting forth the names of all contractors and subcontractors who did the work and final lien waivers from all such contractors and subcontractors; and (ii) “as built” plans for any such Alteration. Except for Removable Installations (as hereinafter defined), all Installations (as hereinafter defined) shall be and shall remain the property of Landlord during the Term and following the expiration or earlier termination of the Term, shall not be removed by Tenant at any time during the Term, and shall remain upon and be surrendered with the Premises as a part thereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord may, at the time its approval of any such Installation is requested, or at the time it receives notice of a Notice-Only Alteration, notify Tenant that Landlord requires that Tenant remove such Installation upon the expiration or earlier termination of the Term, in which event Tenant shall remove such Installation in accordance with the immediately succeeding sentence. Upon the expiration or earlier termination of the Term, Tenant shall remove (i) all wires, cables or similar equipment which Tenant has installed in the Premises or in the risers or plenums of the Building, (ii) any Installations for which Landlord has given Tenant notice of removal in accordance with the immediately preceding sentence, and (iii) all of Tenant’s Property (as hereinafter defined), and Tenant shall restore and repair any damage caused by or occasioned as a result of such removal, including, without limitation, capping off all such connections behind the walls of the Premises and repairing any holes. During any restoration period beyond the expiration or earlier termination of the Term, Tenant shall pay Rent to Landlord as provided herein as if said space were otherwise occupied by Tenant. If Landlord is requested by Tenant or any lender, lessor or other person or entity claiming an interest in any of Tenant’s Property to waive any lien Landlord may have against any of Tenant’s Property, and Landlord consents to such waiver, then Landlord shall be entitled to be paid as administrative rent a fee of $1,000 per occurrence for its time and effort in preparing and negotiating such a waiver of lien.

  • Tenant’s Repairs Subject to Section 13 hereof, Tenant, at its expense, shall repair, replace and maintain in good condition all portions of the Premises, including, without limitation, entries, doors, ceilings, interior windows, interior walls, and the interior side of demising walls. Such repair and replacement may include capital expenditures and repairs whose benefit may extend beyond the Term. Should Tenant fail to make any such repair or replacement or fail to maintain the Premises, Landlord shall give Tenant notice of such failure. If Tenant fails to commence cure of such failure within 10 days of Landlord’s notice, and thereafter diligently prosecute such cure to completion, Landlord may perform such work and shall be reimbursed by Tenant within 10 days after demand therefor; provided, however, that if such failure by Tenant creates or could create an emergency, Landlord may immediately commence cure of such failure and shall thereafter be entitled to recover the costs of such cure from Tenant. Subject to Sections 17 and 18, Tenant shall bear the full uninsured cost of any repair or replacement to any part of the Project that results from damage caused by Tenant or any Tenant Party and any repair that benefits only the Premises.

  • Tenant Repairs To repair, maintain and keep the Leased Premises and all trade fixtures and improvements therein in good and substantial repair subject only to defects in construction of the structural members of the Building, reasonable wear and tear and damage by fire, lightning and tempest or other casualty against which the Landlord is insured (herein collectively referred to as "Tenant Repair Exceptions"); and that the Landlord may enter and view state of repair and that the Tenant will repair according to notice in writing, except for Tenant Repair Exceptions and that the Tenant will leave the Leased Premises in good repair, except for Tenant Repair Exceptions. Notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained, the Landlord may in any event make repairs to the Leased Premises without notice if such repairs are, in the Landlord's opinion, necessary for the protection of the Building and the Tenant covenants and agrees with the Landlord that if the Landlord exercises any such option to repair, the Tenant will pay to the Landlord together with the next instalment of Monthly Rent which shall become due after the exercise of such option all sums which the Landlord shall have expended in making such repairs and that such sums, if not so paid within such time, shall be recoverable from the Tenant as rent in arrears. Provided further that in the event that the Landlord from time to time makes any repairs as hereinbefore provided, the Tenant shall not be deemed to have been relieved from the obligation to repair and leave the Leased Premises in a good state of repair.

  • Landlord’s Representative Landlord has designated Xxxx Xxxxxxx as its sole representative with respect to the matters set forth in this Tenant Work Letter, who, until further notice to Tenant, shall have full authority and responsibility to act on behalf of the Landlord as required in this Tenant Work Letter.

  • Landlord’s Indemnification of Tenant Landlord shall indemnify, protect, defend and hold Tenant harmless from and against any claims, actions, liabilities, damages, costs or expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred in defending against the same ("Claims") asserted by any third party against Tenant for loss, injury or damage, to the extent such loss, injury or damage is caused by the willful misconduct or negligent acts or omissions of Landlord or its authorized representatives.

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