Examples of Communication System in a sentence
An informational update on the operational status of the 800 MHz Communication System.
Communication System is a Crucial Factor while handling emergency.
PIE analyses showed clear indication of crack morphology shifts at high doses from transgranular to grain boundary fracture indicating hardening of the crystal matrix within grains and/or grain boundaryweakening, shown in Figure 3.
The Campus Director/President will direct the issuance of emergency notifications, which will be accomplished using one or more of the following means, depending on the nature of the threat and the segment of the campus community being threatened: Mass Communication System: The College has a mass emergency communication system that can send messages to all faculty, staff and students.
This can be performed by sending images and reports generated by the use of the ultrasound equipment to a Picture Archive and Communication System (PACS) or via another medium that is automated for back-up retrieval.