Subcustody Sample Clauses

Subcustody. The Subcustodian agrees to hold in a separate account, segregated at all times from all other accounts maintained by the Subcustodian, all securities and evidence of rights thereto of each of the Funds (collectively, "Fund Securities") deposited, from time to time by the Custodian with the Subcustodian. The Subcustodian will accept, hold or dispose of and take such other reasonable actions with respect to Fund Securities, in addition to those specified in Section 3, in accordance with the instructions of the Custodian relating to Fund Securities given in the manner set forth in Section 4 ("Instructions"). The Subcustodian hereby waives any claim against, or lien on, any Fund Securities for any claim hereunder. Registered Fund Securities may be held in the name of the Subcustodian or its nominee. To the extent that ownership of Fund Securities may be recorded by a book entry system maintained by any transfer agent or registrar for such Fund Securities (including, but not limited to, any such system operated by the Subcustodian) or by Depository Trust Company, the Subcustodian may hold Fund Securities as a book entry reflecting the ownership of such Fund Securities by it or its nominee and need not possess certificates or any other evidence of ownership. 3.
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Subcustody. The Subcustodian shall maintain custodian accounts for the Funds ("Subscription Accounts"). Checks issued in payment for purchases of the Funds' shares ("Subscription Checks") shall be deposited by AFS with the Subcustodian and AFS shall instruct Subcustodian into which Subscription Account to deposit such checks. The Subcustodian shall debit AFS account no. 100366815 (the "Bounced Check Account") for the aggregate amount of all Subscription Checks returned to the Subcustodian for non-payment ("Return Items"), informing AFS daily of any returned Subscription Checks. In the event that the available funds in the Bounced Check Account are insufficient to cover the amount of the Return Items, Subcustodian shall promptly notify Transfer Agent in writing of the amount of such insufficiency. Upon receipt of such written notice, Transfer Agent agrees to remit to Subcustodian the full amount of such insufficiency. Each business day AFS shall provide instructions to the Subcustodian to wire transfer certain funds to Boston Safe Deposit & Trust Company and other entities that AFS may specify from time to time, which shall deposit the proceeds of such wire transfers from the Subcustodian into the Settlement Account at Boston Safe Deposit & Trust Company. The Subcustodian agrees that it will comply with the instructions of AFS so long as the instructions do not require the transfer of funds in an amount in excess of the aggregate of the ledger balances in the Subscription Accounts in question and the Subcustodian is not prohibited from making the transfer by applicable law or regulation. Boston Safe Deposit & Trust Company will net the Subscription Check proceeds with the redemption proceeds and the net amount will be wired to the Settlement Account at the Custodian. The Funds will compensate the Subcustodian for (i) service fees charged by the Subcustodian for processing Subscription Checks as set forth on Schedule 1 to this Agreement (these amounts will be paid monthly and computed based on overall account relationship), (ii) other miscellaneous fees as described in Schedule 1 and (iii) Return Items not paid by the Transfer Agent within five (5) days following a payment by Subcustodian pursuant to paragraph 2 hereof.
Subcustody. The Subcustodian agrees to maintain a separate account and to hold segregated at all times from the Subcustodian's securities and from all other customers' secur- ities held by the Subcustodian, all the Fund's securities and evidence of rights thereto ("Fund Securities") deposited, from time to time by the Custodian with the Subcustodian. The Sub- custodian will accept, hold or dispose of and take other actions with respect to Fund Securities in accordance with the Instruc- tions of the Custodian given in the manner set forth in Section 4 and will take certain other actions as specified in Section 3. The Subcustodian hereby waives any claim against or lien on any Fund Securities. The Subcustodian may take steps to register and continue to hold Fund Securities in the name of the Subcustodi- an's nominee and shall take such other steps as the Subcustodian believes necessary or appropriate to carry out efficiently the terms of this Agreement. To the extent that ownership of Fund Securities may be recorded by a book entry system maintained by any transfer agent or registrar for such Fund Securities or by Depository Trust Company, the Subcustodian may hold Fund Secur- ities as a book entry reflecting the ownership of such Fund Se- curities by its nominee and need not possess certificates or any other evidence of ownership of Fund Securities. 3.
Subcustody. The Subcustodian agrees to hold in a separate account, segregated at all times from all other accounts maintained by the Subcustodian, all securities and rights thereto of the Fund ("Fund Securities") deposited from time to time by the Custodian with the Subcustodian. The Subcustodian will accept, hold or dispose of and take such other actions with respect to Fund Securities in addition to those specified in Section 3 in accordance with the Instructions of the Custodian given in the manner set forth in Section 4. Registered Fund Securities may be held in the name of the Subcustodian's nominee.
Subcustody. The Subcustodian agrees to maintain a separate account and to hold segregated at all times from the Subcustodian's securities and from all other customers' secur- ities held by the Subcustodian, all the Fund's securities and evidence of rights thereto ("Fund Securities") deposited, from time to time by the Custodian with the Subcustodian. The Sub- custodian will accept, hold or dispose of and take other actions with respect to Fund Securities in accordance with the Instruc- tions of the Custodian given in the manner set forth in Section 4 and will take certain other actions as specified in Section 3.
Subcustody. The Servicing Agent shall maintain accounts for the Funds ("Subscription Accounts"). Payments for purchases of the Funds' shares ("Subscription Payments") shall be deposited to the Subscription Accounts at Bank and the Servicing Agent shall manage into which Subscription Account the deposit of such payments shall be made. For any checks returned to the Bank for non-payment for any reason, and any returns for ACH transactions or wire transfers ("Return Items"), the Bank shall debit the account in which payments were originally deposited, and the Servicing Agent will receive notice of any Returned Items through one of the Bank's treasury services' products as agreed to by the Bank and Servicing Agent. In the event that the available funds in the designated account are insufficient to cover the amount of the Return Items, the Bank will promptly notify the Servicing Agent in writing of the amount of such insufficiency and upon receipt of such written notice, the Servicing Agent shall remit to the Bank the full amount of such insufficiency. Bank agrees to not offset the Subscription account for any obligations of the Servicing Agent other than obligations owing directly against the Subscription Account or any services provided in relation to such account. Each business day the Servicing Agent will wire transfer certain funds to the designated Custodian, and other entities in compliance with its obligations to service the Subscription Accounts and in accordance with the Bank's terms and conditions governing its accounts and services. The Funds agree to reimburse the Bank for Return Items not paid by the Servicing Agent within five (5) business days following a demand for such payment by the Bank pursuant to this paragraph.
Subcustody. The Subcustodian agrees to hold in a separate account, segregated at all times from all other accounts maintained by the Subcustodian, all securities and rights thereto of each Fund (such securities and rights of each such Fund shall be referred to in this Agreement as "Fund Securities") deposited from time to time by the Custodian with the Subcustodian. The Subcustodian will accept, hold or dispose of and take such other actions with respect to Fund Securities in addition to those specified in Section 3 in accordance with the Instructions of the Custodian given in the manner set forth in Section 4. Registered Fund Securities may be held in the name of the Subcustodian's nominee.
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Subcustody. The Subcustodian agrees to hold in a separate account, segregated at all times from all other accounts maintained by the Subcustodian, all securities and evidence of rights thereto of each of the Funds (collectively, "Fund Securities") deposited, from time to time by the Custodian

Related to Subcustody

  • SUBCUSTODIANS From time to time, in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Agreement, (i) the Custodian may appoint one or more Domestic Subcustodians, Foreign Subcustodians, Special Subcustodians or Interim Subcustodians (each as hereinafter defined) to act on behalf of any one or more Funds; and (ii) the Custodian may be directed, pursuant to an agreement between a Fund and the Custodian (“Delegation Agreement”), to appoint a Domestic Subcustodian to perform the duties of the Foreign Custody Manager (as such term is defined in Rule 17f-5 under the 1940 Act) (“Approved Foreign Custody Manager”) for such Fund so long as such Domestic Subcustodian is so eligible under the 1940 Act. Such Delegation Agreement shall provide that the appointment of any Domestic Subcustodian as the Approved Foreign Custody Manager must be governed by a written agreement between the Custodian and the Domestic Subcustodian, which provides for compliance with Rule 17f-5. The Approved Foreign Custody Manager may then appoint a Foreign Subcustodian or Interim Subcustodian in accordance with this Section 5. For purposes of this Agreement, all Domestic Subcustodians, Special Subcustodians, Foreign Subcustodians and Interim Subcustodians shall be referred to collectively as “Subcustodians.”

  • Custody All charges of depositories, custodians, and other agents for the transfer, receipt, safekeeping, and servicing of the Fund' s cash, securities, and other property.

  • Foreign Subcustodians and Interim Subcustodians (a)(1) Delegation of Directors/Trustees Review of Subcustodians. From time to time, the Custodian may agree to perform certain reviews of Subcustodians and of Subcustodian Contracts as delegate of the Fund's Directors/Trustees. In such event, the Custodian's duties and obligations with respect to this delegated review will be performed in accordance with the terms of the attached 17f-5 Delegation Schedule to this Agreement.

  • Foreign Subcustodians The Custodian may at any time appoint, or cause a Domestic Subcustodian to appoint, any bank, trust company or other entity meeting the requirements of an "eligible foreign custodian" under Section 17(f) of the 1940 Act and the rules and regulations thereunder to act for the Custodian on behalf of any one or more Funds as a subcustodian or sub-subcustodian (if appointed by a Domestic Subcustodian) for purposes of holding Assets of the Fund(s) and performing other functions of the Custodian in countries other than the United States of America (hereinafter referred to as a "Foreign Subcustodian" in the context of either a subcustodian or a sub-subcustodian); provided that the Custodian shall have obtained written confirmation from each Fund of the approval of the Board of Directors or other governing body of each such Fund (which approval may be withheld in the sole discretion of such Board of Directors or other governing body or entity) with respect to (i) the identity of any proposed Foreign Subcustodian (including branch designation), (ii) the country or countries in which, and the securities depositories or clearing agencies (hereinafter "Securities Depositories and Clearing Agencies"), if any, through which, the Custodian or any proposed Foreign Subcustodian is authorized to hold Securities and other Assets of each such Fund, and (iii) the form and terms of the subcustodian agreement to be entered into with such proposed Foreign Subcustodian. Each such duly approved Foreign Subcustodian and the countries where and the Securities Depositories and Clearing Agencies through which they may hold Securities and other Assets of the Fund(s) shall be listed on Appendix A attached hereto, as it may be amended, from time to time. Each Fund shall be responsible for informing the Custodian sufficiently in advance of a proposed investment which is to be held in a country in which no Foreign Subcustodian is authorized to act, in order that there shall be sufficient time for the Custodian, or any Domestic Subcustodian, to effect the appropriate arrangements with a proposed Foreign Subcustodian, including obtaining approval as provided in this Section 5(b). In connection with the appointment of any Foreign Subcustodian, the Custodian shall, or shall cause the Domestic Subcustodian to, enter into a subcustodian agreement with the Foreign Subcustodian in form and substance approved by each such Fund. The Custodian shall not consent to the amendment of, and shall cause any Domestic Subcustodian not to consent to the amendment of, any agreement entered into with a Foreign Subcustodian, which materially affects any Fund's rights under such agreement, except upon prior written approval of such Fund pursuant to Special Instructions.

  • Special Subcustodians Upon receipt of Special Instructions, the Custodian shall, on behalf of a Fund, appoint one or more banks, trust companies or other entities designated in such Special Instructions to act for the Custodian on behalf of such Fund as a subcustodian for purposes of: (i) effecting third-party repurchase transactions with banks, brokers, dealers or other entities through the use of a common custodian or subcustodian; (ii) providing depository and clearing agency services with respect to certain variable rate demand note Securities, (iii) providing depository and clearing agency services with respect to dollar denominated Securities, and (iv) effecting any other transactions designated by such Fund in such Special Instructions. Each such designated subcustodian (hereinafter referred to as a "Special Subcustodian") shall be listed on Appendix A attached hereto, as it may be amended from time to time. In connection with the appointment of any Special Subcustodian, the Custodian shall enter into a subcustodian agreement with the Special Subcustodian in form and substance approved by the appropriate Fund in Special Instructions. The Custodian shall not amend any subcustodian agreement entered into with a Special Subcustodian, or waive any rights under such agreement, except upon prior approval pursuant to Special Instructions.

  • Domestic Subcustodians and Foreign Subcustodians The Custodian shall be liable for the actions or omissions of any Domestic Subcustodian or any Foreign Subcustodian to the same extent as if such action or omission was performed by the Custodian itself. In the event of any loss, damage or expense suffered or incurred by a Fund caused by or resulting from the actions or omissions of any Domestic Subcustodian or Foreign Subcustodian for which the Custodian would otherwise be liable, the Custodian shall promptly reimburse such Fund in the amount of any such loss, damage or expense.

  • Termination of a Subcustodian The Custodian may, at any time in its discretion upon notification to the appropriate Fund(s), terminate any Subcustodian of such Fund(s) in accordance with the termination provisions under the applicable subcustodian agreement, and upon the receipt of Special Instructions, the Custodian will terminate any Subcustodian in accordance with the termination provisions under the applicable subcustodian agreement.

  • Safekeeping The Servicer (or its Affiliates, but only in accordance with the second following sentence) shall hold the Receivable Files for the benefit of the Issuing Entity and the Indenture Trustee and maintain such accurate and complete accounts, records and computer systems pertaining to each Receivable File as shall enable the Issuing Entity to comply with this Agreement. In performing its duties as custodian, the Servicer shall act with reasonable care, using that degree of skill and attention that the Servicer exercises with respect to the receivable files relating to all comparable equipment receivables that the Servicer services for its Affiliates or others. The Servicer, in its capacity as custodian, may at any time delegate its duties as custodian to any Affiliate of the Servicer; provided, that no such delegation shall relieve the Servicer of its responsibility with respect to such duties and the Servicer shall remain obligated and liable to the Issuing Entity, the Depositor and the Indenture Trustee for its duties hereunder as if the Servicer alone were performing such duties. The Servicer shall conduct, or cause to be conducted, periodic audits of the Receivable Files and the related accounts, records and computer systems, in such a manner as shall enable the Issuing Entity or the Indenture Trustee to verify the accuracy of the Servicer’s record keeping. The Servicer shall promptly report to the Issuing Entity and the Indenture Trustee any material failure on its part, or its Affiliate’s part, to hold the Receivable Files and maintain its accounts, records and computer systems as herein provided and promptly take appropriate action to remedy any such failure. Nothing herein shall be deemed to require an initial review or any periodic review by the Issuing Entity, the Trustee or the Indenture Trustee of the Receivable Files.

  • Interim Subcustodians Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 5.01 to the contrary, the Custodian shall not be liable to a Fund for any loss, damage or expense suffered or incurred by such Fund or any of its Portfolios resulting from the actions or omissions of an Interim Subcustodian unless such loss, damage or expense is caused by, or results from, the negligence, misfeasance or misconduct of the Custodian; provided however, in the event of any such loss, damage or expense, the Custodian shall take all reasonable steps to enforce such rights as it may have against such Interim Subcustodian to protect the interests of the Funds and the Portfolios.

  • Subcustodians and Securities Depositories Add the following language to the end of Section 3: The terms Subcustodian and securities depositories as used in this Agreement shall mean a branch of a qualified U.S. bank, an eligible foreign custodian or an eligible foreign securities depository, which are further defined as follows:

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