Refusal to Comply Sample Clauses

Refusal to Comply. In the event that Group or Manager ----------------- refuses or fails to comply with a decision of the Joint Operations Committee, the aggrieved party shall have the option to require the non-complying party to participate in good faith mediation under the auspices of the American Mediation Association, and if such dispute between Group and Manager continues for thirty (30) days after the date the aggrieved party exercises its option regarding mediation, the non-complying party shall have thirty (30) days in which to comply with the decision of the Joint Operations Committee. If the non-complying party has not complied by the end of such thirty (30) day period, the aggrieved party shall have the option to terminate this Agreement upon fifteen (15) days' prior written notice. During such mediation, Manager and Group shall continue to operate and manage the practice in good faith.
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Refusal to Comply. In the event that Dental Group or Manager ----------------- refuses or fails to comply with a decision of the Joint Operations Committee, the aggrieved party shall have the option to require the non-complying party to participate in good faith mediation under the auspices of the American Mediation Association, and if such dispute between Dental Group and Manager continues for sixty (60) days after the date the aggrieved party exercises its option regarding mediation, the non-complying party shall have thirty (30) days in which to comply with the decision of the Joint Operations Committee. If the non-complying party has not complied by the end of such thirty (30) day period, the aggrieved party shall have the option to terminate this Agreement upon fifteen (15) days prior written notice. During such mediation, Manager and Dental Group shall continue to operate and manage the Practice in good faith. Neither Dental Group nor Manager shall be required to participate in such good faith mediation if it reasonably concludes that the delay associated with pursuing such mediation likely would cause harm or injury to it or the Practice.
Refusal to Comply. In the event that Dental Group or Manager refuses ----------------- or fails to comply with a decision of the Joint Operations Committee, the aggrieved party shall have the option to require the non-complying party to participate in good faith mediation under the auspices of the American Mediation Association, and if the parties participate in such dispute between Dental Group and Manager continues for sixty (60) days after the date the aggrieved party exercises its option regarding mediation, and the mediator finds in favor of the aggrieved party, the non-complying party shall have thirty (30) days in which to comply with the decision of the Joint Operations Committee. If the non-complying party has not complied by the end of such thirty (30) day period, the aggrieved party shall have the option to terminate this Agreement upon fifteen (15) days' prior written notice. During such mediation, Manager and Dental Group shall continue to operate and manage the Practice in good faith.
Refusal to Comply. If a member company refuses to comply voluntarily with any remedy imposed by the Administrator and has not requested a review by an Appeals Review Panel, the DSA Board of Directors, or designated part thereof, may conclude that the member company should be suspended or terminated from membership in the DSA.
Refusal to Comply. In the event of any disagreement between/among the Parties and Escrow Agent that results in adverse claims or demands being made in connection with the Escrowed Funds, or in the event that Escrow Agent, in good faith, is in doubt as to what action Escrow Agent should take hereunder, Xxxxxx Agent may, at its option, refuse to comply with any claims or demands on Escrow Agent, or refuse to take any other action hereunder, so long as such disagreement continues or such doubt exists. In any such event, Xxxxxx Agent shall not become liable in any way or to any person for its failure or refusal to act, and Escrow Agent shall be entitled to continue to refrain from acting until (a) the rights of the involved parties have been fully and finally adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction, or (b) all differences have been adjusted and all doubt resolved by agreement between/among the involved parties, and Escrow Agent has been so notified in writing signed by all involved parties. Escrow Agent may, after thirty (30) calendar daysnotice to the involved parties of its intention to do so, file an action in interpleader requiring the involved parties to answer and litigate any claims and rights between/among themselves. The rights of Escrow Agent under this paragraph are cumulative of all other rights which it may have by law or otherwise.
Refusal to Comply. Refusal to comply with an order for a drug or alcohol test will result in discharge from employment. If an employee refuses such an order, a union representative will be present when the order is re-given.
Refusal to Comply. In the event that Dental Group or Manager ----------------- refuses or fails to comply with a decision of the Joint Operations Committee, the aggrieved party shall have the option to require the non- complying party to participate in good faith mediation under the auspices of the American Mediation Association, and if such dispute between Dental Group and Manager continues for sixty (60) days after the date the aggrieved party exercises its option regarding mediation, the non-complying party shall have thirty
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Refusal to Comply. Refusal to comply with a request made under this Section 6.8 shall be grounds for denying access to, or immediate removal from, any Owner facility.
Refusal to Comply. It shall be unlawful for any person to fail, neglect or refuse to obey any order made in accordance to this chapter.

Related to Refusal to Comply

  • Obligation to comply with notice The Borrower or any Security Party shall comply with a notice under Clause 6.1 by the date specified in the notice.

  • Failure to Comply 8.2.1 If the Developer fails to observe or perform any condition of this Agreement after the Municipality has given the Developer thirty (30) days written notice of the failure or default, then in each such case:

  • Covenant to Comply with Applicable Laws Upon Repurchase of Notes In connection with any repurchase offer, the Company will, if required:

  • OPTION TO RENEW Provided Tenant is not, and has not been (more than two (2) times), in default under any of the terms and conditions contained herein, Tenant shall have two (2) additional consecutive five (5) year options to renew and extend the Rental Term as provided herein (“Option”). The Option shall only be exercised by Tenant delivering written notice thereof to Landlord no earlier than the date which is twelve (12) months prior to the expiration of the Rental Term and no later than the date which is nine (9) months prior to the expiration of the Rental Term (the “Option Notice”). The Base Monthly Rent during the first year of each extension periods shall be the lesser of: (i) the then current Fair Market Rate (as defined) for comparable space within the Project, and (ii) the Base Monthly Rent then in effect for the Leased Premises during the last month of the initial Rental Term (increasing each year thereafter by 3%, compounded). “Fair Market Rate” means the market rate for rent chargeable for the Leased Premises based upon the following factors applicable to the Leased Premises or any comparable premises: rent, escalation, term, size, expense stop, tenant allowance, existing tenant finishes, parking availability, and location and proximity to services. Within thirty (30) days of Option Notice, Tenant shall notify Landlord of Tenant’s option of Fair Market Rate for the applicable renewal period. If Landlord disagrees with Tenant’s opinion of the Fair Market Rate, Landlord shall notify Tenant of Landlord’s opinion of Fair Market Rate within fifteen (15) days after receipt of Tenant’s opinion of Fair Market Rate (“Landlord’s Value Notice”). If the parties are unable to resolve their differences within thirty (30) days thereafter, Landlord or Tenant, at its sole option, may terminate this Lease, effective as of the last day of the then-current Rental Term. Alternatively, Tenant and Landlord may mutually agree to submit the determination of Fair Market Rate to a “Market Assessment Process,” as provided in Exhibit “F” – Market Assessment Process.

  • Effect of Failure to Comply Failure to comply with reporting requirements shall result in the withholding of funds, the return of improper payments or Unallowable Costs, will be considered a material breach of this Agreement and may be the basis to recover Grant Funds. Grantee's failure to comply with this ARTICLE XIII, ARTICLE XIV, or ARTICLE XV shall be considered prima facie evidence of a breach and may be admitted as such, without further proof, into evidence in an administrative proceeding before Grantor, or in any other legal proceeding. Grantee should refer to the State of Illinois Grantee Compliance Enforcement System for policy and consequences for failure to comply.

  • Option to Extend Upon expiration of the primary term of this Lease, Tenant is granted an option to extend the term of this Lease for one (1) additional sixty (60) month period, with the same terms and conditions as are included in this Lease, subject, however, to renegotiation of the rent provided in paragraph 4 of this Lease. The primary term and the extension terms will be collectively referred to in this Lease as the “term.” Tenant shall notify Landlord within not less than one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the expiration of the primary term of this Lease or prior to the expiration of each extension term of Tenant’s exercise of its option to extend this Lease, provided that in the circumstances described in paragraph 13, the options to extend the term may be exercised earlier as provided in paragraph 13, and if the option to extend is exercised earlier as provided in paragraph 13, nevertheless, the rental payable as provided in paragraph 4 shall be determined at the time and in the manner provided in paragraph 4 and this paragraph 3. During the following sixty (60) day period, Tenant and Landlord shall negotiate and arrive at an agreement or disagreement of the amount of rent to be paid during the applicable extension term. If Landlord and Tenant agree upon the rent to be paid during the applicable extension term, Landlord and Tenant shall at the end of the sixty (60) day period enter into a new written lease or an amendment agreement setting forth the amount of rental Tenant shall be required to pay pursuant paragraph 4 for the applicable extension term and any other additional terms to which Landlord and Tenant have agreed. If Tenant and Landlord fail to agree upon the rent to be paid during the applicable extension term during the sixty (60) day period of negotiations, a fair market appraisal comparison of comparable properties will be completed by an independent party upon which the Landlord and Tenant may use to negotiate the amount of rent to be paid during the applicable extension term. If Tenant and Landlord fail to agree upon the rent to be paid during the applicable extension term during the sixty (60) day period of negotiations, either Landlord or Tenant may, by written notice to the other party given within the ensuing thirty (30) day period, elect to invoke the arbitration provisions of this Lease to determine the rent Tenant shall be required to pay pursuant to paragraph 4 for the applicable extension term.

  • Renewal Option This Contract may be renewed under the same terms and conditions, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of the Department of Administration and the State Budget Director in compliance with IC § 5-22-17-4. The term of the renewed contract may not be longer than the term of the original Contract.

  • Refusal to Transfer The Company shall not be required (i) to transfer on its books any Shares that have been sold or otherwise transferred in violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement or (ii) to treat as owner of such Shares or to accord the right to vote or pay dividends to any purchaser or other transferee to whom such Shares shall have been so transferred.

  • Options to Renew Provided that no Event of Default by Tenant under this Lease exists as of the date of exercise of the applicable option or at the expiration of the initial term or preceding Option Term, and provided further that Tenant has not assigned this Lease, Tenant shall have the option to extend the initial lease term for four (4) additional, successive terms of five (5) years each (each, an "OPTION TERM"). Tenant shall exercise the option, if at all, by delivering to Landlord written notice of the exercise no sooner than fifteen (15) months nor later than twelve (12) months prior to the expiration of the initial Lease Term or preceding Option Term, as applicable. Tenant's right to exercise each option shall be conditioned upon Tenant delivering to Landlord with Tenant's notice of exercise, current financial reports which evidence that Tenant's financial condition on the date of exercise is equal to or better than Tenant's financial condition on the date of execution of this Lease. If Tenant's financial condition has declined in Landlord's business judgment, Landlord may refuse to accept Tenant's exercise unless Tenant agrees to provide a new Letter(s) of Credit with terms and amounts acceptable to Landlord in its business judgment to secure Tenant's obligations during the applicable Option Term. All terms, provisions, conditions and covenants of this Lease shall remain in full force and effect during the Option Terms, provided that Tenant shall have no additional option periods and the Base Rent payable during the first Lease Year of each Option Term (and for increases during the Option Term, as applicable) shall be the market rate then prevailing as projected for the commencement of the applicable Option Term, for premises comparable in size, quality and location in comparable class R&D/Office buildings throughout the Tri-Valley/Livermore area taking into account all relevant factors (the "MARKET RENT"). Base Rent for the Option Term shall be determined prior to the commencement of the applicable Option Term in the following manner: If Landlord and Tenant are unable to agree on the market rent within sixty (60) days after Tenant gives notice of its exercise of the Option Term, then Tenant shall have the right to revoke its exercise of the option by delivering written notice within ten (10) days following the expiration of such 60-day period. In the event of such revocation, Tenant shall forfeit all rights to thereafter exercise any option under this Lease and the Lease shall terminate at the end of the initial term, or then Option Term, as applicable. If Tenant does not revoke its exercise and elects to proceed with the determination of market rent, then the monthly Base Rent and Additional Rent payable during the Option Term shall be determined by appraisal in the following manner: If Landlord and Tenant can agree on a single appraiser, then the rate set by such appraiser as set forth below shall be the Base Rent for the Option Term. If the parties cannot agree on a single appraiser, then each party, by giving written notice to the other party, shall appoint as an appraiser an experienced commercial real estate agent in the area in which the Premises are located. Said appointment shall be made within ten (10) days following the expiration of the sixty (60) day period aforesaid, and if one of the parties does not appoint an appraiser within that time, the single appraiser named shall be the sole appraiser and shall set the monthly Base Rent for the Option Term. If the two appraisers are appointed as provided herein, each shall independently prepare an estimate of the market rent within sixty (60) days. If the higher of the two estimates so determined is within ten percent (10%) of the lower estimate, then the monthly Base Rent to be paid by Tenant during the Option Term shall be the average of the amounts determined by the appraisers. If the difference between the two estimates exceeds ten percent (10%) of the lower one, the two appraisers shall select a third appraiser meeting the qualifications set forth hereinabove within ten (10) days thereafter who will likewise independently estimate the market rate within sixty (60) days after the appointment. The average of the two closest appraisals shall be set as the monthly Base Rent. Each party shall pay the fees of the appraiser appointed by such party and the parties will share equally the fees of any third appraiser appointed pursuant to this Section A-2.1. Notwithstanding the above, the Base Rent payable by Tenant during each Option Term shall be in addition to all Additional Rent and other sums and charges payable by Tenant under the terms of this Lease. Tenant acknowledges that the options granted herein are personal to Tenant and may not be assigned with an assignment of this Lease except in connection with an assignment to an entity which controls, is controlled by or is under common control with Tenant (as defined in Article 20 of this Lease) or which is a successor to Tenant by merger, consolidation or sale of substantially all of Tenant's assets with Landlord's prior written consent, not to be unreasonably withheld.

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