Personal Taxat�on Sample Clauses

Personal Taxat�on. The Customer acknowledges that taxes and, or costs may ex�st that are not �mposed by or pa�d through BLUE SUISSE. The levels and bases of taxat�on are dependent on �nd�v�dual c�rcumstances and subject to change and therefore �t �s h�ghly recommended that you consult a profess�onal tax adv�ser. SUISSE cannot guarantee that telephone orders g�ven �n a fore�gn language w�ll be executed. The BLUE SUISSE representat�ve w�ll enter the deal �nto the Customer’s Account. The deta�ls and effects of the deal w�ll be reflected �n the Customer’s onl�ne reports. BLUE SUISSE does not warrant that deals done over the telephone w�ll be done at pr�ces that m�rror the pr�ces d�splayed electron�cally at that t�me over the BLUE SUISSE Internet Trad�ng Platform. BLUE SUISSE reserves the r�ght to tape all telephone calls. BLUE SUISSE �s not respons�ble or l�able �f the tapes of the telephone calls are erased or never recorded because of error, om�ss�on or for any other reason. BLUE SUISSE �s also not l�able should user name, passwords and/or Account �nformat�on be obta�xxx know�ngly or unknow�ngly by a th�rd party and as a result, deals done �n the name of the Customer w�thout h�s or her knowledge or author�sat�on. Customers are respons�ble for protect�ng the conf�dent�al�ty of the�r account �nformat�on.
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Personal Taxat�on. The Customer acknowledges that taxes and, or costs may ex�st that are not �mposed by or pa�d through Blue Su�sse. The levels and bases of taxat�on are dependent on �nd�v�dual c�rcumstances and subject to change and therefore �t �s h�ghly recommended that you consult a profess�onal tax adv�ser. I have read and understood the R�sk D�sclosure Statement as set out above. Place S�gnature of Cha�rman (or equ�valent) Date Blue Su�sse Corporate Account Aggrement Documents Vers�on: BSCMACAAD 4.0 Blue Su�sse Ltd. Tel +000 0000 0000 Cornerstone Bus�ness Centre Fax +000 0000 0000 Level 2, Su�te 1, 16th September Square �nfo@bluesu� Mosta, MALTA www.bluesu� ONLINE TRADING AGREEMENT Th�s �s an agreement between Blue Su�sse L�m�xxx and you as a Customer. Blue Su�sse L�m�xxx �s a company �ncorporated under the Laws of Malta w�th company reg�strat�on number C59928 and operat�onal address at Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxx�xxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx 0, Su�te 1, 16th September Square, Mosta, MST 1180, Malta. Blue Su�sse �s l�censed by the Malta F�nanc�al Serv�ces Author�ty (“MFSA”) �n terms of the Investment Serv�ces Act, Chapter 370 of the Laws of Malta. The MFSA’s address �s at Xxxxx�xx Xxxx, XXX 0000, Xxxxxx, Xxxxx ( Blue Su�sse L�m�xxx �x x�censed �n terms of art�cle 6 of the Investment Serv�ces Act as a Category 2 l�cence holder to prov�de the InvestmentServ�ces l�sted below and to hold cl�ents’ money and assets: Execut�on of Orders Recept�on and Transm�ss�on of Orders For Xxxx�l Cl�ents; For Profess�xxxx Xx�ents; and For El�g�ble Counterpart�es In relat�on to the follow�ng �nstruments: opt�ons, futures, swaps, forward rate agreements and any other der�vat�ve contracts relat�ng to secur�t�es, currenc�es, �nterest rates or y�elds, or other der�vat�ve �nstruments, f�nanc�al �nd�ces or f�nanc�al measures wh�ch may be settled phys�cally or �n cash opt�ons, futures, swaps, forward rate agreements and any other der�vat�ve contracts relat�ng to commod�t�es that must be settled �n cash or may be settled �n cash at the opt�on of one of the part�es (otherw�se than by reason of a default or other term�nat�on event); opt�ons, futures, swaps, and any other der�vat�ve contracts relat�ng to commod�t�es, that can be phys�cally settled prov�ded that they are traded on a regulated market, w�th�n the mean�ng of the F�nanc�al Markets Act and, or a Mult�lateral Trad�ng Fac�l�ty w�th�n the mean�ng of Schedule 1 to the Investment Serv�ces Act (‘ISA’); r�ghts under a contract for d�ffer...

Related to Personal Taxat�on

  • Special Taxing Districts SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICTS MAY BE SUBJECT TO GENERAL OBLIGATION INDEBTEDNESS THAT IS PAID BY REVENUES PRODUCED FROM ANNUAL TAX LEVIES ON THE TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN SUCH DISTRICTS. PROPERTY OWNERS IN SUCH DISTRICTS MAY BE PLACED AT RISK FOR INCREASED MILL LEVIES AND TAX TO SUPPORT THE SERVICING OF SUCH DEBT WHERE CIRCUMSTANCES ARISE RESULTING IN THE INABILITY OF SUCH A DISTRICT TO DISCHARGE SUCH INDEBTEDNESS WITHOUT SUCH AN INCREASE IN MILL LEVIES. BUYERS SHOULD INVESTIGATE THE SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICTS IN WHICH THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED BY CONTACTING THE COUNTY TREASURER, BY REVIEWING THE CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE FOR THE PROPERTY AND BY OBTAINING FURTHER INFORMATION FROM THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, OR THE COUNTY ASSESSOR. A tax certificate from the respective county treasurer listing any special taxing districts that effect the Property (Tax Certificate) must be delivered to Buyer on or before Record Title Deadline. If the Property is located within a special taxing district and such inclusion is unsatisfactory to Buyer, in Buyer’s sole subjective discretion, Buyer may object, on or before Record Title Objection Deadline. If the Tax Certificate shows that the Property is included in a special taxing district and is received by Buyer after the Record Title Deadline, Buyer has until the earlier of Closing or ten days after receipt by Buyer to review and object to the Property’s inclusion in a special taxing district as unsatisfactory to Buyer.

  • STATEWIDE PAYEE DESK Contractor represents and warrants that it is registered with the Statewide Payee Desk, which registration is a condition to payment.

  • PAYROLL TAXES Employer shall have the right to deduct from the compensation and benefits due to Employee hereunder any and all sums required for social security and withholding taxes and for any other federal, state, or local tax or charge which may be in effect or hereafter enacted or required as a charge on the compensation or benefits of Employee.

  • Personal/Xxxxx’s Leave 7.3.1 All full time employees shall be entitled to accrue paid personal / carer's leave on the basis of 10 days per year (or pro-rata thereof for any period less than one year). Part-time employees are entitled to a pro-rata benefit. Paid personal / carer's leave is cumulative.

  • WASHINGTON’S STATEWIDE PAYEE DESK Contractor represents and warrants that Contractor is registered with Washington’s Statewide Payee Desk, which registration is a condition to payment.

  • Personal Property Taxes (a) Lessee shall pay prior to delinquency all taxes assessed against and levied upon trade fixtures, furnishings, equipment and all other personal property of Lessee contained in the Premises or elsewhere. When possible, Lessee shall cause said trade fixtures, furnishings, equipment and all other personal property to be assessed and billed separately from the real property of Lessor.

  • Business Tax The Consultant represents and warrants that it currently has a City business tax certificate or exemption, if qualified, and will maintain such certificate or exemption for the Master Agreement term.

  • Personal Time Employees shall be eligible to take accrued PTO time for personal reasons. Such time must be scheduled in advance in accordance with Employer policies and be approved by the employee's supervisor. Personal time PTO must be taken in at least one hour increments.

  • Extra Duty Compensation A. This schedule is based on time devoted by the unit member beyond the regular at-school duty hours. A unit member will not receive extra duty compensation for more than two assignments unless approved by the Board. ANNUAL COMPENSATION 2019 - 2020 SCHOOL YEAR Number Position Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 2 Athletic Directors $2448 $2564 $2696 2 Head Football Coaches 5342 5459 5588 6 Asst. Football Coaches 3684 3766 3852 4 Head Basketball Coaches 0000 0000 0000 8 Asst. Basketball Coaches 1758 1836 1922 2 Wrestling Head Coaches 2170 2274 2383 2 Asst. Wrestling Coaches 1386 1489 1597 2 Baseball Coaches 2021 2119 2213 2 Asst. Baseball Coaches 1386 1489 1597 2 Band Directors 5342 5459 5588 3 Asst. Band Directors 3740 3820 3909 2 Varsity Cheerleader Advisor 1649 1723 1810 2 Asst. Varsity Cheerleader Adv. 1154 1203 1267 2 Volleyball Coaches 2108 2203 2308 2 Asst. Volleyball Coaches 1386 1489 1597 3 Mock Trail Directors 1067 1117 1170 2 Drama Coaches 1067 1117 1170 2 Golf Coaches 1067 1117 1170 2 Softball Coaches 1810 1894 1980 2 Asst. Softball Coaches 1386 1489 1597 4 Head Track Coaches 2021 2119 2213 4 Asst. Track Coaches 1386 1489 1597 4 Tennis Coaches 1067 1117 1170 2 Unified Tennis Coaches 1100 1150 1176 4 Cross Country Coaches 1067 1117 1170 4 Soccer Head Coaches 2108 2203 2308 4 Asst. Soccer Coaches 1386 1489 1597 2 VICA Advisors 1067 1117 1170 1 Co-Wide Student Council Adv. 1067 1117 1170 2 Junior Class Advisor 1067 1117 1170 2 Senior Class Advisor 1067 1117 1170 2 Bowling Coaches 1067 1117 1170 2 Indoor Track Coaches 1067 1117 1170 1 Unified Track SH Coach 1100 1150 1176 Funding will be provided by Special Olympics Number Position Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 1 Aquatics Head Coach $660 $688 $704 1 Aquatics Asst. Coach 440 462 472 2 Bocce Head Coaches 660 688 704 2 Bocce Asst. Coaches 440 462 472 1 Track & Field Coach 660 688 704 Maximum number of positions are shown. Actual number of positions shall be determined on a per season basis; however, under no condition will the total number of positions be fewer than sixty-two (62).

  • Personal Time Off Executive shall be entitled to paid time off in accordance with the Company’s policies applicable to executives.

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