Number of Contract Days. The number of teacher contract days shall not exceed 184 days.
Number of Contract Days. Professional Employee contracts shall not exceed 187 (190 for new-to-district employees) days or as stated in an individual Professional Employee’s contract. On days when classes are canceled for students because of inclement weather, teachers will not be expected to work. Notification of cancelation for Professional Employees will be given with the school closing message through the media and the various calling trees.
Number of Contract Days. The contract work year is based on a 192 day work year. Instructional days of teaching will be a minimum of 1,080 hours of instruction or 180 days, whichever calendar type is determined each year by the school board and recommended by administration.
Number of Contract Days. The basic salary schedule is paid for the normal load of 183 days. One additional classroom preparation day will be pro-rated on a per day rate based off of the contract rate and 183 days (Example: Full time contract rate/183 = daily rate).