Nike Sample Clauses

Nike. In further recognition of sponsorship support and benefits provided under the NIKE Sponsorship Agreement, the University shall provide to Xxxxx an allocation of NIKE products, through the Nike Elite Program, of a value of up to $3,500 per Contract Year so long as the NIKE Sponsorship Agreement is in effect.
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Nike. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of this Agreement, SPWA shall have the unrestricted right to assign or license to any person, on either an exclusive or non-exclusive basis, or otherwise exploit, any or all rights, licenses or privileges with respect to the Picture or any production produced hereunder by such manner and means and on such terms and conditions as SPWA deems appropriate, including without limitation the assignment or licensing of any exhibition, performance, broadcasting, or distribution rights to exhibitors, broadcasters, subdistributors, consumers, end-users and other persons and the granting to such third parties of the right to further license or assign the rights granted to them by SPWA. Nothing contained in this Agreement is intended to limit or restrict in any manner the full and unrestricted exercise by SPWA (and its licensees) of any rights in and to the Picture or any production produced hereunder as SPWA deems appropriate, and this Paragraph 22.3 is intended by the parties to be a specific consent by Licensor to such licensing and assignment (and further licensing and assignment by SPWA and its assignees and licensees) and to overcome any restrictions on such licensing or assignment arising under the case Xxxxxxx v. Nike.

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  • SAFECOM Recipients receiving federal financial assistance awards made under programs that provide emergency communication equipment and its related activities must comply with the SAFECOM Guidance for Emergency Communication Grants, including provisions on technical standards that ensure and enhance interoperable communications.

  • EMPLOYEE HEALTH CARE 233. Pursuant to the Charter, the City contributes whatever rate is applicable per month directly into the City Health Service System for each employee who is a member of the Health Service System. Subsequent City contributions will be set pursuant to the Charter.

  • Executive Management The PH-MCO must include in its Executive Management structure: • A full-time Administrator with authority over the entire operation of the PH-MCO. • A full-time HealthChoices Program Manager to oversee the operation of the Agreement, if different than the Administrator. • A full-time Medical Director who is a current Pennsylvania-licensed physician. The Medical Director must be actively involved in all major clinical program components of the PH-MCO and directly participates in the oversight of the SNU, QM Department and UM Department. The Medical Director and his/her staff/consultant physicians must devote sufficient time to the PH-MCO to provide timely medical decisions, including after-hours consultation, as needed. • A full-time Pharmacy Director who is a current Pennsylvania-licensed pharmacist. The Pharmacy Director oversees the outpatient drug management and serves on the PH-MCO P&T Committee. • A Dental Director who is a current Pennsylvania-licensed Doctor of Dental Medicine or Doctor of Dental Surgery. The Dental Director may be a consultant or employee but must be available at a minimum of 30 hours per week. The Dental Director must be actively involved in all program components related to dental services including, but not limited to, dental provider recruitment strategy, assessment of dental network adequacy, providing oversight and strategic direction in the quality of dental services provided, actively engaged in the development and implementation of quality initiatives, and monitor the performance of the dental benefit manger if dental benefits are subcontracted. A full-time Director of Quality Management who is a Pennsylvania- licensed RN, physician or physician's assistant or is a Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality by the National Association for Healthcare Quality Certified in Healthcare Quality and Management by the American Board of Quality Assurance and Utilization Review Providers. The Director of Quality Management must be located in Pennsylvania and have experience in quality management and quality improvement. Sufficient local staffing under this position must be in place to meet QM Requirements. The primary functions of the Director of Quality Management position are: • Evaluate individual and systemic quality of care • Integrate quality throughout the organization • Implement process improvement • Resolve, track, and trend quality of care complaints • Develop and maintain a credentialed Provider network • A full-time CFO to oversee the budget and accounting systems implemented by the PH-MCO. The CFO must ensure the timeliness and accuracy of all financial reports. The CFO shall devote sufficient time and resources to responsibilities under this Agreement. • A full-time Information Systems Coordinator, who is responsible for the oversight of all information systems issues with the Department. The Information Systems Coordinator must have a good working knowledge of the PH-MCO's entire program and operation, as well as the technical expertise to answer questions related to the operation of the information system. • These full time positions must be solely dedicated to the PA HealthChoices Program.

  • Associates The Labor Council may designate only one Labor Council Associate and alternate at each Department/Agency facility. The Labor Council Associates are union stewards as that term is generally used. The alternate shall serve in the absence of the Associate. The Associate or alternate will be permitted reasonable time off during his/her normal tour of duty to attend to the administration of the Agreement, to investigate and process grievances for employees, and represent employees as provided for in the grievance procedure contained in Article 20. Additionally Associates will be permitted reasonable time off during his/her normal tour of duty to represent employees in predisciplinary meetings at regular rate with no loss of benefits. During such time the Associate or alternate shall continue to be paid at his/her regular rate and shall receive all fringe benefits, seniority accrual and other benefits. When not using time for such purposes, Associates and alternates will perform their regularly assigned job duties. An employee must have completed his/her probationary period before becoming an Associate or alternate. In addition to the time permitted by the grievance procedure, each Labor Council Associate or alternate shall be permitted to use a reasonable amount of paid time to consult with Labor Council representatives and represent bargaining unit members at grievance meetings. Associates and alternates, of the Ohio Department of Natural Resource, may cross division lines within each affected department to represent employees in grievance and predisciplinary meetings. Negotiating Committee members who are off duty or using banked hours under Section 10.04 (B.) may cross departmental and division lines for the same purposes. Each Associate or alternate will notify his/her supervisor of the necessity to leave his/her work assignment to carry out duties in connection with this Agreement. Associates may use a reasonable amount of working time to receive and investigate complaints and grievances of employees on the premises of the Employer only if such activity does not interfere with or interrupt Department/Agency operations and with prior approval by the grievant's supervi sor. Permission will be granted after consideration of work operations by the Employer. Such permission will not be unreasonably withheld. If it should become necessary to deny such paid time in connection with the investigation or processing of a grievance, the time provided in the grievance procedure for action to be taken by the Labor Council will automatically be extended. Such extensions will be calculated by adding one working day to the time limits for each day on which the Labor Council Associate or alternate is denied paid time to carry out his/her duties in connection with this Agreement. Upon entering any work area other than his/her own and prior to engaging in any xxxxxxx duties, the Associate shall report to the supervisor of the work area. He/she shall identify the nature of the activity he/she is to perform. The Labor Council shall provide written notification to the Employer of the appointment of Associates or alternates five (5) days prior to such appointment being effective. No appointment will be recognized until written notification is received by the Employer. All requests for any form of time off from work pursuant to this Article must be made by completing a form or log provided by the Employer, which may include electronic mail. Except by mutual agreement, no employee will be granted any time off pursuant to this Article, without completing the form or log prior to the utilization of such time, and securing authorization by attempting to contact all identified management representatives and obtaining permission to utilize such time. The employee shall enter on the form the time the leave commences, and upon returning, the employee shall enter the return time. Employees who do not return to their worksite prior to the end of the employee’s workday shall complete the form at the beginning of the employee’s next workday. Employees who normally work out of the office, will work out an acceptable alternative union leave request procedure with their supervisor. In the absence of a mutually agreed to form, the employee shall use state leave forms. Additionally, Delegates shall be permitted eight (8) hours of paid administrative leave to attend the Ohio Labor Council Annual One Day Conference and up to eight (8) hours of paid administrative leave shall be granted monthly to any bargaining unit employee who serves on the Ohio Labor Council Board of Directors for the purpose of attending the monthly Board of Directors meeting. Up to eight (8) hours of paid administrative leave shall be granted annually to Labor Council Associates or officers for the purpose of associate training, and paid administrative leave shall be granted for any time spent serving on the OCSEA Benefits Trust Board.

  • Cultural Heritage 1. The IVG shall monitor and verify the preservation of cultural heritage in the Old City in accordance with the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List rules. For this purpose, the IVG shall have free and unimpeded access to sites, documents, and information related to the performance of this function.

  • Vynálezy Stávající vynálezy a technologie Zadavatele nebo Zdravotnického zařízení zakládají jejich samostatné vlastnictví a Smlouva na ně nemá žádný vliv. Kompletní práva, nároky a podíly ohledně veškerých vynálezů, know-how, autorských práv nebo jiných práv duševního vlastnictví, které vzniknou, budou vyvinuty nebo použity v praxi (včetně veškerých zlepšení nebo úprav), které i) používají, využívají nebo zahrnují Hodnocené léky; ii) jsou zahrnuty nebo předvídány v Protokolu; nebo iii) používají, využívají nebo zahrnují Důvěrné informace, zakládají výlučné vlastnictví Zadavatele (společně xxxx xxx „Vynálezy Zadavatele“). Zdravotnické zařízení je povinno bezodkladně písemně informovat PRA a/nebo Zadavatele o každém takovém Vynálezu Zadavatele, a tímto převádí (a zajistí, aby všichni členové studijního týmu převedli) na Zadavatele veškerá práva, nároky a podíly týkající se každého jednotlivého Vynálezu Zadavatele. Zdravotnické zařízení se zavazuje poskytnout Zadavateli na jeho náklady přiměřenou pomoc, xxx xxxx Zadavatel smluvně zajistit a vykonávat svá práva na takové Vynálezy Zadavatele. Zdravotnické zařízení má výlučný vlastnický titul ke všem vynálezům nebo objevům, které vzniknou nebo budou použity v praxi výhradně zásluhou Zdravotnického zařízení, a které nenáleží Zadavateli. 9.

  • Employers 6.1.1 Every employer shall within one month from the date on which this Agreement comes into operation, if he has not already done so pursuant to any previous agreement, and every employer entering the Industry after that date shall within one month of commencement of operations by him, forward to the General Secretary of the Council a completed registration form in the form specified by the Council from time to time and a registration fee as prescribed in Addendum 1 of this Agreement. Note: This registration form is obtainable from the Council.

  • Openness 3.1 Openness and transparency are crucial to the integrity of the scheme. Information about the scheme and the process of evaluation should be clear and accessible and communicated to all concerned.

  • Employee Initiated Employee requested cancellations of scheduled vacation leave must be submitted in writing and is subject to prior approval by the Employer.

  • Medical There shall be an open enrollment period for medical coverage in each year of this Agreement. An employee may elect no medical coverage during any open enrollment period. An employee who has elected no medical coverage may elect medical coverage during an open enrollment period. No pre-existing condition limitations will apply.

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