Acts of Tenant Sample Clauses

Acts of Tenant. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Lease to the contrary, if the Premises or the Complex are damaged or destroyed as a result of a casualty arising from the acts or omissions of Tenant, or any of Tenant's officers, directors, shareholders, partners, employees, contractors, agents, invitees or representatives, (a) Tenant's obligation to pay Rent and to perform its other obligations under this Lease shall not be abated, reduced or altered in any manner, (b) Landlord shall not be obligated to repair or restore the Premises or the Complex and (c) subject to Section 17.2, Tenant shall be obligated, at Tenant's cost, to repair and restore the Premises or the Complex to the condition they were in just prior to the damage or destruction under the direction and supervision of, and to the satisfaction of, Landlord and any Landlord Mortgagee.
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Acts of Tenant. Tenant shall indemnify and save Landlord harmless from and against any and all liability, damage, penalties or judgments arising from injury or death to person or property sustained by anyone in and about the premises arising from any breach or default on the part of Tenant, or resulting from any act or omission of Tenant, or Tenant’s officers, agents, contractors, or sub lessees not covered by insurance.
Acts of Tenant. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Lease to the contrary, if the Premises or the Complex are damaged or destroyed as a result of a casualty arising from the acts or omissions of Tenant, or any of Tenant's officers, directors, shareholders, partners, employees, contractors, agents, invitees or representatives which constitute gross negligence or willful misconduct, to the extent not waived pursuant to Section 17.2(a) Tenant's obligation to pay Rent and to perform its other obligations under this Lease shall not be abated, reduced or altered in any manner, (b) Landlord shall not be obligated to repair or restore the Premises or the Complex, and (c) subject to
Acts of Tenant. The Tenant shall not do or permit anywhere on the Project anything which might:
Acts of Tenant. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Lease to the contrary, if the Premises or the Premises are damaged or destroyed as a result of a casualty primarily arising from the acts or omissions of Tenant, or any of Tenant's officers, directors, shareholders, partners, employees, contractors, agents, invitees or representatives, (a) Tenant's obligation to pay Rent (including, but not limited to, Monthly Base Rent and Additional Rent) and to perform its other obligations under this Lease shall not be abated, reduced or altered in any manner, (b) Landlord shall not be obligated to repair or restore the Premises or the Premises, and (c) subject to Section 17.02, Tenant shall be obligated, at Tenant's cost, to repair and to restore the Premises or the Premises to the condition they were in just prior to the damage or destruction under the direction and supervision of, and to the satisfaction of, Landlord and any Landlord's Mortgagee.
Acts of Tenant. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Lease to the contrary, if the Premises or the Complex are damaged or destroyed as a result of a casualty arising from the acts or omissions of Tenant, or any of Tenant’s officers, directors, shareholders, partners, employees, contractors, agents, invitees or representatives, (a) Tenant’s obligation to pay Rent and to perform its other obligations under this Lease shall not be abated, reduced or altered in any manner,
Acts of Tenant. The Tenant shall not do or permit anywhere on the Leased Premises anything which might:
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Acts of Tenant. Provided Tenant complies with all applicable Environmental Laws, as defined below, Tenant may use, keep and store Hazardous Materials on the Premises. Tenant agrees that it shall comply, at its sole cost and expense, with all Environmental Laws governing the use, maintenance or storage of Hazardous Materials by Tenant on the Premises. Should any governmental authority having jurisdiction over the Premises require that a clean up or remediation plan be prepared or that a clean up or any other remediation action be undertaken because of the presence or use of, or any spills or discharges of Hazardous Materials at the Premises by Tenant, or its employees, agents or invitees, then Tenant, at Tenant’s own expense, shall prepare and submit the required plans and financial assurances, and carry out the approved plans.
Acts of Tenant. TENANT agrees that it will not do or keep anything in or about the Leased Premises which will contravene LANDLORD’S policies insuring against loss or damage by fire or other hazards or which will prevent LANDLORD from procuring such policies with companies acceptable to LANDLORD.

Related to Acts of Tenant

  • Subleases of Tenant Whether or not Landlord elects to terminate this Lease on account of any default by Tenant, as set forth in this Article 19, Landlord shall have the right to terminate any and all subleases, licenses, concessions or other consensual arrangements for possession entered into by Tenant and affecting the Premises or may, in Landlord’s sole discretion, succeed to Tenant’s interest in such subleases, licenses, concessions or arrangements. In the event of Landlord’s election to succeed to Tenant’s interest in any such subleases, licenses, concessions or arrangements, Tenant shall, as of the date of notice by Landlord of such election, have no further right to or interest in the rent or other consideration receivable thereunder.

  • Sublessees of Tenant Whether or not Landlord elects to terminate this Lease on account of any default by Tenant, as set forth in this Article 19, Landlord shall have the right to terminate any and all subleases, licenses, concessions or other consensual arrangements for possession entered into by Tenant and affecting the Premises or may, in Landlord’s sole discretion, succeed to Tenant’s interest in such subleases, licenses, concessions or arrangements. In the event of Landlord’s election to succeed to Tenant’s interest in any such subleases, licenses, concessions or arrangements, Tenant shall, as of the date of notice by Landlord of such election, have no further right to or interest in the rent or other consideration receivable thereunder.

  • Liability of Tenant If Landlord terminates this Lease or reenters the Premises (with or without terminating this Lease), Tenant shall remain liable (in addition to all other liabilities of Tenant accrued at the time of the Default) for the sum of (i) any unpaid Rent accrued prior to the time of termination and/or reentry, as the case may be, plus interest thereon from the due date at the Default Rate, (ii) all Base Rent and Additional Rent provided for in this Lease from the time of termination and/or reentry, as the case may be, until the date this Lease would have expired had a Default not occurred, plus interest thereon from the due date at the Default Rate, (iii) any and all expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ and brokerage fees) incurred by Landlord in reentering and repossessing the Premises, in correcting any default, in painting, altering or repairing the Premises in order to place the Premises in first-class rentable condition (whether or not the Premises are relet), in protecting and preserving the Premises and in reletting or attempting to relet the Premises, and (iv) any other amounts necessary to compensate Landlord for any other injury or detriment caused by the Default; minus the net proceeds (after deducting any rental abatements, tenant improvement allowances and other concessions and inducements) actually received by Landlord, if any, from any reletting to the extent attributable to the period prior to the date this Lease would have expired had a Default not occurred. Landlord shall have the option to recover any damages sustained by Landlord either at the time of reletting, if any, or in separate actions from time to time as said damages shall have been made more easily ascertainable by successive relettings or, at Landlord’s option, to defer any such recovery until the date this Lease would have expired in the absence of a Default, in which event Tenant hereby agrees that the cause of action shall be deemed to have accrued on the aforesaid date. The provisions of this Section 19.C. shall be in addition to, and shall not prevent the enforcement of, any claim Landlord may have for anticipatory breach of this Lease.

  • COVENANTS OF TENANT Tenant covenants and agrees:

  • Removal of Tenant Property by Tenant Upon the expiration of the Lease Term, or upon any earlier termination of this Lease, Tenant shall, subject to the provisions of this Article 15, quit and surrender possession of the Premises to Landlord in as good order and condition as when Tenant took possession and as thereafter improved by Landlord and/or Tenant, reasonable wear and tear and repairs which are specifically made the responsibility of Landlord hereunder excepted. Upon such expiration or termination, Tenant shall, without expense to Landlord, remove or cause to be removed from the Premises all debris and rubbish, and such items of furniture, equipment, business and trade fixtures, free-standing cabinet work, movable partitions and other articles of personal property owned by Tenant or installed or placed by Tenant at its expense in the Premises, and such similar articles of any other persons claiming under Tenant, as Landlord may, in its sole discretion, require to be removed, and Tenant shall repair at its own expense all damage to the Premises and Building resulting from such removal.

  • Property of Tenant In addition to and not in limitation of the foregoing, Tenant covenants and agrees that, to the maximum extent permitted by law, all merchandise, furniture, fixtures and property of every kind, nature and description related or arising out of Tenant’s leasehold estate hereunder, which may be in or upon the Premises or Building, in the public corridors, or on the sidewalks, areaways and approaches adjacent thereto, shall be at the sole risk and hazard of Tenant, and that if the whole or any part thereof shall be damaged, destroyed, stolen or removed from any cause or reason whatsoever, no part of said damage or loss shall be charged to, or borne by, Landlord.

  • Removal of Tenant’s Property Upon the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease or the termination of Tenant's right of possession of the Premises only, Tenant shall have the right, at its sole cost and expense, for a period of fifteen ( 15) days thereafter to remove Tenant's Property, Distinctive Property and the Financed Personalty, respectively, from the Premises, provided that Tenant shall pay to Landlord Rent due under Article 3 hereof for the actual number of days which elapse during such fifteen (15) day period until the Tenant's Property, Distinctive Property and the Financed Personalty, as applicable, are removed from the Premises. If and to the extent that Tenant fails to remove any of such property by the expiration of said fifteen (15) day period, Landlord agrees that Tenant Lender, TE Lender and Franchisor each shall have the right for a period of forty (45) days thereafter to remove the same from the Premises, provided that Tenant shall pay to Landlord Rent due hereunder for the actual number of days which elapse until Tenant Lender, TE Lender or Franchisor remove the same from the Premises during such forty five (45) day period. If and to the extent that any such property remains on the Premises on the sixtieth (60th) day after such termination, the same shall be deemed abandoned, and at Landlord's option shall become the property of Landlord and may be sold or disposed of as Land-lord may determine; provided, however, that Landlord shall not use, suffer or permit the use of any Distinctive Property unless the attributes or features thereof associated with Tenant or Franchisor are removed or obliterated. Any and all damage to the Building caused by or resulting from the removal of Tenant's Property, Distinctive Property or Financed Personalty shall promptly be repaired at no cost or expense to Landlord and Tenant shall be liable for such cost and expense unless such repairs are made by Tenant, Franchisor or TE Lender, as the case may be.

  • Obligations of Tenant Tenant hereby acknowledges and agrees to the following obligations: Comply with all obligations imposed upon tenants by applicable provisions of building, housing, and health codes; Keep that part of the Property which he or she occupies and uses clean and sanitary; Remove from the Tenant's dwelling unit all garbage in a clean and sanitary manner; Keep all plumbing fixtures in the dwelling unit or used by the Tenant clean and sanitary and in repair; Use and operate in a reasonable manner all electrical, plumbing, sanitary, heating, ventilating, air-conditioning and other facilities and appliances, including elevators; Not destroy, deface, damage, impair, or remove any part of the Property or property therein belonging to the Landlord nor permit any person to do so; Conduct himself or herself, and require other persons on the Property with his or her consent to conduct themselves, in a manner that does not unreasonably disturb the Tenant's neighbors or constitute a breach of the peace. Tenant agrees that any violation of this section shall be considered a breach of this Lease.

  • Covenants of Tenant Regarding Use Tenant shall (i) use and maintain the Leased Premises and conduct its business thereon in a safe, careful, reputable and lawful manner, (ii) subject to the terms and provisions of Section 7.04 hereof, comply with all laws, rules, regulations, orders, ordinances, directions and requirements of any governmental authority or agency, now in force or which may hereafter be in force, including without limitation those which shall impose upon Landlord or Tenant any duty with respect to or triggered by a change in the use or occupation of, or any improvement or alteration to, the Leased Premises, (iii) comply with any protective covenants applicable to the Park which are in effect as of the effective date hereof and as may hereafter be reasonably adopted and promulgated, provided such does not materially and adversely interfere with the operation of Tenant’s business in the Leased Premises or any other right and benefit granted to Tenant herein, specifically including that certain Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, Reservations and Easements for Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx, dated September 1, 2001 (the “Declaration”), a copy of which has been provided to Tenant, (iv) comply with and obey all reasonable directions of the Landlord, including directions as to the non-exclusive use of, and ratio of parking spaces as well as any rules and regulations of which Tenant has received a written copy thereof, provided any directions or rules and regulations shall be nondiscriminatorily enforced against all tenants and occupants of the Project and (v) not do or permit anything to be done in or about the Leased Premises, nor shall Tenant do anything within the Common Areas, which will in any way unreasonably obstruct or interfere with the rights of other tenants or occupants of the Building or injure or unreasonably annoy them. Landlord shall use reasonable efforts to enforce the foregoing clauses (i) through (v) above against all other tenants and occupants of the Project. Landlord shall not be responsible to Tenant for the nonperformance by any other tenant or occupant of the Building of its lease or of any rules and regulations. Tenant shall not overload the floors of the Leased Premises. All damage to the floor structure or foundation of the Building due to improper positioning or storage of items or materials shall be repaired by Landlord at the sole expense of Tenant, who shall reimburse Landlord immediately therefor upon demand. Excluding the lawful use of the Leased Premises for the purposes contemplated herein, Tenant shall not use the Leased Premises, or allow the Leased Premises to be used, for any purpose or in any manner which would invalidate any policy of insurance now or hereafter carried on the Building or increase the rate of premiums payable on any such insurance policy unless Tenant reimburses Landlord as Additional Rent for any increase in premiums charged. By no later than One Hundred Twenty (120) days after the Commencement Date, Tenant shall take possession of the Leased Premises and open for operation of Tenant’s business therein. Relative to the City of Coppell economic incentive agreements described in Section 9 of Exhibit D hereto, Tenant shall timely perform all obligations imposed upon Tenant as set forth therein, and, in the event of Tenant’s failure to so perform such obligations, Tenant shall be responsible for, and hold Landlord harmless from, all liabilities to the City of Coppell which may arise on account of such failure.

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