Designation of Foreign Subsidiary Borrowers Sample Clauses

Designation of Foreign Subsidiary Borrowers. The Company may at any time and from time to time designate any Eligible Foreign Subsidiary as a Foreign Subsidiary Borrower by delivery to the Administrative Agent of a Borrowing Subsidiary Agreement executed by such Subsidiary and the Company and the satisfaction of the other conditions precedent set forth in Section 4.03, and upon such delivery and satisfaction such Subsidiary shall for all purposes of this Agreement be a Foreign Subsidiary Borrower and a party to this Agreement until the Company shall have executed and delivered to the Administrative Agent a Borrowing Subsidiary Termination with respect to such Subsidiary, whereupon such Subsidiary shall cease to be a Foreign Subsidiary Borrower and a party to this Agreement. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, no Borrowing Subsidiary Termination will become effective as to any Foreign Subsidiary Borrower at a time when any principal of or interest on any Loan to such Borrower shall be outstanding hereunder, provided that such Borrowing Subsidiary Termination shall be effective to terminate the right of such Foreign Subsidiary Borrower to make further Borrowings under this Agreement. As soon as practicable upon receipt of a Borrowing Subsidiary Agreement, the Administrative Agent shall furnish a copy thereof to each Lender.
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Designation of Foreign Subsidiary Borrowers. On the Effective Date, and subject to the satisfaction of the applicable conditions in Article IV hereto, each Initial Foreign Subsidiary Borrower shall deliver an executed signature page to this Agreement, whereupon it shall continue as a Foreign Subsidiary Borrower party to this Agreement until the Company shall have executed and delivered to the Administrative Agent a Borrowing Subsidiary Termination with respect to any such Subsidiary, whereupon such Subsidiary shall cease to be a Foreign Subsidiary Borrower and a party to this Agreement. After the Effective Date, the Company may at any time and from time to time designate any Eligible Foreign Subsidiary as a Foreign Subsidiary Borrower by delivery to the Administrative Agent of a Borrowing Subsidiary Agreement executed by such Subsidiary and the Company and the satisfaction of the other conditions precedent set forth in Section 4.03, and upon such delivery and satisfaction such Subsidiary shall for all purposes of this Agreement be a Foreign Subsidiary Borrower and a party to this Agreement until the Company shall have executed and delivered to the Administrative Agent a Borrowing Subsidiary Termination with respect to such Subsidiary, whereupon such Subsidiary shall cease to be a Foreign Subsidiary Borrower and a party to this Agreement. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, no Borrowing Subsidiary Termination will become effective as to any Foreign Subsidiary Borrower at a time when any principal of or interest on any Loan to such Borrower shall be outstanding hereunder, provided that such Borrowing Subsidiary Termination shall be effective to terminate the right of such Foreign Subsidiary Borrower to make further Borrowings under this Agreement. As soon as practicable upon receipt of a Borrowing Subsidiary Agreement, the Administrative Agent shall furnish a copy thereof to each Lender.
Designation of Foreign Subsidiary Borrowers. The Parent Borrower may at any time and from time to time designate any Foreign Subsidiary as a Foreign Subsidiary Borrower, by delivery to the Administrative Agent of a Foreign Subsidiary Borrowing Agreement executed by such Foreign Subsidiary and the Parent Borrower, and upon such delivery such Foreign Subsidiary shall for all purposes of this Agreement and the other Loan Documents be a Foreign Subsidiary Borrower until the Parent Borrower shall terminate such designation pursuant to a termination agreement satisfactory to the Administrative Agent, whereupon such Foreign Subsidiary shall cease to be a Foreign Subsidiary Borrower and a party to this Agreement and any other applicable Loan Documents. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, but subject to Section 10.04(a), no such termination will become effective as to any Foreign Subsidiary Borrower at a time when any principal of or interest on any Loan to such Foreign Subsidiary Borrower is outstanding. As soon as practicable upon receipt of a Foreign Subsidiary Borrowing Agreement, the Administrative Agent shall send a copy thereof to each Lender.
Designation of Foreign Subsidiary Borrowers. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in Section 2.20 of the Credit Agreement, the Required Revolving Lenders agree that delivery of the Foreign Security Documents and the satisfaction of the Foreign Security Collateral and Guarantee Requirement by each of Xxxxx-Xxxxxx Nederland Holdings B.V., TriMas Corporation Limited, TriMas Australia UK Holdings, Ltd., TriMas Holdings Australia Pty. Ltd. and TriMas Corporation Pty. Ltd. (each a “New Foreign Borrower”) shall not be a condition to such entity’s designation as a Foreign Subsidiary Borrower under the Credit Agreement; provided that within 30 days of each New Foreign Borrower’s designation as a Foreign Subsidiary Borrower under the Credit Agreement (or such later date as may be agreed to by the Administrative Agent in its sole discretion), Holdings and the Parent Borrower shall cause such New Foreign Borrower to deliver the Foreign Security Documents and satisfy the Foreign Security Guarantee and Collateral Agreement.
Designation of Foreign Subsidiary Borrowers. TheCompanymayatanytimeandfromtimetotime,withnotlessthanfive(5)BusinessDays’priornoticetotheLenders,andsubjecttotherequirementssetforthinthedefinitionofEligibleForeignSubsidiary,designateanyEligibleForeignSubsidiaryasaForeignSubsidiaryBorrowerbydeliverytotheAdministrativeAgentofaBorrowingSubsidiaryAgreementexecutedbysuchSubsidiaryandtheCompanyandthesatisfactionoftheotherconditionsprecedentsetforthinSection4.03,anduponsuchdeliveryandsatisfactionsuchSubsidiaryshallforallpurposesofthisAgreementbeaForeignSubsidiaryBorrowerandapartytothisAgreement.EachForeignSubsidiaryBorrowershallremainaForeignSubsidiaryBorroweruntilthe80 CompanyshallhaveexecutedanddeliveredtotheAdministrativeAgentaBorrowingSubsidiaryTerminationwithrespecttosuchSubsidiary,whereuponsuchSubsidiaryshallceasetobeaForeignSubsidiaryBorrowerandapartytothisAgreement.Notwithstandingtheprecedingsentence,noBorrowingSubsidiaryTerminationwillbecomeeffectiveastoanyForeignSubsidiaryBorroweratatimewhenanyprincipaloforinterestonanyLoantosuchBorrowershallbeoutstandinghereunder,provided thatsuchBorrowingSubsidiaryTerminationshallbeeffectivetoterminatetherightofsuchForeignSubsidiaryBorrowertomakefurtherBorrowingsunderthisAgreement.AssoonaspracticableuponreceiptofaBorrowingSubsidiaryAgreement,theAdministrativeAgentshallfurnishacopythereof to each Lender.SECTION 2.24. Defaulting Lenders ..NotwithstandinganyprovisionofthisAgreementtothecontrary,ifanyLenderbecomesaDefaultingLender,thenthefollowingprovisionsshallapplyforsolong as such Lender is a Defaulting Lender:(a) fees shall cease to accrue on the Commitment of such Defaulting Lender pursuant toSection 2.12(a);(b) anypaymentofprincipal,interest,feesorotheramountsreceivedbytheAdministrativeAgentfortheaccountofsuchDefaultingLender(whethervoluntaryormandatory,atmaturity,pursuanttoSection7.02orotherwise)orreceivedbytheAdministrativeAgentfromaDefaultingLenderpursuanttoSection 9.08shallbeappliedatsuchtimeortimesasmaybedeterminedbytheAdministrativeAgentasfollows:first,tothepaymentofanyamountsowingbysuchDefaultingLender to the Administrative Agent hereunder; second, to the payment on a pro rata basis of any amountsowingbysuchDefaultingLendertoanyIssuingBankorSwinglineLenderhereunder;third,tocashcollateralize LC Exposure with respect to such Defaulting Lender in accordance with this Section; fourth,astheCompanymayrequest(solongasnoDefaultorEventofDefaultexists),tothefundingofanyLoaninrespectofwhichsuchDefaultingLenderhasfailedtofunditsportionthereofasrequiredbythisAgreement...
Designation of Foreign Subsidiary Borrowers. From and after the Amendment No. 2 Effective Date, the Canadian Borrower shall be designated as a Foreign Subsidiary Borrower, and the Company may at any time and from time to time designate any other Eligible Foreign Subsidiary as a Foreign Subsidiary Borrower by delivery to the Administrative Agent of a Borrowing Subsidiary Agreement executed by such Subsidiary and the Company and the satisfaction of the other conditions precedent set forth in Section 4.03.

Related to Designation of Foreign Subsidiary Borrowers

  • Designation of Subsidiary Borrowers The Company may at any time and from time to time designate any Eligible Domestic Subsidiary as a Domestic Subsidiary Borrower or any Eligible Foreign Subsidiary as a Foreign Subsidiary Borrower by delivery to the Administrative Agent of a Borrowing Subsidiary Agreement executed by such Subsidiary and the Company and the satisfaction of the other conditions precedent set forth in Section 4.03, and upon such delivery and satisfaction such Subsidiary shall for all purposes of this Agreement be a Subsidiary Borrower and a party to this Agreement; provided, that in the case of the designation of a Foreign Subsidiary Borrower, the Administrative Agent and the Lenders shall have received at least 10 Business Days prior written notice of such designation during which period the Administrative Agent and the Lenders shall have an opportunity to review drafts of the documentation to be provided under Section 4.03 in connection with such designation and to discuss such designation with the Administrative Agent and/or the Company as applicable. If the Company shall at any time execute and deliver to the Administrative Agent a Borrowing Subsidiary Termination with respect to any Subsidiary Borrower, such Subsidiary shall cease to be a Subsidiary Borrower and a party to this Agreement; provided, that no Borrowing Subsidiary Termination will become effective as to any Subsidiary Borrower at a time when any principal of or interest on any Loan to such Borrower shall be outstanding hereunder; provided, further, that such Borrowing Subsidiary Termination shall be effective to terminate the right of such Subsidiary Borrower to make further Borrowings under this Agreement. As soon as practicable upon receipt of a Borrowing Subsidiary Agreement, the Administrative Agent shall furnish a copy thereof to each Lender.

  • Foreign Subsidiary Borrowers The Borrower from time to time may request in writing that one or more of its Foreign Subsidiaries become borrowers hereunder with the ability to request and receive Loans and Letters of Credit (each, a “Foreign Subsidiary Borrower”). Each such request shall be delivered to the Administrative Agent. The Administrative Agent shall promptly circulate each such request to the Lenders. Each Lender shall notify the Administrative Agent and the Borrower no later than 20 days after its receipt of such request as to whether the applicable Foreign Subsidiary may become a party hereto as a Foreign Subsidiary Borrower. No Foreign Subsidiary shall become a Foreign Subsidiary Borrower unless approved in writing by all of the Lenders and the Administrative Agent. Any Lender that fails to respond to such a request shall be deemed to have rejected the joinder of such Foreign Subsidiary Borrower hereto. Each of the Administrative Agent and each Lender may request from the Borrower certain information in respect of such a Foreign Subsidiary in order to make such decision, including, without limitation, such Foreign Subsidiary’s jurisdiction of organization. Loans and Letters of Credit requested by a Foreign Subsidiary Borrower shall be made or issued from the United States. If the Lenders and the Administrative Agent agree with the Borrower to add a Foreign Subsidiary Borrower hereto, this Agreement (and the other Loan Documents, as relevant) shall be amended to give effect to such addition. All Lenders shall be required to make Loans to each Foreign Subsidiary Borrower, subject to any borrowing sublimits agreed to by the Borrower, the applicable Foreign Subsidiary Borrower, the Administrative Agent, and the Lenders. Each such Foreign Subsidiary Borrower shall be required to deliver, among other things (and in each case in form, scope and substance acceptable to the Administrative Agent and the Lenders), (a) amendments, joinders and other documents required by the Administrative Agent and the Lenders to give such Foreign Subsidiary Borrower the ability to receive extensions of credit hereunder, (b) collateral documents made by such Foreign Subsidiary Borrower in favor of the Administrative Agent, (c) resolutions, charter documents, incumbency certificates, opinions of counsel and other documents or information, as may be required by the Administrative Agent and the Lenders (including without limitation, information necessary to evaluate (i) any withholding tax that may arise in respect of any Loans made to or Letters of Credit issued on behalf of such Foreign Subsidiary, and (ii) the manner in which Loans may be made available to such Foreign Subsidiary, including in Dollars or the requested Agreed Currency), (d) promissory notes signed by such Foreign Subsidiary Borrower to the extent any Lender so requires, and (e) information required under “know your customer”, anti-money laundering or similar regulations to which such Lender is subject. No Foreign Subsidiary Borrower shall be joined hereto if (x) a violation of applicable law would result therefrom or (y) any Lender or the Administrative Agent objects to any adverse change in tax treatment that would result therefrom (including, without limitation, the payment of any tax gross-up or the accrual of any withholding tax). In addition, extensions of credit and other financial accommodations from the United States into the applicable jurisdiction must be permitted under applicable law. The Borrower and each Guarantor of Payment shall guaranty the Obligations of each such Foreign Subsidiary Borrower on terms and conditions acceptable to the Administrative Agent and the Lenders. Each Foreign Subsidiary that is or becomes a Foreign Subsidiary Borrower hereby irrevocably appoints the Borrower as its agent for all purposes relevant to this Agreement and each related document, including service of process.

  • Subsidiary Borrowers The Company may at any time or from time to time, with the consent of the Administrative Agent add as a party to this Agreement any Subsidiary to be a Subsidiary Borrower hereunder by the execution and delivery to the Administrative Agent and the Lenders of (a) a duly completed Assumption Letter by such Subsidiary, with the written consent of the Company at the foot thereof, (b) such guaranty and subordinated intercompany indebtedness documents as may be reasonably required by the Administrative Agent and such other opinions, documents, certificates or other items as may be required by Section 5.2, such documents with respect to any additional Subsidiaries to be substantially similar in form and substance to the Loan Documents executed on or about the Closing Date by the Subsidiaries parties hereto as of the Closing Date. Upon such execution, delivery and consent such Subsidiary shall for all purposes be a party hereto as a Subsidiary Borrower as fully as if it had executed and delivered this Agreement. So long as the principal of and interest on any Advances made to any Subsidiary Borrower under this Agreement shall have been repaid or paid in full, all Letters of Credit issued for the account of such Subsidiary Borrower have expired or been returned and terminated and all other obligations of such Subsidiary Borrower under this Agreement shall have been fully performed, the Company may, by not less than five (5) Business Days' prior notice to the Administrative Agent (which shall promptly notify the Lenders thereof), terminate such Subsidiary Borrower's status as a "Subsidiary Borrower". The Administrative Agent shall give the Lenders written notice of the addition of any Subsidiary Borrowers to this Agreement.

  • Resignation of a Borrower (a) The Company may request that a Borrower (other than the Company) ceases to be a Borrower by delivering to the Agent a Resignation Letter.

  • Foreign Subsidiary (5) Domestic Subsidiary of a Foreign Subsidiary;

  • Designation of Lead Borrower as Borrowers’ Agent (a) Each Borrower hereby irrevocably designates and appoints the Lead Borrower as such Borrower’s agent to obtain Credit Extensions, the proceeds of which shall be available to each Borrower for such uses as are permitted under this Agreement. As the disclosed principal for its agent, each Borrower shall be obligated to each Credit Party on account of Credit Extensions so made as if made directly by the applicable Credit Party to such Borrower, notwithstanding the manner by which such Credit Extensions are recorded on the books and records of the Lead Borrower and of any other Borrower. In addition, each Loan Party other than the Borrowers hereby irrevocably designates and appoints the Lead Borrower as such Loan Party’s agent to represent such Loan Party in all respects under this Agreement and the other Loan Documents.

  • Liability of Foreign Sub-Custodians and Foreign Securities Systems Each agreement pursuant to which the Custodian employs a Foreign Sub-Custodian shall, to the extent possible, require the Foreign Sub-Custodian to exercise reasonable care in the performance of its duties and, to the extent possible, to indemnify, and hold harmless, the Custodian from and against any loss, damage, cost, expense, liability or claim arising out of or in connection with the Foreign Sub-Custodian's performance of such obligations. At each Fund's election, a Fund shall be entitled to be subrogated to the rights of the Custodian with respect to any claims against a Foreign Sub-Custodian as a consequence of any such loss, damage, cost, expense, liability or claim if and to the extent that a Fund and any applicable series have not been made whole for any such loss, damage, cost, expense, liability or claim.

  • Additional Foreign Subsidiaries Notify the Administrative Agent promptly after any Person becomes a Material First Tier Foreign Subsidiary, and at the request of the Administrative Agent, promptly thereafter (and, in any event, within 45 days after such request, as such time period may be extended by the Administrative Agent in its sole discretion), cause (i) the applicable Credit Party to deliver to the Administrative Agent a Foreign Pledge Agreement pledging 65% of the total outstanding voting Equity Interests (and 100% of the non-voting Equity Interests) of any such new Material First Tier Foreign Subsidiary and a consent thereto executed by such new Material First Tier Foreign Subsidiary (including if applicable, original certificated Equity Interests (or the equivalent thereof pursuant to the Applicable Laws and practices of any relevant foreign jurisdiction) evidencing the Equity Interests of such new Material First Tier Foreign Subsidiary, together with an appropriate undated stock or other transfer power for each certificate duly executed in blank by the registered owner thereof), (ii) such Person to deliver to the Administrative Agent such opinions, documents and certificates referred to in Section 6.1 as may be reasonably requested by the Administrative Agent, (iii) such Person to deliver to the Administrative Agent such updated Schedules to the Loan Documents as requested by the Administrative Agent with regard to such Person and (iv) such Person to deliver to the Administrative Agent such other documents as may be reasonably requested by the Administrative Agent, all in form, content and scope reasonably satisfactory to the Administrative Agent.

  • Designated Borrowers (a) The Company may at any time, upon not less than 15 Business Days’ notice from the Company to the Administrative Agent (or such shorter period as may be agreed by the Administrative Agent in its sole discretion), designate any Domestic Subsidiary of the Company (an “Applicant Borrower”) as a Designated Borrower to receive Loans hereunder by delivering to the Administrative Agent (which shall promptly deliver counterparts thereof to each Lender) a duly executed notice and agreement in substantially the form of Exhibit G (a “Designated Borrower Request and Assumption Agreement”). The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that prior to any Applicant Borrower becoming entitled to utilize the credit facilities provided for herein the Administrative Agent shall have received (i) with respect to the first designation of a Subsidiary as a Designated Borrower, the Guaranty duly executed by the Company and opinions of counsel as to the execution, delivery and enforceability of the Guaranty and such other matters concerning the Company and the Guaranty as the Administrative Agent or the Required Lenders may reasonably request, and (ii) with respect to each designation of a Subsidiary as a Designated Borrower such supporting resolutions, incumbency certificates, opinions of counsel, including such opinions from regulatory counsel reasonably acceptable to the Administrative Agent and such other matters concerning the applicable Subsidiary as the Administrative Agent or the Required Lenders may reasonably request, and other documents or information, in form, content and scope reasonably satisfactory to the Administrative Agent, as may be required by the Administrative Agent or the Required Lenders in their sole discretion, and Notes signed by such new Borrowers to the extent any Lenders so require. If the Administrative Agent and the Required Lenders agree that an Applicant Borrower shall be entitled to receive Loans hereunder, then promptly following receipt of all such requested resolutions, incumbency certificates, opinions of counsel and other documents or information, the Administrative Agent shall send a notice in substantially the form of Exhibit H (a “Designated Borrower Notice”) to the Company and the Lenders specifying the effective date upon which the Applicant Borrower shall constitute a Designated Borrower for purposes hereof, whereupon each of the Lenders agrees to permit such Designated Borrower to receive Loans hereunder, on the terms and conditions set forth herein, and each of the parties agrees that such Designated Borrower otherwise shall be a Borrower for all purposes of this Agreement; provided that no Revolving Loan Notice or Letter of Credit Application may be submitted by or on behalf of such Designated Borrower until the date five Business Days after such effective date.

  • Foreign Subsidiaries Subject to the following sentence, in the event that, at any time, Foreign Subsidiaries have, in the aggregate, (i) total revenues constituting 5% or more of the total revenues of Borrower and its Subsidiaries on a consolidated basis, or (ii) total assets constituting 5% or more of the total assets of Borrower and its Subsidiaries on a consolidated basis, promptly (and, in any event, within 30 days after such time) the Borrower shall cause one or more of such Foreign Subsidiaries to become Subsidiary Guarantors and to have their Equity Interests pledged, each in the manner set forth in Section 8.12(a), such that, after such Subsidiaries become Subsidiary Guarantors, the non-guarantor Foreign Subsidiaries in the aggregate shall cease to have revenues or assets, as applicable, that meet the thresholds set forth in clauses (i) and (ii) above. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no Foreign Subsidiary shall be required to become a Subsidiary Guarantor, xxxxx x xxxx on any of its assets in favor of the Lenders, or shall have its Equity Interests pledged to secure the Obligations, to the extent that becoming a Subsidiary Guarantor, granting a lien on any of its assets in favor of the Lenders or providing such pledge would result in adverse tax consequences for Borrower and its Subsidiaries, taken as a whole; provided that, if a Foreign Subsidiary is precluded from becoming a Subsidiary Guarantor or having all of its Equity Interests pledged as a result of such adverse tax consequences, to the extent that such Foreign Subsidiary is a “first tier” Foreign Subsidiary, Borrower shall pledge (or cause to be pledged) 65% of the total number of the Equity Interests of such Foreign Subsidiary to the Lenders to secure the Obligations.

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