Termination Clauses Exemplaires

Termination. 9.1 Chacune des Parties pourra, par notification écrite signifiée à l’autre Partie, résilier le Contrat avec effet immédiat dans les cas suivants 9.1 Either Party may by notice in writing served on the other Party terminate the Contract immediately if that other Party:
Termination. 18.1 Supplier shall be entitled by notice in writing, without prejudice to any of its rights herein, to terminate forthwith this Agreement or an Order if Buyer is in substantial breach of a material term of this Agreement or an Order (as the case may be) and within sixty (60) days of the date of dispatch to Buyer of a written request from Supplier to remedy such breach Buyer fails to remedy such breach.
Termination. 17.1 In the event of breach by one of the Parties of its contractual obligations, the other Party may send it a notice of breach and opportunity to cure within the period indicated, by registered letter with notice of receipt. If the breaching party does not cure the breach within such period, this Agreement shall be terminated automatically.
Termination. 34.1: Termination procedure in the event of contractual non-performance In the event of failure to perform one of its obligations, the other Party may terminate these Merchant Partnership Terms and Conditions ipso jure, subject to compliance with the following procedure: The complaining party will send the defaulting party a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt stating the failure, and requiring the latter to rectify it within three weeks. If, at the end of this period, the defaulting party has not fulfilled all its obligations and has not demonstrated that its failure is due to force majeure, as specified by Article 1218 of the French Civil Code, the complaining party may terminate the Merchant Partnership Terms and Conditions ipso jure.
Termination. Article 34.1: Termination procedure in the event of contractual non-performance
Termination. The agreement will be terminated as of right and with no other legal formality in the event of a serious breach by one of the parties of an essential obligation, without prejudice to the damages that may be owed as a result. An essential obligation means non-payment of sums owed by the buyer and non-delivery of the goods by the seller.
Termination. 16.1 In the event of breach by one of the Parties of its contractual obligations, the other Party may send it a notice of breach and opportunity to cure within the period indicated, by registered letter with notice of receipt. If the breaching party does not cure the breach within such period, this Agreement shall be terminated automatically. Une telle résiliation ne libère pas la Partie défaillante des obligations qu’elle a contractées vis à vis de l’autre Partie à la date de la résiliation. De même, la résiliation ne pourra en aucun cas être considérée comme une renonciation, par l’autre Partie, à la réparation des dommages ou préjudices qu’elle aura subis du fait de la rupture du Contrat, que ceux-ci soient antérieurs ou postérieurs à la résiliation.
Termination. In the event of a breach by the Customer of any of its obligations under the Contract, which is not remedied within thirty (30) days of the occurrence of such breach, the Seller may terminate all or part of the Contract automatically and without formality, without prejudice to any subsequent claim for damages against the Customer.
Termination. La présente Convention peut être résiliée par l’une et l’autre Partie à tout moment par lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception en indiquant les motifs d’une telle demande de résiliation, sous réserve de respecter un préavis d’un mois. La résiliation prendra effet un (1) mois après la notification adressée par lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception, en précisant les motifs. Cependant, si dans le délai imparti, la Partie défaillante s’acquitte de ses obligations ou si elle justifie de son incapacité à s’exécuter, la résiliation ne produira pas ses effets. En tout état de cause, l’exercice de cette faculté de résiliation ne dispense pas la Partie défaillante de remplir ses obligations jusqu’à la date de prise d’effet de la résiliation. This Agreement may be terminated by either Party at any time by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, indicating the reasons for the termination request, subject to notice of one month. The termination will take effect one (1) month after the notification sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, with the grounds indicated. However, if the non- compliant Party satisfies its obligations or is able to prove that it cannot comply, within the set period, the termination will not take effect. In all events, the application of this termination clause will not exempt the non-compliant Party from its obligations up to the date of effect of the termination.
Termination. The termination of the Lease shall similarly be incurred in the event of the Tenant’s failure to perform or infringement of any one of the obligations, failing compliance with the request to remedy the problem complained of within fifteen (15) days. In the event of the problem complained about enduring and of unlawfully remaining on the premises after this time, the Tenant will have to pay occupancy compensation equivalent to twice the daily rent per day’s delay, with no prejudice to any damages and interests and the eviction that might stem from a legal decision with the authority of res judicata The taxes and levies for which the Tenant is personally liable pursuant to this lease (e.g.: housing tax, audio-visual fee, etc.), will be directly paid by the Tenant and be invoiced to him/her by the Landlord if for any reason whatsoever the latter were invoiced for these. The Tenant undertakes to take all the steps required with the tax administration with a view to paying this tax.