Examples of Water supply system in a sentence
Water Supply:▪ Planning and capacity augmentation for adequate and equitable water supply and related capital investment.▪ Water supply system for unserved areas to ensure 100% coverage▪ Continuous system of water supply.▪ Improvement of O&M of the system▪ Performance monitoring - energy audit, leak detection, NRW studies, water quality, etc.▪ Institutional strengthening and capacity building.
Design Water supply system shall be designed to provide adequate domestic usage and fire protection.
Water supply system project" means any building structure, facilities, machinery, pipes, aqueducts, conduits, drains or the equipment which may be deemed necessary to supply water for municipal, domestic, business or combined use, together with all land, property, rights-of-way, franchises, easements and interests in lands which may be acquired for construction or operation of the project.[PL 1985, c.
The licensee should encourage the customer to install a whole site backflow prevention device to minimise risks to the Southern Water supply system from non-compliance.
The extent of additional monitoring to be reported to Southern Water and reviewed with the licensee will be agreed on a site-specific basis subject to consideration of the source of water and complexity of treatment, consideration of issues of stability when introduced into the Southern Water supply system and the availability of long-term prior data on the quality of the incoming supply.