Transmission Delivery Service Implications Under ER Interconnection Service, Interconnection Customer will be eligible to inject power from the Generating Facility into and deliver power across the Transmission System on an “as available” basis up to the amount of MW identified in the applicable stability and steady state studies to the extent the upgrades initially required to qualify for ER Interconnection Service have been constructed. After that date FERC makes effective MISO’s Energy Market Tariff filed in Docket No. ER04-691-000, Interconnection Customer may place a bid to sell into the market up to the maximum identified Generating Facility output, subject to any conditions specified in the Interconnection Service approval, and the Generating Facility will be dispatched to the extent the Interconnection Customer’s bid clears. In all other instances, no transmission or other delivery service from the Generating Facility is assured, but Interconnection Customer may obtain Point-To-Point Transmission Service, Network Integration Transmission Service or be used for secondary network transmission service, pursuant to the Tariff, up to the maximum output identified in the stability and steady state studies. In those instances, in order for Interconnection Customer to obtain the right to deliver or inject energy beyond the Point of Interconnection or to improve its ability to do so, transmission delivery service must be obtained pursuant to the provisions of the Tariff. The Interconnection Customer’s ability to inject its Generating Facility output beyond the Point of Interconnection, therefore, will depend on the existing capacity of the Transmission or Distribution System as applicable, at such time as a Transmission Service request is made that would accommodate such delivery. The provision of Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service or Network Integration Transmission Service may require the construction of additional Network or Distribution Upgrades.
Transmission The Custodian and the Fund shall comply with SWIFT’s authentication procedures. The Custodian will act on FT Instructions received via SWIFT provided the instruction is authenticated by the SWIFT system. § Written Instructions. Instructions may be transmitted in an original writing that bears the manual signature of an Authorized Person(s).
Transmission of business Where a business is transmitted from one employer to another, as set out in clause 4.4 - Redundancy, the period of continuous service that the employee had with the transmittor or any prior transmittor is deemed to be service with the transmittee and taken into account when calculating notice of termination. However, an employee shall not be entitled to notice of termination or payment in lieu of notice for any period of continuous service in respect of which notice has already been given or paid for.
Information Transmission The Provider, on behalf of itself and its respective Subsidiaries, shall use commercially reasonable efforts to provide or make available, or cause to be provided or made available, to the Recipient, in accordance with Section 6.1 of the Separation and Distribution Agreement, any Information received or computed by the Provider for the benefit of the Recipient concerning the relevant Service during the Service Period; provided, however, that, except as otherwise agreed to in writing by the Parties (a) the Provider shall not have any obligation to provide, or cause to be provided, Information in any non-standard format, (b) the Provider and its Subsidiaries shall be reimbursed for their reasonable costs in accordance with Section 6.3 of the Separation and Distribution Agreement for creating, gathering, copying, transporting and otherwise providing such Information, and (c) the Provider shall use commercially reasonable efforts to maintain any such Information in accordance with Section 6.4 of the Separation and Distribution Agreement.
No Transmission Delivery Service The execution of this Agreement does not constitute a request for, nor agreement to provide, any Transmission Service under the NYISO OATT, and does not convey any right to deliver electricity to any specific customer or Point of Delivery. If Developer wishes to obtain Transmission Service on the New York State Transmission System, then Developer must request such Transmission Service in accordance with the provisions of the NYISO OATT.