Tenant Insured Loss definition

Tenant Insured Loss means damage or destruction to the Insured Premises (as defined in Section 14.1.2) that (i) is actually covered by the Property Insurance on the Insured Premises to be obtained by Tenant pursuant to Section 14.1.2 or, (ii) provided Landlord has not exercised its rights under Section 27.7, is required to be covered by Property Insurance to be obtained by Tenant pursuant to Section 14.1.2, but is not so covered by such insurance. "Landlord Insured Loss" shall mean damage or destruction to the Insured Premises (i) that is actually covered by the Property Insurance or other insurance obtained by Landlord in accordance with Section 27.7, and (ii) either: all of the proceeds of such Property Insurance carried or to be carried by Landlord are actually disbursed by the insurer for use by Tenant or Landlord in restoration of the Insured Premises, or if less than all of the proceeds of such Property Insurance are actually disbursed by the insurer for use by Tenant or Landlord in restoration of the Insured Premises or if the Landlord's lender otherwise prevents the use of the proceeds of such Property Insurance for the restoration of the Insured Premises (the amount of proceeds not actually disbursed for restoration being hereinafter referred to as "Insurance Proceeds Reduction Amount"), and then either: not later than ninety (90) days following the date the Tenant's Loss Notice is given, Landlord elects in writing to deposit an amount equal to the Insurance Proceeds Reduction Amount into an escrow account; or not later than ninety (90) days following the date the Tenant's Loss Notice is given, Landlord elects in writing to provide other reasonable assurance that the Insurance Proceeds Reduction Amount will be made available for restoration of the Insured Premises.

Related to Tenant Insured Loss

  • Insured Loss means damage or destruction to improvements on the Premises, other than Lessee Owned Alterations and Utility Installations and Trade Fixtures, which was caused by an event required to be covered by the insurance described in Paragraph 8.3(a), irrespective of any deductible amounts or coverage limits involved.

  • Covered Loss or “Covered Losses” means an accidental death, dismemberment, or other Injury covered under the Policy.

  • Lessee means a person who acquires the right to possession and use of goods under a lease. Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the term includes a sublessee.

  • Tenant’s Property means Removable Installations and, other than Installations, any personal property or equipment of Tenant that may be removed without material damage to the Premises, and (z) “Installations” means all property of any kind paid for by Landlord, all Alterations, all fixtures, and all partitions, hardware, built-in machinery, built-in casework and cabinets and other similar additions, equipment, property and improvements built into the Premises so as to become an integral part of the Premises, including, without limitation, fume hoods which penetrate the roof or plenum area, built-in cold rooms, built-in warm rooms, walk-in cold rooms, walk-in warm rooms, deionized water systems, glass washing equipment, autoclaves, chillers, built-in plumbing, electrical and mechanical equipment and systems, and any power generator and transfer switch.

  • Premises Building Partial Damage means if the Building of which the Premises are a part is damaged or destroyed to the extent that the cost to repair is less than fifty percent (50%) of the then Replacement Cost of the building.

  • Lease Term means the term of this Lease which shall commence on the Commencement Date and continue for the period specified in Section J of the Summary.

  • Tenant means a person entitled under a rental agreement to occupy a dwelling unit to the exclusion of others.

  • Landlord shall have the meaning given such term in the preambles to this Agreement and shall also include their respective permitted successors and assigns.

  • Tenant Inducement Costs shall not include loss of income resulting from any free rental period, it being agreed that Seller shall bear the loss resulting from any free rental period until the date of Closing and that Purchaser shall bear such loss from and after the date of Closing.

  • the Landlord means the party named on the first page of this Agreement and any successor and any person who has an interest as heritable proprietor in The Property, even if not named in this Agreement. The Landlord agrees to inform The Agent, in writing, of any changes to ownership of The Property, contact telephone numbers, postal or e-mail addresses as soon as possible and in any event within 7 days of the change.

  • Property Insurance is defined in Section 6.10(a).

  • Tenant’s Work means all improvements, alterations, fixture, equipment, and signage installation, and furniture placement necessary or appropriate for the conduct of the Permitted Use, including all work described as Tenant’s Work on Exhibit D, attached (the “Work Letter”).

  • Utility Installation means carpeting, window and wall coverings, power panels, electrical distribution systems, lighting fixtures, air conditioning, plumbing, and telephone and telecommunication wiring and equipment. At the expiration of the term, Lessor may require the removal of any or all of said alterations, improvements, additions or Utility Installations, and the restoration of the Premises and the Office Building Project to their prior condition, at Lessee's expense. Should Lessor permit Lessee to make its own alterations, improvements, additions or Utility Installations, Lessee shall use only such contractor as has been expressly approved by Lessor, and Lessor may require Lessee to provide Lessor, at Lessee's sole cost and expense, a lien and completion bond in an amount equal to one and one-half times the estimated cost of such improvements, to insure Lessor against any liability for mechanic's and materialmen's liens and to insure completion of the work. Should Lessee make any alterations, improvements, additions or Utility Installations without the prior approval of Lessor, or use a contractor not expressly approved by Lessor, Lessor may, at any time during the term of this Lease, require that Lessee remove any part or all of the same.

  • this Tenant Work Letter means the relevant portion of Sections 1 through 6 of this Tenant Work Letter.

  • Lessor means a person who transfers the right to possession and use of goods under a lease. Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the term includes a sublessor.

  • Insurance Rent the sums described in paragraph 1.1 of Schedule 4; “Insured Risks” the risks of fire (including subterranean fire), lightning, explosion, storm, flood, subsidence, landslip, heave, earthquake, burst or overflowing water pipes, tanks or apparatus, impact by aircraft or other aerial devices and any articles dropped from them, impact by vehicles, terrorism, riot, civil commotion and malicious damage to the extent, in each case, that cover is generally available on normal commercial terms in the UK insurance market at the time the insurance is taken out, and any other risks against which the Landlord reasonably insures from time to time, subject in all cases to any excesses, limitations and exclusions imposed by the insurers;20

  • Tenant Improvement Work means the construction of the Tenant Improvements, together with any related work (including demolition) that is necessary to construct the Tenant Improvements.

  • the Tenant means the party(ies) named on the tenancy agreement as the tenant of The Property.

  • Tenant Improvement Allowance in the maximum amount of $200.00 per rentable square foot in the Premises, which is included in the Base Rent set forth in the Lease; and

  • Tenant Improvements Defined in Exhibit B, if any.

  • Replacement Cost means the cost to repair or rebuild the improvements owned by Lessor at the time of the occurrence to their condition existing immediately prior thereto, including demolition, debris removal and upgrading required by the operation of applicable building codes, ordinances or laws, and without deduction for depreciation.

  • Sublandlord means the holder of sublandlord’s interest under this Sublease. In the event of any assignment or transfer of the Sublandlord’s interest under this Sublease, which assignment or transfer may occur at any time during the Term in Sublandlord’s sole discretion, Sublandlord shall be and hereby is entirely relieved of all covenants and obligations of Sublandlord hereunder accruing subsequent to the date of the transfer and it shall be deemed and construed, without further agreement between the parties hereto, that any transferee has assumed and shall carry out all covenants and obligations thereafter to be performed by Sublandlord hereunder. Sublandlord may transfer and deliver the then existing Letter of Credit to the transferee of Sublandlord’s interest under this Sublease, and thereupon Sublandlord shall be discharged from any further liability with respect thereto. In addition, Sublandlord shall comply with all of its obligations as “Tenant” under the Master Lease except to the extent that any such obligation is the obligation of Subtenant pursuant to the terms of this Sublease. Notwithstanding any other term or provision of this Sublease, the liability of Subtenant to Sublandlord for any default in Subtenant’s obligations under this Sublease shall be limited to actual, direct damages, and under no circumstances shall Sublandlord, its partners, members, shareholders, directors, agents, officers, employees, contractors, sublessees, successors and/or assigns be entitled to recover from Subtenant (or otherwise be indemnified by Subtenant) for lost revenues, lost profit or other consequential, special or punitive damages arising in connection with this Sublease for any reason, except for any breach by Subtenant under Section 12 of the Master Lease. Notwithstanding any other term or provision of this Sublease, no personal liability shall at any time be asserted or enforceable against Subtenant’s shareholders, directors, officers, or partners on account of any of Subtenant’s obligations or actions under this Sublease.

  • Utility Installations is used in this Lease to refer to all air lines, power panels, electrical distribution, security, fire protection systems, communications systems, lighting fixtures, heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment, plumbing, and fencing in, on or about the Premises. The term "TRADE FIXTURES" shall mean Lessee's machinery and equipment which can be removed without doing material damage to the Premises. The term "ALTERATIONS" shall mean any modification of the improvements on the Premises which are provided by Lessor under the terms of this Lease, other than Utility Installations or Trade Fixtures. "LESSEE-OWNED ALTERATIONS AND/OR UTILITY INSTALLATIONS" are defined as Alterations and/or Utility Installations made by Lessee that are not yet owned by Lessor pursuant to Paragraph 7.4(a). Lessee shall not make nor cause to be made any Alterations or Utility Installations in, on, under or about the Premises without Lessor's prior written consent. Lessee may, however, make non-structural Utility Installations to the interior of the Premises (excluding the roof) without Lessor's consent but upon notice to Lessor, so long as they are not visible from the outside of the Premises, do not involve puncturing, relocating or removing the roof or any existing walls, or changing or interfering with the fire sprinkler or fire detection systems and the cumulative cost thereof during the term of this Lease as extended does not exceed $2,500.00.

  • Tenant Work All work installed or furnished to the Premises by Tenant in connection with Tenant’s initial occupancy pursuant to Rider 2 and the Workletter.