Shifting definition

Shifting. Means the physical movement within the Terminal area of any cargo, mark or lot but does not apply if additional sorting is required.
Shifting means the process by which a portion of a load is transferred from one axle group to another by adjusting air pressure, adjusting the fifth wheel, or physically moving part of the load to another axle group without removing the load from the vehicle;
Shifting means the movement of a container or break bulk cargo from hatch to hatch or within the same hatch on a vessel or the movement of cargo on the same level in the same hold or in the same hold from one level to another;

Examples of Shifting in a sentence

  • Shifting the workweek back will be allowed with seven (7) days’ notice to the Employee and Union provided that, once the shift in workweek has been executed, any additional requests for shift in the workweek would not be allowed earlier than five (5) weeks from the date that the workweek had shifted.

  • At the same time, I narrow my engagement with practice 26 Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, “Reconceiving Practice,” in Shifting Boundaries, eds.

  • Strong, Shifting Gears: Changing Algorithms on the Fly to Expedite Byzantine Agreement, Inf.

More Definitions of Shifting

Shifting. When a Vessel shifts alongside dock only, one and one half (11/2) times the docking rate will be charged. Vessels shifting without power anywhere alongside dock only, will be double (two times) the docking charge.
Shifting means the movement of a vessel from one berth to another berth or from one berth to anchorage / mooring or vice versa within the port limits.
Shifting means to move from one stall to another or from one section to another
Shifting. Tides: TRIPS in the Doha Round,” The World Trade Brief, The sixth WTO Ministerial Conference, Hong Kong, 13-18 December, 2005. Xxxxxxxxx, X.(2002), “Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights: Causes and Consequences,”, American Journal of Agriculture Economics, 84(2), May, 482-494 Government of Bangladesh (2005), National Drug Policy Xxxxxx, X. (2004), “Post 2004 scenario is not at all clear,” Interview with Express Pharma Pulse, an Indian weekly for the Pharmaceutical Industry Xxxxxx, X. (2005), “Post-WTO Opportunities & Bangladesh Pharma Sector,” Asia Pharma Expo-2005, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Xxxxxx, X. (2006), TRIPS and Bangladesh Situation”, Annual Report 2005-2006, Bangladesh Association of Pharmaceu- tical Industry Health Action International (1998), HAI News, No.100, April 1998 Islam,N. & Xxxxxxx, ABM 2007, Purity Poisoned, Anwara- Nur Welfare Trust(ANWT), Dhaka Xxxxxxx, X. (2002), “Intellectual Property and the Availability of pharmaceuticals in Poor Countries,” Centre for Global Development Working Paper No. 5, Washington Centre for Global Development (xxxx:// tions/detail/2785/) Xxxxxxxx, X. (2003), “The Global Politics of Intellectual Property Rights and Pharmaceutical Drug Policies in Developing Countries”, International Political Science Review, Vol.24, No.2, 181-197 Xxxxxx, X.(2005), “ Bangladesh and Impact of TRIPS on Pharmaceutical Sector”, Paper presented in the seminar on ‘ Impact of TRIPS on Pharmaceutical Sector’ organized by Drug Administration, Bangladesh and sponsored by World Health Organization, Bangladesh on 20 March at Hotel Purbani, Dhaka Xxxxxxxx, X.(2004), “WTO Decision on Implementation of Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health: A Solution to the Access to Essential Medicine Problems?” Journal of International Economic Law, Mar, Vol. 7(1), pgs. 73
Shifting means the use of the BESS to shift Energy Output into a different time than when it is generated.
Shifting or “Shift” means the movement of a container or break-bulk cargo from one area to another area on the same vessel or shifting to access containers in the yard for inspections, seal cutting or special request for delivery or loading onto a vessel.
Shifting means the movement of a Vessel from one berth to another.