Drug administration definition

Drug administration means an act in which a single dose of a prescribed drug or biological is given to a resident by an authorized person in accordance with this Part.
Drug administration means an act in which a single dose of a prescribed drug or biological is given to a resident by an authorized person in accordance with the regulations herein.
Drug administration means the act of an authorized indi- vidual giving a single dose of prescribed drug or biological to a pa- tient according to the laws and regulations governing such acts.

Examples of Drug administration in a sentence

  • The Healthcare Provider will not directly or indirectly seek or receive compensation from patient(s) participating in the Trial (“Trial Subject(s)”) or third-party payers for any material, treatment or service that is required by the Protocol and provided or paid by Sponsor, including, but not limited to, Sponsor Drug, Comparator Drug, Trial Subject screening, infusions, physician and nurse services, diagnostic tests, and Sponsor Drug and/or Comparator Drug administration.

More Definitions of Drug administration

Drug administration means the direct introduction of or the application of a drug into or on the body of a patient by injection, inhalation, ingestion or any other means and, where required by law, shall occur only pursuant to a medical order. ((16) added June 29, 2002, P.L.673, No.102)
Drug administration means the act in which a single dose
Drug administration means an act in which a single dose of an identified drug is given to a patient.
Drug administration means an act in which a single dose of a prescribed drug or biological is given to a patient by an authorized person in accordance with all laws and regulations governing such acts. The complete act of administration entails removing an individu- al dose from a previously dispensed, properly labeled container (in- cluding a unit dose container) reviewing it with a verified transcrip- tion, a direct copy, or the original medical practitioner's orders, giving the individual dose to the proper patient, and properly record- ing the time and dose given.
Drug administration means the act of an autho- rized individual giving a single dose of prescribed drug or biological to a patient according to the laws and regulations governing such acts.
Drug administration means the act in which a single dose of a prescribed drug or biological is given to a consumer. The complete act of administration entails removing an individual dose from a container, verifying the dose with the prescriber's orders, giving the individual dose to the consumer, and promptly recording the time and dose given.
Drug administration means the giving of a single dose of medication to a specific patient as a result of an order of a physician or other authorized medical practitioner.