Settlement Cost definition

Settlement Cost as defined in Section 11.3(c). ----------------- "Shareholders Agreement"--as defined in Section 10.3(e). ------------------------ "Supplemental Buyer Disclosure Letter"--as defined in Section 7.7. -------------------------------------- "Supplemental Company Disclosure Letter"--as defined in Section 6.7. ---------------------------------------- "Surviving Corporation"--as defined in Section 2.1. ----------------------- "Tax"--any income, capital gains, federal, state, local, foreign, other net ----- income, gross income, ad valorem, lease, service, service use, payroll, severance, premium, windfall profits, customs, duties or other taxes, fees, charges, interest, additions to tax, license, gross receipts, net worth, capital stock, profits, stamp, occupation, transfer, value added, excise, franchise, sales, use, property, employment, unemployment, disability, withholding, social security and workers' compensation taxes and estimated income and franchise tax payments, and interest, penalties, fines, costs and assessments. "Tax Return"--any return (including any information return), report, ------------ statement, schedule, notice, form, or other document or information filed with or submitted to, or required to be filed with or submitted to, any Governmental Body in connection with the determination, assessment, collection, or payment of any Tax or in connection with the administration, implementation, or enforcement of or compliance with any Legal Requirement relating to any Tax.
Settlement Cost means, with respect to the Litigation, all Damages (as defined in Section 10.1 hereof) paid or payable by or on behalf of the Partnership after the date hereof, including without limitation any Present Value Royalties (as defined, it being agreed that the Present Value Royalties shall equal $0 with respect to any royalty-free cross-licensing arrangement). For purposes hereof, "Present Value Royalties" shall mean, as of the date of the Litigation Termination, the present value (based upon a discount rate of 9.5% per annum) of all royalties payable by the Partnership in connection with future sales of allegedly infringing products, it being agreed that if such royalty payments are to be based on the Partnership's revenues from sales or number of units sold of allegedly infringing products, the amount of such revenues or the number of units sold during each remaining year of the relevant patent(s) or otherwise applicable royalty period shall be deemed to equal the actual revenues generated from the Partnership's sales, or the actual number of units sold (whichever may be applicable), of allegedly infringing products during the 12-month period ending on the last day of the second month preceding the date of the Litigation Termination. For purposes hereof, "Final Adjudication" shall mean an order, judgement, ruling or decree finally terminating the Litigation issued and entered by any court from time to time having jurisdiction over the Litigation that has not been reversed, stayed, modified or amended and as to which the time to appeal or petition for reargument, rehearing or certiorari has expired, and as to which no appeal, reargument, petition for certiorari or rehearing is pending or as to which any right to appeal, reargue, petition for certiorari or seek rehearing has been waived in writing or, if an appeal, reargument, petition for certiorari or rehearing thereof has been denied, the time to take any further appeal or to seek certiorari or further argument or rehearing has expired.
Settlement Cost means the amount that would be required to be paid by the Company to close out, settle and relieve the Company from all obligations under a Hydrocarbon Hedge Contract under which the Company has an unrealized mxxx-to-market loss, and (ii) “Settlement Benefit” means the amount that the Company would be entitled to receive upon the close out and settlement of a Hydrocarbon Hedge Contract under which the Company has an unrealized mxxx-to-market gain. On the third Business Day preceding the Closing Date, the Company will obtain and furnish to Parent a written statement from the counterparty to each Hydrocarbon Hedge Contract then outstanding stating the Settlement Cost or the Settlement Benefit under such Hydrocarbon Hedge Contract as of the close of business on the fourth Business Day preceding the Closing Date. The Company may propose to Parent an alternative means of determining Settlement Cost or Settlement Benefit, and if in the reasonable judgment of Parent exercised in good faith, such alternative means is feasible and may be executed within the same time frame, and achieves exactly the same economic result with no residual exposure or liability to the Company, as settlement through the Hydrocarbon Hedge Contract counterparties, the alternative means proposed by the Company will be utilized for determining Settlement Cost or Settlement Benefit. In the event the sum of the Settlement Costs exceeds the sum of the Settlement Benefits for all of the Hydrocarbon Hedge Contracts outstanding as of the close of business on the fourth Business Day preceding the Closing Date, the amount of the excess shall constitute the “Closing Date Hedge Liability.” In the event the sum of the Settlement Benefits exceeds the sum of the Settlement Costs for all of the Hydrocarbon Hedge Contracts outstanding as of the close of business on the fourth Business Day preceding the Closing Date, the amount of the excess shall constitute the “Closing Date Hedge Asset.”

Examples of Settlement Cost in a sentence

  • RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide HUD Settlement Cost Booklet.- 09/15/2015 Disclosure dated at closing, issue remains for being outside 3 days of close.

  • RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide HUD Settlement Cost Booklet.- 09/10/2015 lender provided evidence of HUD settlement cost booklet provided on 01/07/2015, issue cleared 09/10/2015 1 Complete AZ PRIMARY PURCHASE 503 100002554 8/28/2015 Credit RATDTI DTI is greater than maximum allowed by guidelines DTI is greater than maximum allowed by guidelines- 52.79% DTI > 48% max - Documentation in file shows 3 revolving accounts to be paid at closing; HUD did not document pay offs.

  • ECOA violations have private right of action or assignee liability, grade changed to EV2; 2 Complete 03/17/2015 GA PRIMARY PURCHASE 213 300005454 3/17/2015 Compliance OTHER RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide HUD Settlement Cost Booklet.

  • Settlement Cost Sensitivity ($ in millions, except per share amounts) Source: Form 10-12(b) filed January 11, 2008.

  • ECOA Valuations Rule (Dodd-Frank 2014): Creditor did not provide a copy of each valuation to applicant.- 03/10/2015 Lender provided screen shot showing appraisal was sent to the borrower on 02/19/2015, issue cleared; 03/10/2015 1 Complete 03/10/2015 GA PRIMARY PURCHASE 203 300006714 3/10/2015 Compliance OTHER RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide HUD Settlement Cost Booklet to applicant within 3 business days of application.

  • Initial disclosure within 3 days of 02/20/2015 application date not provided, issue remains; 04/09/2015 Lender provided copy of the right to receive a copy of appraisals dated 02/23/2015, issue cleared; 04/09/2015 1 Complete 04/08/2015 DC PRIMARY PURCHASE 211 300007929 4/8/2015 Compliance OTHER RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide HUD Settlement Cost Booklet.

  • The policy indicates that the loan originator was not compensated based on the terms of the transaction nor did they receive dual compensation, issue cleared; 03/03/2015 1 Complete 02/25/2015 FL PRIMARY PURCHASE 204 300005585 2/25/2015 Compliance OTHER RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide HUD Settlement Cost Booklet.

  • RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide HUD Settlement Cost Booklet.- 09/23/2015 Lender provided documentation that the HUD settlement cost booklet was provided at application, issue cleared; 09/23/2015 1 Complete TX PRIMARY PURCHASE 1179 100005654 8/20/2015 Compliance OTHER ECOA Valuations Rule (Dodd-Frank 2014): Creditor did not provide a copy of each valuation to applicant.

Related to Settlement Cost

  • Settlement Costs means all costs incurred by Plaintiff, the Settlement Class Members, and their attorneys, including but not limited to Plaintiff’s attorneys’ fees, costs of suit, Plaintiff’s expert or consultant fees, any incentive payments paid to the Class Representative, notice costs, costs of claims administration, and all other costs of administering the Settlement Agreement.

  • Replacement Cost means the cost to repair or rebuild the improvements owned by Lessor at the time of the occurrence to their condition existing immediately prior thereto, including demolition, debris removal and upgrading required by the operation of applicable building codes, ordinances or laws, and without deduction for depreciation.

  • Net cost means the Contractor’s actual cost after deducting all permitted cash and trade discounts, rebates, allowances, credits, sales taxes, commissions, and refunds (whether or not any or all of the same shall have been taken by the Contractor) of all parts and materials purchased by the Contractor solely for the use in performing its obligation hereunder provided, where such purchase has received the prior written approval of the Manager as required herein. The Contractor shall promptly furnish to the Manager such bills of sale and other instruments as the Manger may require, executed, acknowledged and delivered, assuring to the Manager title to such materials, supplies, equipment, parts, and tools free of encumbrances.

  • Equipment Cost means, for any Item of Equipment, the gross amount paid by the Company to the manufacturer thereof, including all applicable sales taxes, and delivery charges as invoiced by such manufacturer to the Company.

  • Full Replacement Cost as used herein shall mean the actual replacement cost of the Leased Property requiring replacement from time to time including an increased cost of construction endorsement, if available, and the cost of debris removal. In the event either party believes that full replacement cost (the then-replacement cost less such exclusions) has increased or decreased at any time during the Lease Term, it shall have the right to have such full replacement cost re-determined.

  • Patient cost means the cost of a medically necessary health care service that is incurred as a result

  • Contract Cost means the Contract Sum plus Price Variation. This cost shall be included in the letter of acceptance.

  • Direct Cost means a cost not to exceed the cost of labor, material, travel and other expenditures to the extent the costs are directly incurred to provide the relevant assistance or service. “Direct Cost” to the Acquirer for its use of any of a Respondent’s employees’ labor shall not exceed the average hourly wage rate for such employee;

  • Target Cost as used in this contract, means the estimated cost of this contract as initially negotiated, adjusted in accordance with paragraph (d) of this clause.

  • Development Cost means the total of all costs incurred in the completion of a Development excluding Developer Fee, operating deficit reserves, and total land cost as typically shown in the Development Cost line item on the development cost pro forma.

  • Replacement Costs means the expenditures for obtaining and installing equipment, accessories or appurtenances which are necessary during the useful life of the treatment works to maintain the capacity and performance for which such works were designed and constructed.

  • Improvement Costs means any additional expenditure on a fixed asset that materially increases the capacity of the asset or materially improves its functioning or represents more than 10% of the initial depreciation base of the asset;

  • Standard Cost means any cost computed with the use of preestablished measures.

  • book cost means the total amount paid to purchase a security, including any transaction charges related to the purchase, adjusted for reinvested distributions, returns of capital and corporate reorganizations;

  • Project Cost means the price payable to Service Provider over the entire period of Agreement (i.e. Rs. <in words>) for the full and proper performance of its contractual obligations.

  • Tax Cost means any increase in Tax payments otherwise required to be made to a Taxing Authority (or any reduction in any refund otherwise receivable from any Taxing Authority).

  • Estimated Cost , for the purposes of rule 22, means the estimated cost to maintain, repair or replace a major capital item;

  • Salvage value means the amount received for property retired, less any expenses incurred in connection with the sale or in preparing the property for sale, or, if retained, the amount at which the material recoverable is chargeable to materials and supplies, or other appropriate account.

  • Estimated Project Cost means Benchmark cost of MNRE which is Rs 8.00 Crore/MWp as per MNRE letter no. 03/20/2014-15/GCRT/11.12.14 at the time of Bid Due date.

  • Operating Cost means the costs associated with operating a DCA funded property after it is placed in service.

  • Cost Basis means (i) for cash, the dollar amount deposited, and (ii) for the other Permitted Investments, the amount paid, excluding accrued interest, by the holder to buy the United States Treasury Securities or the Money Market Fund shares. These amounts may also be known as the tax basis, book value, or tax cost basis.

  • Carrying Cost means book value of the assets and interest accrued thereon but not received;

  • Intrinsic Loss Estimate means total losses under the shared loss agreements in the amount of twenty nine million dollars ($ 29,000,000.00).