Exceptional Items means any material items of an unusual or non-recurring nature which represent gains or losses including those arising on:
Provisional items means items for which approximate quantities have been included in the tender documents.
Seasonal high water table means the highest zone of soil or rock that is seasonally or permanently saturated by a perched or shallow water table. A planar surface, below which all pores in rock or soil (whether primary or secondary) that is seasonally or permanently saturated.
Evaporative emissions means the hydrocarbon vapours lost from the fuel system of a motor vehicle other than those from exhaust emissions;
Moderate-income household means a household with a total gross annual household income in excess of 50 percent but less than 80 percent of the median household income.
Customer Account Information means personally identifiable information including Personal Data and Consumption Data. Customer Account Information also includes information received by the Company from the customer for purposes of participating in regulated utility programs, including, but not limited to bill pay assistance, shutoff protection, renewable energy, demand-side management, load management, or energy efficiency.
Households means one or more natural persons or a family who pays 30 percent of their household income toward their monthly rent and is determined by Grantee to be eligible for rental assistance under this Agreement.
Household income means the combined income of the members
Chargebacks means all credits, chargebacks, reimbursements, administrative fees and other financial obligations to wholesalers and other distributors, group purchasing organizations, insurers, Governmental Entity and other institutions related to the Product.
Customer Account means an account carried by a Participant on behalf of a Customer.
Line Information Data Base (LIDB means a transaction-oriented database system that functions as a centralized repository for data storage and retrieval. LIDB is accessible through CCS networks. LIDB contains records associated with End User line numbers and special billing numbers.
Checked Baggage means baggage of which the carrier takes sole custody and for which the carrier issues a baggage identification tag.
User Account means an account under the name of the Customer in relation to the Service subscribed by the Customer.
Billing Account is the checking account from which all Service fees will be automatically debited.
Wasteload allocation or "wasteload" or "WLA" means the portion of a receiving surface water's loading or assimilative capacity allocated to one of its existing or future point sources of pollution. WLAs are a type of water quality-based effluent limitation.
Correctional facility means a facility operated under the management and control of the Virginia Department of Corrections.
Information processing system means an electronic system for creating, generating, sending, receiving, storing, displaying, or processing information.
Consumption Data means customer specific electric usage data, or weather adjusted data, including but not limited to kW, kWh, voltage, var, power factor, and other information that is recorded by the electric meter for the Company and stored in its systems. Consumption Data also includes payment and service history, account number, and amount billed.
Interchange means the electronic exchange of Data between the Parties using the Adopted Protocol;
Waste load allocation means (i) the water quality-based annual mass load of total nitrogen or
Enhanced coagulation means the addition of sufficient coagulant for improved removal of disinfection byproduct precursors by conventional filtration treatment.