Wasteload allocation definition

Wasteload allocation or "wasteload" or "WLA" means the portion of a receiving surface water's loading or assimilative capacity allocated to one of its existing or future point sources of pollution. WLAs are a type of water quality-based effluent limitation.
Wasteload allocation or "WLA" means the portion of a receiving water’s loading capacity that is allocated to one of its existing or future point sources of pollution.
Wasteload allocation or "WLA" means the portion of a receiving water's loading capacity that is allocated to one of its existing or future point sources of pollution. In the absence of a TMDL or TMDL assessment and remediation plan, a WLA is the allocation for an individual point source that ensures that the level of water quality to be achieved by the point source is derived from and complies with all applicable water quality standards.

Examples of Wasteload allocation in a sentence

  • Hearings shall be con- ducted by one or more members of the Commission, by the Executive Direc- tor, or by such other Hearing Officer as the Chairman may designate, except as provided in paragraph (b) of this sec- tion.(b) Wasteload allocation cases.

  • This permit may be modified or, alternately, revoked and reissued after public notice and opportunity for hearing to incorporate effluent limitations reflecting the results of a Wasteload allocation if the Department of Environmental Management determines that such effluent limitations are needed to assure that State Water Quality Standards are met in the receiving stream.

  • Wasteload allocation (WLA) results for acute toxicity shall not exceed 1.0 TUa unless the provisions in paragraph (B) of rule 3745-33-07 of the Administrative Code are met.

  • WLA - Wasteload allocation, the amount of pollutant assigned to a specific discharger in a TMDL or, in the absence of a TMDL, calculated by the permitting authority to comply with water quality standards in the receiving water.

  • Wasteload allocation" means the same as set forth in federal regulations 40 CFR 130.2(h), which is incorporated herein by reference, including subsequent amendments and editions.

More Definitions of Wasteload allocation

Wasteload allocation means the portion of a receiving stream's loading capacity that is allocated to one (1) of its existing or future point sources of pollution.
Wasteload allocation. Or "WLA" means the portion of a receiving water’s loading capacity that is allocated to one of its existing or future point sources of pollution. WLAs constitute a type of water quality-based effluent limitation.
Wasteload allocation means the portion of a receiving water's total maximum daily load for a specific pollutant that is allocated to one of its existing or future point sources of pollution.
Wasteload allocation means the portion of a receiving stream's loading capacity that is allocated to one
Wasteload allocation means the same as set forth in federal regulations 40 CFR 130.2(h), which is incorporated herein by reference, including subsequent amendments and editions. These regulations may be obtained at no cost from http://www.epa.gov/lawsregs/search/40cfr.html or from the U.S. Government Printing Office, 732 North Capitol St. NW, Washington D.C., 20401.
Wasteload allocation means the portion of a receiving water’s loading capacity that is allocated to one or more existing or future point sources of pollution.
Wasteload allocation means wasteload allocation, as defined in rule 3745-2-02 of the Administrative Code.