Satisfaction definition

Satisfaction shall be a determination, in good faith, made by the Contractor and in accordance with commonly accepted industry standards. If the Contractor, Client, or other responsible party delays in making any payment to the Contractor, from which payment to Subcontractor is to be made, Contractor and its sureties shall have a reasonable time to make payment to Subcontractor. “Reasonable time” shall be determined in relation to relevant circumstances, but shall in no event be less time than required for Contractor, Contractor’s sureties, and Subcontractor to pursue a conclusion to their legal remedies against the Client or other responsible party to obtain payment, including, but not limited to, mechanics’ lien remedies.
Satisfaction means a discharge signed by the mortgagee of record, the trustee of a deed of trust, or by an agent or officer, legal representative, or attorney‑in‑fact under a written instrument duly recorded, of either of the foregoing indicating that the property subject to the security instrument is released.
Satisfaction means that the obligation secured by a mortgage has been paid in full and the underlying obligation terminated, with no opportunities for future advancements.

Examples of Satisfaction in a sentence

  • Commencing on the Effective Date until the CP Satisfaction Date, this Agreement shall be in full force and effect, enforceable and binding only to the extent required to give full effect to, and enforce, the rights and obligations of the Parties under this Section 2, including, as it relates to Section 2, the rights and obligations under Sections 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25, Appendix A and the other appendices referenced in the foregoing Sections.

  • From the CP Satisfaction Date to the Initial Delivery Date, Seller shall provide and maintain additional Performance Assurance so that the total amount of Performance Assurance is equal to $[insert] [NOTE to Bidders: Please see RFO document for collateral requirements.] (the “Construction Period Security”) in order to secure Seller’s obligations hereunder.

  • Each Party agrees and acknowledges that (a) the actual damages that Buyer would incur due to an Event of Default of Seller prior to the CP Satisfaction Date would be difficult or impossible to predict with certainty, (b) the liquidated damages set forth in this section are a reasonable and appropriate approximation of such damages, and (c) the liquidated damages set forth in this section are the exclusive remedy for an Event of Default of Seller prior to the CP Satisfaction Date.

  • Employee (Member) Satisfaction Definition The overall satisfaction will be determined by the question that reads “Overall, how satisfied are you with the way we administer your medical health insurance plan?” Measurement ▪ Criteria ▪ Level ▪ Period Percentage of respondents, on average, indicating a grade of satisfied or higher 80% Operations standard survey, conducted over the course of the year; may be customer specific for an additional charge.

  • From the Effective Date to the CP Satisfaction Date, Seller shall provide and maintain Performance Assurance in an amount equal to $[________] [NOTE to Bidders: Please see RFO document for collateral requirements.] (the “Pre-Construction Security”) in order to secure Seller’s obligations hereunder.

More Definitions of Satisfaction

Satisfaction means to the satisfaction of the Consultant.
Satisfaction by means of entertainment and fun
Satisfaction has the meaning assigned to such term in the Note Purchase Agreement.
Satisfaction has the meaning set forth in Section 2.15(b).
Satisfaction is defined as the sum of the “top two box” responses (“satisfied” and “very satisfied”), divided by the number of responses, excluding “neutral”. Achieve an overall Satisfaction rating of at least 90% for Contractor’s Account Management Team on an annual basis, using Contractor’s standard tool. Performance Fee of $3,500. Metric Definition Expected Performance % of Fees at Risk (3) The parties agree in principle with the measurement methodology as described. The parties further agree to refine such measurement methodology as mutually agreeable to the parties and to document the refined methodology in the contractual documents.
Satisfaction means Pavion’s acceptance of the completed Services, which will be a determination, in good faith, made by Pavion and in accordance with commonly accepted industry standards.
Satisfaction means that the obligation secured by a mortgage has been paid in full and