Return Amount definition

Return Amount has the meaning specified in Paragraph 3(b).
Return Amount has the meaning specified in Paragraph 2(b).
Return Amount applicable to the Secured Party for any Valuation Date will equal the least of

Examples of Return Amount in a sentence

  • The Delivery Amount, as defined below, will be rounded up, and the Return Amount, as defined below, will be rounded down, in each case to the nearest integral multiple of $100,000 (“Rounding Amount”).

More Definitions of Return Amount

Return Amount has the meaning specified in Paragraph 3(b) as amended by deleting in its entirety the sentence beginning “Unless otherwise specified in Paragraph 13” and ending “(ii) the Credit Support Amount.” and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
Return Amount has the meaning as specified in Paragraph 2(b); except that the words “include any prior Delivery Amount and to” shall be deleted from Paragraph 2(b)(i).
Return Amount has the meaning specified in Paragraph 3(b); provided, that the Return Amount shall be calculated, with respect to collateral posting required by each Rating Agency, by using (i) such Rating Agency’s Valuation Percentages as provided below to determine Value and (ii) the Credit Support Amount related to such Rating Agency. The Return Amount shall be the least of such calculated amounts.
Return Amount has the meaning as specified in Paragraph 2(b) as amended by deleting in its entirety the sentence beginning "Unless otherwise specified in Paragraph 11(b)" and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
Return Amount applicable to the Transferee for any Valuation Date will equal the least of:
Return Amount means, for any Remittance Date, the aggregate Tranche Write-down Amounts, if any, allocated to reduce the Class Principal Balance of each applicable outstanding Class of Notes on the related Payment Date (without regard to any exchanges of Exchangeable Notes for any RCR Notes).
Return Amount each has the meaning specified in Paragraph 3. "Credit Support Amount" has the meaning specified in Paragraph 3; provided, however, that in the event Party A elects or is required to post collateral pursuant to Part 5(f) of the Schedule due to a ratings downgrade or withdrawal by S&P, "Credit Support Amount" means, with respect to a Valuation Date, an amount equal to the greater of (1) the sum of (a) the MTM and (b) the Volatility Buffer multiplied by the Notional Amount and (2) zero. "MTM" means the Secured Party's Exposure for that Valuation Date. "Volatility Buffer" means (a) if, on the date of determination, Party A has a short-term credit rating of "A-2" by S&P and the Termination Date of the Transaction will occur in less than 5 years, 3.25%, (b) if, on the date of determination, Party A has a short-term credit rating of "A-2" by S&P and the Termination Date of the Transaction will occur in less than 10 years but more than 5 years, 4.00%, (c) if, on the date of determination, Party A has a short-term credit rating of "A-3" by S&P and the Termination Date of the Transaction will occur in less than 5 years, 4.00%, (d) if, on the date of determination, Party A has a short-term credit rating of "A-3" by S&P and the Termination Date of the Transaction will occur in less than 10 years but more than 5 years, 5.00%, (e) if, on the date of determination, Party A has a long-term credit rating of "BB+" or lower by S&P and the Termination Date of the Transaction will occur in less than 5 years, 4.50%, or (f) if, on the date of determination, Party A has a long-term credit rating of "BB+" or lower by S&P and the Termination Date of the Transaction will occur in less than 10 years but more than 5 years, 5.75%. In the event Party A elects or is required to post collateral pursuant to Part 5(f) of the Schedule due to a ratings downgrade or withdrawal by S&P, the Valuation Agent shall verify its calculation of the Secured Party's Exposure on a quarterly basis by seeking two quotations from Reference Market-makers. If two Reference Market-makers are not available to provide a quotation, then fewer than two Reference Market-makers may be used for such purpose. If no Reference Market-makers are available, then the Valuation Agent's estimates at mid-market will be used. The Valuation Agent may not obtain the quotations referred to above from the same person in excess of four times during any 12 month period. Where more than one quotation is obtained, the quotation repres...