Examples of Representative Subscriber in a sentence
Where the Representative Subscriber has elected to pay stamp duty within the PEXA System as part of a Financial Settlement, PEXA will include a system generated Line Item in the Settlement Schedule for the amount advised to PEXA by the relevant Duty Authority.
Upon receipt of a Trust Account Form completed by a Representative Subscriber, PEXA will send it to the relevant Payment Integrated Financial Institution.
Upon receipt of a PEXA System notification that payment authorisers have been linked to the registered statutory trust account, PEXA will verify the payment authorisers against the details in the validated Trust Account Form and enable payment authorisers to authorise the debit of funds from that statutory trust account using their Digital Signature in the PEXA System in accordance with the Representative Subscriber Participation Agreement.
The agency arrangement for this purpose is limited to receiving payment instructions from the Representative Subscriber.
PEXA will restrict the ability of a Representative Subscriber to represent a Panel Master in an Electronic Workspace unless the Representative Subscriber is a Panel Member appointed by the Panel Master.
On request by a Representative Subscriber, PEXA will register a statutory trust account for that Representative Subscriber to use (subject to (or only after) validation of account details and payment authorisers by the relevant Financial Institution as set out below) as a Source Account to provide source funding for a Conveyancing Transaction or as a destination account to receive settlement funds in accordance with the relevant Subscriber’s instructions.
Representative Subscribers: A Representative Xxxxxxxxxx’s signature will bind both the Underlying Investor and the Representative Subscriber in its individual capacity.
If the Representative Subscriber has chosen to pay stamp duty as part of Financial Settlement and the Duty Verification fails because the duty information is inconsistent with information provided by the Duty Authority, PEXA will Unsign the relevant documents in the Lodgement Case and remove the disbursement Line Item for stamp duty from the Settlement Schedule.
On request by a Representative Subscriber, PEXA will register a statutory trust account for that Representative Subscriber to use (subject to (or only after) validation of account details and payment authorisers by the relevant Financial Institution as set out below) as a Source Account to provide source funding for a Conveyancing Transaction or as a destination account to receive settlement funds inaccordance with the relevant Subscriber’s instructions.
In the case of an investment by a Representative Subscriber on behalf on an Underlying Investor, Subscriber and “you” or “your” refer to the Underlying Investor, except as otherwise specified herein, and all information in this Subscription Agreement must be provided with respect to the Underlying Investor.