Renewable Energy Credits definition

Renewable Energy Credits means a certificate, credit, allowance, green tag, or other transferable indicia, howsoever entitled, allocated, assigned or otherwise awarded or certified by any Governmental Authority, program administrator, certification board or similar entity in connection with the production or generation of each MWh of energy from the Project. For the avoidance of doubt, “Renewable Energy Credits” shall not include any ITC, State Renewable Energy Incentives or other tax benefits, credits, or incentives.
Renewable Energy Credits or “RECs” – means a renewable energy credit as defined in the Green-e Energy National Standard and shall include all the renewable attributes associated with the applicable level of corresponding energy production.
Renewable Energy Credits or “RECs” means all certificates for credits created by the generation of a particular quantity of energy from a renewable energy source by a renewable energy facility attributable to the Output during the Term created under the Virginia Renewable Portfolio Standard Program pursuant to Va. Code § 56-585.2.

Examples of Renewable Energy Credits in a sentence

  • However, if the Customer chooses to sell solar Renewable Energy Credits, the Customer must first offer them for sale to an electric company or an electricity supplier that shall apply them toward compliance with the Maryland Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard.

  • The Renewable Energy Credits generated by the customer-generator are owned entirely by the Customer or the eligible Customer’s assignee.

  • Seller and, if applicable, its successors, represents and warrants that throughout the Delivery Term of this Agreement the Renewable Energy Credits transferred to Buyer conform to the definition and attributes required for compliance with the California Renewables Portfolio Standard, as set forth in California Public Utilities Commission Decision 00-00-000, and as may be modified by subsequent decision of the California Public Utilities Commission or by subsequent legislation.

  • Seller shall, at its sole expense, but subject to the Compliance Cost Cap, take all actions and execute all documents or instruments necessary to ensure that all WREGIS Certificates associated with all Renewable Energy Credits corresponding to all Delivered Energy are issued and tracked for purposes of satisfying the requirements of the California Renewables Portfolio Standard and transferred in a timely manner to Buyer for Buyer’s sole benefit.

  • The Subscriber Organization shall own any Solar Renewable Energy Credits (”SRECs”) associated with the electricity generated by the CSEGS, unless the SRECs are explicitly contracted for through a separate agreement.

More Definitions of Renewable Energy Credits

Renewable Energy Credits or “REC” has the meaning set forth in California Public Utilities Code Section 399.12(h) and CPUC Decision 00-00-000, as may be amended from time to time or as further defined or supplemented by Law.
Renewable Energy Credits means renewable energy credit(s) or certificates, emission reduction credits, emission allowances, green tags, tradable renewable credits, and Green-e products related to renewable energy production supplied from the System.
Renewable Energy Credits. Has the meaning set forth in California Public Utilities Code Section 299.12(f) and CPUC D.08~08*028, as may be amended from time to lime or as further defined or supplemented by law. RPS Program: The State of Cali fomi a Renewable Portfolio Standard Program, as codified at California Public Utilities Code § 399.11, et seq., or any successor thereto.
Renewable Energy Credits means all “tradable renewable energy credits” as defined in 30V.S.A. § 8002(8) associated with a single unit of energy generated by the System. For the avoidance of doubt, Renewable Energy Credits shall not be deemed to include electric energy or any mandatory or voluntary federal, state or local renewable energy rebates, subsidies, incentive payments, tax credits, grants or other monetary benefits or incentives related to the System.
Renewable Energy Credits or “RECs” means any contractual right to the full set of non­-energy attributes, including any and all credits, benefits, emissions reductions, offsets, and allowances, howsoever entitled, directly attributable to a specific amount of capacity and/or electric energy generated from an Eligible Energy Resource, including any and all environmental air quality credits, benefits, emissions reductions, off-sets, allowances, or other benefits as may be created or under any existing or future statutory or regulatory scheme (federal, state, or local) by virtue of or due to the Facility’s actual energy production or the Facility’s energy production capability because of the Facility’s environmental or renewable characteristics or attributes, including any Renewable Energy Credits or similar rights arising out of or eligible for consideration in the REC Registration Program. For the avoidance of doubt, RECs exclude (i) any local, state or federal depreciation deductions or other tax credits providing a tax benefit to Seller based on ownership of, or energy production from, any portion of the Facility, including the investment tax credit that may be available to Seller with respect to the Facility under Applicable Laws, and (ii) depreciation and other tax benefits arising from ownership or operation of the Facility unrelated to its status as a generator of renewable or environmentally clean energy.
Renewable Energy Credits means a certificate, credit, allowance, green tag, or other transferable indicia, howsoever entitled, created by an RPS, renewable energy program, scheme or organization, adopted by a Governmental Authority or otherwise indicating generation of a particular quantity of energy, or Renewable Energy Credits associated with the generation of a specified quantity of energy from a “Renewable Energy Source” or “Renewable Energy Facility” as defined in the applicable RPS, renewable energy program or scheme. A Renewable Energy Credit may include some or all additional environmental attributes associated with the generation of electricity, and those environmental attributes may, but need not be, verified or certified by the same or different verification authorities or certification authorities, and disaggregated and retained or sold separately, all as the Parties may agree in a transaction confirmation. A Renewable Energy Credit is separate from the Energy produced and may be separately transferred or conveyed.
Renewable Energy Credits or “RECs” means the property rights to the environmental, social, and other nonpower qualities of renewable electricity generation. The source of this definition is the US EPA.