Quenching definition

Quenching means the process of cooling hot metal other than lead shot by direct contact of the metal with cooling water or other liquids.
Quenching means abruptly stopping a reaction by severe cooling, usually by the addition of a cold solvent or other compatible material. Used as a safeguard against runaway reactions.
Quenching. J means “rewinding” all the gauge transformations

Examples of Quenching in a sentence

  • Per Technical Report 2008-01-0726 ("Flame Quenching Limits of Hydrogen Leaks"), the lowest flow of H2 that can support a flame is 0.028 mg/sec per from a typical compression fitting and the lowest leak possible from a miniature burner configuration is 0.005 mg/sec.

  • Quenching operations, identified as EU512-09 and 17, respectively with emissions exiting stations EP512-3081 and 3082, including quench towers (servicing either battery) equipped with baffles and sprays.

  • Class/Type of FiresClassTypeAWood, Paper, Ordinary CombustiblesExtinguish by Cooling and Quenching Using Water or Dry ChemicalsBGasoline, Oil, Grease, Other Greasy LiquidsExtinguish by Smothering, Cooling or Heat Shielding using carbon Dioxide orDry ChemicalsCElectrical Equipment FiresExtinguish with Nonconducting Agentssuch as Carbon Dioxide or Dry Chemicals.

  • Cao (speaker), "Modeling of Combustion Front Quenching Technique", IV International Symposium Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis, Toledo, Spain (1997).

  • Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Coke Ovens: Pushing, Quenching, and Battery Stacks: 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart CCCCC, as amended April 20, 2006, is hereby incorporated and adopted by reference.

  • On the Dissociation Efficiency of Charge Transfer Excitons and Frenkel Excitons in Organic Solar Cells: A Luminescence Quenching Study.

  • The biofilmmatrix destabilizers, EDTA and DN aseI, enhance the susceptibility of nontypeable Hemophilus influenzae biofilms to treatment with ampicillin and ciprofloxacin.

  • Kinetics of Fluorescence Quenching by Electron and H-Atom Transfer.

  • Quenching operations shall be limited to no more than 6 hours per associated unit in any 24 hour period.

  • Quenching involves a heat treatment process in which steel is heated to an appropriate temperature above the Ac3 and then cooled with an appropriate coolant for the purpose of hardening the microstructure.

Related to Quenching

  • Dewatering means the removal of water for construction activity. It can be a discharge of appropriated surface or groundwater to dry and/or solidify a construction site. It may require Minnesota Department of Natural Resources permits to be appropriated and if contaminated may require other MPCA permits to be discharged.

  • Blasting means changing the level or grade of land or rendering, tearing, demolishing, moving, or removing earth, rock, buildings, structures, or other masses or materials by seismic blasting or the detonation of dynamite or any other explosive agent.

  • Scaling as used herein, involves:

  • Topsoil means a varying depth (up to 300 mm) of the soil profile irrespective of the fertility, appearance, structure, agricultural potential, fertility and composition of the soil;

  • Cannabis plant means any plant of the genus Cannabis;

  • Fabrication means making up data or results and recording or reporting them.

  • borehole means a hole sunk into the earth for the purpose of locating, abstracting or using subterranean water and includes a spring;

  • Surface mining means mining by removing the overburden lying above the natural deposits and excavating directly from the natural deposits exposed, or by excavating directly from deposits lying exposed in their natural state and shall include dredge operations conducted in or on natural waterways or artificially created waterways within the state.

  • Surface waters means all waters of the state as defined in G.S. 143-212 except underground waters

  • Intake means “Sanctioned Intake”.

  • shoring means a system used to support the sides of an excavation and which is intended to prevent the cave-in or the collapse of the sides of an excavation;

  • Gasification means the substoichiometric oxidation or steam reformation of a substance to produce a gaseous mixture containing two or more of the following: (i) oxides of carbon; (ii) methane; and (iii) hydrogen;

  • Coasting has the meaning given by regulations under subsection (3) of section 60B of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 in relation to a school to which that section applies.

  • Transportation network company driver or “driver” means an

  • Grading means the movement or redistribution of the soil, sand, rock, gravel, sediment, or other material on a site in a manner that alters the natural contour of the land.

  • Scale means the height, width and length of each building proposed within the development in relation to its surroundings;

  • JetBrains or “We” means JetBrains s.r.o., having its principal place of business at Xx Xxxxxxxxx XX 0000/00, Xxxxxx, 00000, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx xx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx X, Xxxx 00000, ID. No.: 265 02 275.

  • Tunnel means a subterranean passage made by excavating beneath the over- burden into which a building worker enters or is required to enter to work;

  • Path means the Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation.

  • Isolation means a behavior management technique in which a student is placed alone in an enclosed space from which the student is not prevented from leaving.

  • Outdoor cultivation means the cultivation of mature cannabis without the use of artificial lighting or light deprivation in the canopy area at any point in time. Artificial lighting is permissible only to maintain immature plants outside the canopy area.

  • Exfiltration means any unauthorized release of data from within an information system. This includes copying the data through covert network channels or the copying of data to unauthorized media.

  • Fabricating means to make, build, create, produce, or assemble components or property to work in a new or different manner.

  • Cutting means to penetrate with a sharp-edged instrument and includes sawing, but does not include shearing, slicing, or punching.

  • Medical marijuana concentrate means a specific subset of Medical Marijuana that was produced by extracting cannabinoids from Medical Marijuana. Categories of Medical Marijuana Concentrate include Water-Based Medical Marijuana Concentrate, Food-Based Medical Marijuana Concentrate and Solvent-Based Medical Marijuana Concentrate.

  • Stormwater management planning area means the geographic area for which a stormwater management planning agency is authorized to prepare stormwater management plans, or a specific portion of that area identified in a stormwater management plan prepared by that agency.