Published Specifications definition

Published Specifications mean the user manual and other corresponding material published by Palo Alto Networks and customarily made available to End Users of the applicable Product.
Published Specifications means the Manufacturers specifications for Software and/or Hardware listed valid at the time of acceptance of an Order from You;
Published Specifications means those descriptions of the Software Functionality including, without limitation, user manuals, whether summarized or set forth in complete detail, that Supplier normally provides with the Software, and any other Supplier publication specified in an Order.

Examples of Published Specifications in a sentence

  • Palo Alto Networks may terminate this Agreement at any time in the event you breach any material term, including but not limited to exceeding the use or capacity restrictions (Section 2 above) as purchased or as stated in applicable Published Specifications, and fail to cure such breach within thirty (30) days following notice.

More Definitions of Published Specifications

Published Specifications mean the applicable user manual, the WildFire Acceptable Use Policy found at xxxxx://, the applicable Service Level Agreement found at xxxxx:// , and other corresponding materials published by Palo Alto Networks that are customarily made available to End Users of the applicable Product. “Software” means any software embedded in Hardware and any standalone software that is provided without Hardware, including updates, regardless of whether a fee is charged for the use of such software.
Published Specifications means either a specification published in relation to any Unit(s) of Software by the owner of the Intellectual Property Rights in that Software and made available generally to licensees of that software; or a specification explaining the workings or operation of the System and/or Unit(s) of Software developed by or on behalf of the VENDOR and delivered to the ERS under this Agreement. A list, without limitation, of some Published Specifications is made at Schedule 15.
Published Specifications means those descriptions of the Standard Software Functionality including, without limitation, user manuals, whether summarized or set forth in complete detail, that Supplier normally provides with the Standard Software, and any other Supplier publication specified in a License Order.
Published Specifications means the Manufacturers specification for goods listed, valid at the time of acceptance of an order from You.
Published Specifications means the specifications for the applicable product or service as provided at the links below:
Published Specifications means the Manufacturers specifications for Goods listed valid at the time of acceptance of an Order from the Buyer.
Published Specifications means the manufacturer’s published specifications for a Product at the time of shipment of the Product by LightRiver to Customer.