Pornographic definition

Pornographic means that the material or purpose has prurient appeal or relates, directly or indirectly, to lewd or prurient sexual activity and “obscene” shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in New York Penal Law Section 235.00. Furthermore, the Premises shall not be used for any purpose that would, in Landlord’s reasonable judgment, tend to lower the first-class character of the Building, create unreasonable or excessive elevator or floor loads, violate the certificate of occupancy of the Building, impair or interfere with any of the Building operations or the proper and economic heating, air-conditioning, cleaning or any other services of the Building, interfere with the use of the other areas of the Building by any other tenants, or impair the appearance of the Building.
Pornographic means any material or performance in which the following coalesce:
Pornographic means all the content and actions, simulated or real, graphic or written detailed in Schedules 1, 2, 6, 7 and 11 of the Films and Publications Act 65 of 1996.

Examples of Pornographic in a sentence

  • Pornographic material is defined for purposes of this Article as any written or pictorial matter with prurient appeal or any objects of instrument that are primarily concerned with lewd or prurient sexual activity.

  • Obscene, Vulgar, Pornographic, Political, Religious, Libellous, Defamatory, Abusive, Threatening, Tortuous, Offensive, Hateful, or Racially, Ethnically or otherwise Objectionable etc.

  • Pornographic materials and communications - vulgar or obscene materials or communications, oral or written.

  • Customers shall not submit or transmit any content through this service that is: Obscene, Vulgar, Pornographic, Political, Religious, etc.

  • Pornographic material – electronic and print material which, by their design, are salacious, lascivious, lecherous, lustful, or demeaning to humans in their portrayal of aberrant sexual behavior.

More Definitions of Pornographic

Pornographic means that the material or purpose has prurient appeal or relates, directly or indirectly, to lewd or prurient sexual activity and “obscene” shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in New York Penal Law Section 235.00. Furthermore, the Premises shall not be used for any purpose that would, in Landlord’s reasonable judgment, tend to lower the first-class character of the Building (provided that the operation of a biotechnology company shall not lower the first-class character of the Building), create unreasonable or excessive elevator or floor loads, violate the certificate of occupancy of the Building, impair or interfere with any of the Building operations or the proper and economic heating, air-conditioning, cleaning or any other services of the Building, interfere with the use of the other areas of the Building by any other tenants, or impair the appearance of the Building. In the event that Landlord reasonably and in good faith determines that Tenant is a high-density user of the Premises (such that Tenant is using a disproportionate amount of the Base Building facilities), Tenant shall pay Landlord Additional Rent for the costs actually incurred by Landlord resulting from Tenant’s high-density use.
Pornographic means possessing or exhibiting images, actual or simulated, that are the ultimate act of genital, anal, or oral sexual intercourse, masturbation, lewd exhibition of the genitals, or any obscene matter or activity.
Pornographic means all the content and actions, simulated or real, graphic or written detailed in Schedules 1, 2, 6,
Pornographic means that the material or purpose has prurient appeal or relates, directly or indirectly, to lewd or prurient sexual activity and “obscene” shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in New York Penal Law Section 235.00. Furthermore, the Premises shall not be used for any purpose that is inconsistent with the first-class character of the Building, creates excessive floor loads, violates the certificate of occupancy of the Building, materially impairs or interferes with any of the Building operations or the proper and economic heating, air-conditioning, cleaning or any other services of the Building, interferes with the use of the other areas of the Building by any other tenants, or impairs the appearance of the Building. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Lease, that portion of the Premises located on the ground floor of the Building may be used for either a retail use in connection with the operation of Tenant’s business, the business of any of Tenant’s affiliates or another retail use reasonably approved by Landlord, provided such other retail use shall not violate the specific restrictions in this Section 5.2 above or an exclusive use provision in another lease in the Building previously granted by Landlord. In the event of a retail use on the ground floor which is open to the general public, Tenant shall comply with Landlord’s reasonable and uniformly enforced, portfolio-wide retail rules, regulations and standards with respect to advertising, signage and other displays which are visible to the general public, provided such rules, regulations and standards do not conflict with any express provision of this Lease, including Article 31.
Pornographic material is defined for purposes of this Lease as any written or pictorial matter with prurient appeal or any objects or instrument that are primarily concerned with lewd or prurient sexual activity. “Obscene” material is defined here as it is in Penal Law §235.00. As used in this Lease, any defined terms used in the singular shall, where the context so admits, include the plural meaning and vice-versa and words denoting natural persons shall include corporations and vice-versa. “Tenant Delay” shall mean any acts or omissions of Tenant, its agents, employees, contractors (of any tier) or any other individual or entity claiming by, though, or under Tenant that delay Landlord in the performance of Landlord’s Work.
Pornographic means any written or pictorial matter with prurient appeal or any objects or instruments that are primarily concerned with lewd or prurient sexual activity) or any other similar items commonly associated with peep show, massage parlor, or similar stores, but this clause "c" shall not be construed to prohibit mass-market magazines such as "Playboy" and "Penthouse"; and (d) the conduct of any obscene, nude, or semi-nude live or recorded performances or use for nude or semi-nude modeling, rap sessions, or as a so-called "rubber goods" shop, or as a sex club of any kind. (For purposes of the foregoing, "semi-nude" means less fully clothed, to any degree, than members of a typical audience in a typical courtroom.)
Pornographic or "pornography" means material that visually depicts a child younger than 18 years of age at the time the image of the child was made who is engaging in sexual conduct in accordance with Texas Penal Code §43.26.