Mineral water definition

Mineral water means groundwater which in its natural state contains carbon dioxide and other soluble matter in sufficient concentration to cause effervescence or impart a distinctive taste;
Mineral water means bottled water that contains not less than five hundred parts per million total dissolved solids. "Natural mineral water" shall meet the requirements of "natural water."
Mineral water means bottled water that contains not less

Examples of Mineral water in a sentence

  • Mineral water will cause lime scale de- posits to build up in your machine and damage it.– Do not use water from a reverse osmosis unit in this machine.This would damage it. Only fill the bean container with roasted espresso or coffee beans.

  • Pesticide residues report of water to be used as ingredient in case of units manufacturing Packaged drinking water, packaged Mineral water and/or carbonated water from a recognised/ public health laboratory indicating the name of authorised representative of Lab who collected the sample and date of collecting sample, including source of raw water and treatment plan.

  • For drinking and cooking purposes, ISI certified Mineral water is to be used by the contractor.

  • The Caterer shall be required to uplift Aerated water/ Mineral water/ Dry snacks/ Dry stores, etc., items on the departure Aircraft as per the standards and requirement of the Airline.

  • Drinking water is obtained by Mineral water industries by water canes.

More Definitions of Mineral water

Mineral water means water that contains 1000 milligrams per liter or more of total dissolved solids.
Mineral water means drinking water containing more than 500 milligrams per liter of total dissolved solids and/or one or more chemical constituents in excess of the concentrations listed in the Federal Bottled Water Quality Standards (Title 21 Code of Federal Regs., Sec. 165.110).
Mineral water means a type of underground natural water possibly open the ground in some places, which contains a number of biologically active compounds of high concentration in compliance with the Vietnamese standards or international standards permitted by the Vietnamese State for application (Article 1 of the Decision No. 05/2003/QD-BTNMT).
Mineral water means bottled water that contains not less than 500 parts per million mineral solids. "Mineral water" shall meet the requirements of "Natural water."
Mineral water means natural water [which] that contains not less than five hundred parts per million total dissolved solids;
Mineral water means natural water under the ground or on land, as the case may be, containing certain compounds with high biological characteristics in accordance with Vietnamese standards, or foreign standards which may be applied in accordance with any permission granted by the State of Vietnam.
Mineral water means water and mud of specific physical and chemical nature which has medical treatment