Milligrams per Liter definition

Milligrams per Liter means a unit of the concentration of water constituent. It is 0.001 g of the constituent in 1,000 ml of water. It has replaced the unit formerly used commonly, parts per million, to which it is approximately equivalent, in reporting the results of water analysis.
Milligrams per Liter means a unit of the concentration of water or wastewater constituent. It is 0.001 g. of the constituent in 1,000 ml of water.
Milligrams per Liter. , abbreviated mg/L, means milligrams of solute per liter of solution -- equivalent to parts per million assuming unit density of water.

Examples of Milligrams per Liter in a sentence

  • Energy conservation and materials waste reduction must be undertaken at several levels, from the organization level down to that of the operator.

  • EXTRA STRENGTH WASTEWATER SURCHARGE SCHEDULE PARAMETERBASESURCHARGEBOD-5220 MG/L$0.11/pound in excess of baseTSS300 MG/L$0.17/pound in excess of baseTP10 MG/L$1.50/pound in excess of baseNH3-N20 MG/L$0.80/pound in excess of base (Note: BOD-5 = Biochemical Oxygen Demand; TSS = Total Suspended Solids; TP = Total Phosphorous; NH3-N = Ammonia Nitrogen; MG/L = Milligrams per Liter)." Motion supported by Mayor Pro-Tem Osika.

  • Values are in Milligrams per Liter (mg.L), unless otherwise specified.2. Although a public water system may be out of compliance with more than one contaminant group or rule, when calculating totals, it’s counted no more than once.

  • The flow data must be converted to MGD (155000/1000000) and then reported as 0.155 b) Zinc - The pre-printed required unit on the DMR is mg/L (Milligrams per Liter).

  • Turbidity in excess of 5 NTU is just visually no- ticeable to the average person.TreatmentTechniqueParts per million (ppm) or Milligrams per Liter (mg/l) - one pen- ny in ten thousand dollars or 1 second in 11.6 days.Parts per billion (ppb) or Micrograms per Liter (ug/l) - one penny in ten million dollars or 1 second in 32 years.Picocuries per liter (pCi/l)- a measure of radioactivity in water.

More Definitions of Milligrams per Liter

Milligrams per Liter. (mg/1) means the same as parts per million and is a weight-to-volume ratio; the milligram-per-liter value multiplied by the factor 8.34 shall be equivalent to pounds per million gallons of water;
Milligrams per Liter. (mg/l) shall mean the ratio of parts by weight of material under consideration to one million (1,000,000) parts by weight of sewage.
Milligrams per Liter means a unit of the concentration of water constituent. It is
Milligrams per Liter means a unit of the concentration of water constituent. It is 0.001g of the constituent in 1,000 ml of water. It has replaced the unit
Milligrams per Liter or "mg/L" means the milligrams of substance per liter of solution, and is equivalent to parts per million in water, assuming unit density.
Milligrams per Liter. (mg/1) shall mean a unit of the concentration of water or wastewater constituent. It is 0.001 gram of the constituent in 1,000 milliliter of water.
Milligrams per Liter. (mg/l) shall mean the weight of any substance expressed in milligrams contained within one liter.