legal obligation definition

legal obligation means the meaning assigned to that phrase in Article 6(1)(c) GDPR:” processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject”
legal obligation means any obligation from time to time created by any Enactment or Authority which relates to the Building or its use and includes without limitation obligations imposed by any Necessary Consent;
legal obligation means a duty under any present or future statute, statutory instrument or bye-law or any present or future regulation, order, notice, direction, code of practice or requirement of any Authority insofar as it relates to the Premises or to their occupation or use, but irrespective of the person on whom such obligation is imposed and whether or not specific notice of the Legal Obligations is given to the Tenant.

Examples of legal obligation in a sentence

  • The College have a Legal Obligation known as “Duty of Care” to do everything reasonable to protect students, staff and visitors from potential harm.

  • Maa-nulth First Nation Government has given rise to an issue concerning the performance of an International Legal Obligation of Canada.

  • After the Effective Date, before consenting to be bound by a new International Treaty that would give rise to a new International Legal Obligation that may adversely affect a right of Lheidli T’enneh under this Agreement, Canada will Consult with Lheidli T’enneh with respect to the International Treaty either separately or through a forum that Canada determines is appropriate.

  • There are six alternative legal bases under Article 6(1) of the GDPR: Consent; Contract; Legal Obligation, vital interest; Public Task; and Legitimate interest.

  • Legal Obligation Legally bound duty that an individual is required to undertake in order to fulfil the rules as set in law Letting Process of arrangement between Landlord and Xxxxxx and commitment to a tenancy agreement.

More Definitions of legal obligation

legal obligation means an obliga- tion to pay alimony and/or child sup- port that is enforceable under appro- priate State or local law. A legal obli- gation may include current as well as past due alimony and/or child support debts depending on the law in the juris- diction from which the legal process was issued.
legal obligation means an obligation or duty that is enforceable by a court of law, including but not limited to requirements or conditions imposed by unilateral agreements, development agreements, HRS Chapter 201H, or the State of Hawaii’s low-income housing tax credit program.
legal obligation means the meaning assigned to that phrase in Article 6(1)(c) GDPR such that “processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject”; “main establishment” means: (a) as regards a controller with establishments in more than one Member State, the place of its central administration in the Union, unless the decisions on the purposes and means of the processing of personal data are taken in another establishment of the controller in the Union and the latter establishment has the power to have such decisions implemented, in which case the establishment having taken such decisions is to be considered to be the main establishment; (b) as regards a processor with establishments in more than one Member State, the place of its central administration in the Union, or, if the processor has no central administration in the Union, the establishment of the processor in the Union where the main processing activities in the context of the activities of an establishment of the processor take place to the extent that the processor is subject to specific obligations under this Regulation;
legal obligation in this context means a legal obligation arising under EU law or the laws of a Member State. A legal obligation to process personal data arising under the laws of a non-EU jurisdiction does not provide a lawful basis for processing personal data.
legal obligation means any obligation from time to time created by any Enactment or Authority which relates to the Holding or its use and includes without limitation obligations imposed as a condition of any Necessary Consents; 'Model Clauses' means the Schedule to the Agriculture (Model Clauses for Fixed Equipment) (England) Regulations 2015, SI 2015/950; 'Necessary Consents' means planning permission and all other consents, licences, permissions and approvals whether of a public or private nature which shall be relevant in the context;
legal obligation means any requirement or duty created by statute or common law.
legal obligation means the meaning assigned to that phrase in Article 6(1)(c) GDPR such that