Municipal Obligations definition

Municipal Obligations means "Municipal Obligations" as defined in the Fund's registration statement on Form N-2 on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission, as such registration statement may be amended from time to time (the "Registration Statement").
Municipal Obligations means general obligations issued by, and supported by the full taxing authority of, any state of the United States of America or of any municipal corporation or other public body organized under the laws of any such state which are rated in the highest investment rating category by both S&P and Moody's.
Municipal Obligations means debt obligations issued by states, cities and local authorities, and certain possessions and territories of the United States, to obtain funds for various public purposes, including the construction and maintenance of such public facilities as airports, bridges, highways, housing, hospitals, mass transportation, schools, streets and water and sewer works. Other public purposes for which Municipal Obligations may be issued include the refinancing of outstanding obligations and the obtaining of funds for general operating expenses and for loans to other public institutions and facilities. In addition, certain industrial development, private activity and pollution control bonds may be included within the term Municipal Obligations if the interest paid thereon qualifies as exempt from regular Federal income tax. The two principal classifications of Municipal Obligations are “general obligation” and “revenue” bonds. General obligation bonds are secured by the issuer’s pledge of its full faith, credit and taxing power for the payment of principal and interest. Revenue bonds (e.g., industrial development bonds) are payable only from the revenues derived from a particular facility or class of facilities or, in some cases, from the proceeds of a special excise or other specific revenue source. Also included within the general category of Municipal Obligations are participations in lease obligations or installment purchase contract obligations of municipal authorities or entities. The Fund will invest its net assets in a diversified portfolio of municipal bonds that are exempt from regular Federal and California income tax. Under normal market conditions, the Fund expects to be fully invested (at least 95% of its assets) in such tax-exempt municipal bonds.

Examples of Municipal Obligations in a sentence

  • Through its investments in the fund above, this Investment Portfolio is subject to the following investment risks (in alphabetical order): Bond Market Risk, Call Risk, Credit Quality Risk, Cybersecurity Risk, Extension Risk, Foreign Securities Risk, Government Obligations Risk, Liquidity Risk, Management Risk, Mortgage- and Asset-Backed Debt Obligations Risk, Municipal Obligations Risk, Recent Market Events Risk, Sector Risk and Valuation Risk.

More Definitions of Municipal Obligations

Municipal Obligations means Municipal Bonds as described in the Offering Memorandum.
Municipal Obligations means municipal obligations, including municipal bonds and short-term municipal obligations, the interest from which is exempt from federal income taxes.
Municipal Obligations means "Municipal Obligations" as defined in the Trust's registration statement on Form N-2 as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on December 10, 1999 (the "Registration Statement").
Municipal Obligations means municipal securities as described in the Offering Memorandum.
Municipal Obligations means general obligations issued by, and supported by the full taxing authority of, any state of the United States of America or of any municipal corporation or other public body organized under the laws of any such state which are rated in the highest investment rating category by both S&P and Xxxxx'x.
Municipal Obligations means municipal bonds as described under “The Fund’s Investments—Description of Municipal Bonds” in the Information Statement.
Municipal Obligations means "Municipal Obligations" as defined in the Trust's Registration Statement on Form N-2 (File No. 333-72025) relating to the APS on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission, as such Registration Statement may be amended from time to time, as well as short-term municipal obligations.