Lead-contaminated soil definition

Lead-contaminated soil means bare soil that contains lead at or in excess of levels identified by the
Lead-contaminated soil means bare soil that contains lead at or in excess of levels identified by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Lead-contaminated soil means bare soil on target house real property and on the property of a child-occupied facility that contains lead at or in excess of levels identified by the EPA pursuant to TSCA Section 403.

More Definitions of Lead-contaminated soil

Lead-contaminated soil means soil that contains lead at or in excess of the level that is hazardous to human health as set forth in rule 3701-32-19 of the Administrative Code.
Lead-contaminated soil means bare soil that contains an amount of lead equal to, or in excess of, four hundred parts per million (400 ppm) in children’s play areas and one thousand parts per million (1000 ppm) in all other areas.
Lead-contaminated soil means bare soil on residential real property and on the property of a child-occupied facility that contains lead at or in excess of levels identified by both the State and the EPA.
Lead-contaminated soil means bare soil that contains lead at or above 400µg/g (micrograms per gram) and could be a lead hazard to one or more persons.
Lead-contaminated soil means bare soil on residential or commercial real property that contains lead at or in excess of the levels determined to be hazardous to human health by the Board;
Lead-contaminated soil means bare soil on residential
Lead-contaminated soil means soil that contains lead at or in excess of the level that is hazardous to human health as established by rule of the public health council under section 3742.50 of the Revised Code.