Continuing education means planned, organized learning acts designed to maintain, improve, or expand a licensee’s knowledge and skills in order for the licensee to develop new knowledge and skills relevant to the enhancement of practice, education, or theory development to improve the safety and welfare of the public.
Continuing education means education that is acquired by a licensee in order to maintain, improve, or expand skills and knowledge present at initial licensure or to develop new and relevant skills and knowledge.
Continuing education means accredited or approved post-licensure professional pharmaceutical education designed to maintain and improve competence in the practice of pharmacy, pharmacy skills, and preserve pharmaceutical standards for the purpose of protecting public health, safety, and welfare. Continuing education programs shall address topics and subject matter areas which are pertinent to the contemporary practice of pharmacy.
Examples of Continuing education in a sentence
Continuing education for DBEs Yes, if it relates to servicing peer counseling programs (e.g., mentoring, serving as a referral, etc.) Breastfeeding resources for peer counseling staff Breastfeeding resources for WIC staff not related to peer counseling Yes, if the resources are related to peer counseling (e.g., training materials for peer counselors).
Continuing education is defined as credit courses offered to adults or other students outside of the regular school program or at times other than the regular school day.
More Definitions of Continuing education
Continuing education means those professional experiences designed to enrich the nurse's contribution to health care and for the purpose of protecting the public health, safety, and welfare. "Orientation" means the means by which nurses are introduced to the philosophy, goals, policies,
Continuing education means education required as a condition to license renewal.
Continuing education means planned, organized learning activities which are designed to maintain, improve, or expand nurses’ knowledge and skills or to develop new knowledge and skills relevant to nursing for the enhancement of practice, education, administration, or theory development.
Continuing education means education obtained by a licensee in order to maintain, improve, or expand skills and knowledge obtained prior to initial licensure or to develop new and relevant skills and knowledge.
Continuing education means professional education required as a condition of renewal in accordance with Section R162-2f-204 and may be either:
Continuing education means offerings beyond the basic nursing program that present specific content planned and evaluated to meet competency based behavioral objectives which develop new skills and upgrade knowledge;
Continuing education means courses of study designed to provide learning experiences for physical therapy licensees.