Interlocutory definition

Interlocutory means an order or appeal that occurs before the Trial Court or original hearing body issues a final ruling on a case.
Interlocutory means “provisional”, interim, ‘temporary’, not final.
Interlocutory means an order or appeal that occurs before the Trial Court issues a final ruling on acase.

Examples of Interlocutory in a sentence

  • Interlocutory relief and claim for debt Nothing in this clause 17: prevents either party from seeking urgent injunctive or similar interim relief from a court of competent jurisdiction; or prevents the Licensor from taking any step (including, but not limited to, commencing a proceeding) in relation to a claim for monies owing to the Licensor under clause 3.5.

  • Disputes 34 17.1 Application of this provision 34 17.2 Interlocutory relief and claim for debt 34 17.3 Notice of Dispute 34 17.4 Meeting of senior representatives 34 17.5 Mediation 34 17.6 Escalation to court proceedings 35 17.7 Escalation to arbitral proceedings 35 17.8 Escalation to arbitral proceedings 35 17.9 Confidentiality 35 18.

  • Interlocutory relief This clause 15 does not prevent any party from seeking urgent interlocutory or declaratory relief from a court of competent jurisdiction where, in that party's reasonable opinion, that action is necessary to protect its rights.

  • Dispute resolution 33 20.1 Application of this provision 33 20.2 Interlocutory relief and claim for debt .........................................................

  • To apply for an extension of time you must file an Interlocutory Application on Notice and a supporting affidavit, then serve it on the other parties.

More Definitions of Interlocutory

Interlocutory means, means not that decides the cause but which only settles some intervening matter relating to the cause. After the suit is instituted by the plaintiff and before it is finally disposed off, the court may make interlocutory orders as may appear to the court to be just and convenient. The power to grant Interlocutory orders can be traced to Section 94 of C.P.C. Section 94 summarises general powers of a civil court in regard to different types of Interlocutory orders. The detailed procedure has been set out in the I Schedule of the C.P.C which deals with Orders and Rules.
Interlocutory means relating to a step taken by a party or a judge in the course of a broader proceeding, such as an interlocutory order or decision made by a judge during a court dispute between parties before the final resolution of the dispute at trial;
Interlocutory means not that decides the cause but which only settles some intervening matter relating to the cause. After the suit is instituted by the plaintiff and before it is finally disposed off, the court may make interlocutory orders as may appear to the court to be just and convenient. The power to grant Interlocutory orders can be traced to Section 94 of C.P.C. Section 94 summarises general powers of a civil court in regard to different types of Interlocutory orders. Interlocutory orders may take various shapes depending upon the requirement of the respective parties during the pendency of the suit. Applications for appointment of Commissioner, Temporary Injunctions, Receivers, payment into court, security for cause etc. [Chapter - 9] Appearances [6] (a) (8 marks) Guidelines for Professional dress of Company Secretaries is:
Interlocutory means “interim or temporary, not constituting a final resolution of the whole controversy.” An “interlocutory appeal” is an appeal that occurs before the trial court’s final ruling on the entire case. Black’s Law Dictionary 94, 819 (7th ed. 1999); see, e.g., Mierau v. Alcon Indus., Inc., 386 N.W.2d 741, 38 W.C.D. 652 (Minn. 1986).
Interlocutory means decisions made in the course of litigation. They are not immediately appealable under 1291. Such as motions to transfer, discovery, and the admissibility of evidence.
Interlocutory means not that decides the cause but which only settles some intervening matter relating to the cause. After the suit is instituted by the plaintiff and before it is finally disposed off, the court may make interlocutory orders as may appear to the court to be just and convenient. The process to execute interlocutory orders can be traced under section 94 of C.P.C. The detailed procedure has been set out in the I schedule of the C.P.C. which deals with orders and Rules.
Interlocutory means not that decides the cause but which only settles some intervening matter relating to the cause. After the suit is instituted by the plaintiff and before it is finally disposed off, the court may make interlocutory orders as may appear to the court to be just and convenient.